Sunday, December 24, 2006

WTF. Srsly

What. The. Fuck.Seriously.
What is with people? So this is the low down on last night. I was in this weird mood, and was all jealous of couples. So I'm thinking, WTF. I'm the one who decided I wasn't ready for a relationship at all, and here I am jealous of all those people who have significant others. So Bryan asks what's wrong and I tell him just that. You know what he responds with?
"Well I know if you wanted someone you could have almost anyone."
I told him he lied. People shouldn't want me at all.Why would people want me?
"Well, you're pretty, smart, nice, funny, the list goes on."
No one sees that unless they get to know me.
"Well I got to know you."
I told him he was starting to sound as if he wanted to date me.
"Um well..."
"Um well.... Yeah"
I asked him for how long.
"For awhile. Ever since I really got to know you more."
I asked him why he didn't tell me a couple weeks ago when I asked.
"Because I know you don't want me to like you like that."
I don't really remember what I said then.
"Well if you don't keep trying you'll end up alone."
I'm fine being alone if other people are happy.
"I don't think so. I think it would be good if you had someone that really cared about you like I would."
I'll end up hurting him.
"I don't think you would ever hurt me. I'm not sure you could."
Of course I wouldn't hurt him on purpose. But I hurt everyone.
"Well I don't think you could hurt me. I'm too torn apart to feel anymore pain."
Then how is he so sure I'd make him better?
"Yes, I know you would. I'm tired of feeling numb inside."
Silence. I have no idea what to say to him.
"Angie? Are you still awake? Please talk to me. And yes, I know you could make me happy.""Will you atleast think about it? I would really like to make you happy.""Will you atleast consiter it?"
"I'm sorry to put you through this. I'll leave you alone.""I'm.. I hope you choose what you think is best."
Yea... Me too.
"Well.. I'm sure you will."
How does he know I can make him happy?
"It's just something I can feel and I know that you can make me happy.""But I would even rather feel pain than this numb void that I'm surrounded by. Please save me from this dead feeling"
Cue crying.... Now.
"I don't want to be hurt but I'm willing to risk to be with you."
Cue guilt.... Now.But I thought he wasn't going to get back into relationships until his hair grw out again. What changed?
"My feelings... I can't always control them."
Well. Crap.

1 comment:

L.E. said...

God that guy has guts...I wish I could be that forward with some people...