Sunday, January 21, 2007

Challenge much?

Imma sneaky ninja. A sick sneaky ninja.
So still grounded. But I have phone privliges now. For how long I'm not sure.
People kinda tick me off sometimes. Namely: Bryan. I know people keep saying "He's not worth it" and such. But I think he is. I don't really care that he's hurt me a couple times. I don't even think about it anymore. I want him to be happy. I know I'm not the person to make him happy, but I still want to help him through his problems. I really do. I get so sick of people saying that they don't want to put more problems ontop of the ones I have. I don't care if I already have problems! I want to do everything in my power to try to help people. Bryan keeps telling me that no one can help him. Well sometimes it's just good to vent to people you know? And he doesn't trust me enough to vent to me. I know this. But I don't know why. It's not like I'm a threatening person to begin with. After someone tells me something I'm not going to run off to plot their downfall. No, I'm not like that. Just... Erg. I hate this. I hate how he changes the subject everytime I try to talk to him about what's bothering him. I hate how he can't tell me stuff. I hate being just like everyone else. I hate how he always thinks I hate him. I hate how much I care. I hate that I still like him. I hate how he thinks so lowly of himself. I hate how he says I should give up. I hate how he lies about being happy. I hate how upset I get over small things. I hate how he hates himself. I hate hate.

I had a dream last night. It kinda worries me. In the dream. There was this guy. He was the perfect guy. Everything I could ever want. He loved me. But I didn't love him. I just couldn't bring myself to love him back. Even after telling him I didn't love him he was calm about it. And said he still loved me. Nothing changed, he just still loved me. What if that does happen to me? Crap.

Then I had a totally random dream where I dry humped a girl. Just thought you'd all love to know that.

1 comment:

L.E. said...

I seem to have a similar problem where I can't ever just talk on a deeper level then "nice weather huh?" with a certain person. But I'm sure this will all work out Angie...I luffs you.