Monday, January 01, 2007

What a Lame New Years.

I hope you all had a good NewYears because I sure as hell didn't. Let me explain. Long story here, at the end I'll give a short version for all you people that don't like to read much.

New years party at Kelsey's house. I was going to go to Bryan's house before hand to hang out with him Steven and possibly Misa. No such luck on Misa, she's in Florida, no one seemed to know. It took me awhile to get to Bryan's because Cassie's car got stuck. Eventually I got there, Steven wasn't there yet. Bryan played videogames and I watched. After awhile he turned the videogames off and we sat and talked. Kinda. He more of tried to tickle me. We called Steven and he came over. We went to the door and got confused when Misa was not at his side. He said she was in Florida, and we all went to the basement again. Steven played video games and Bryan and I watched. Bryan held me on the couch and we were acting very lovey dovey because I planned on going out with Bryan after talking to Speedy. Steven kept calling Bryan and I cute, and we both kept telling him to shut up. I was quite content. Around 6ish we walked over to Steven's house to get his car to drive over to Kelsey's for the party. Kelsey handed out bracelets and necklaces and people continually complained about how quiet I was. The party consisted of Ariel, Bryan, Kelsey, Marty, Steven, and me. Being the teenagers we are we got into a game of truth or dare. We all kinda sucked at thinking up truths or dares on our own so it was more of group truths or group dares. We all seemed to go into pairs. Bryan and me. Kelsey and Marty. And the two left over: Steven and Ariel. Course, with us being teenagers, a lot of the dares had to do with kissing or gropeing. Ariel had to leave at 8 because of her mother. We all went on, and for Steven's amusement he made a dare for Kelsey and Marty. Every time someone said the word 'lame' they had to kiss. No big deal they're dating. Either Kelsey or Marty dared Bryan and I the same thing. It was supose to last an hour. You never really realize how many times people say 'lame' until you get a dare like that. Later in the night, we called Ariel to make her apart of the circle again. We put her on speakerphone and everything. My back started hurting and I claimed the bed, and tried to sleep. It's a lot easier that way, no one trys to pester you to talk more. They all assumed I was asleep when I stopped replying to "Angie's asleep" with "No she isn't." I never ended up falling asleep no matter how hard I wanted to or how much I tried. Maybe it was a good thing. Ariel was taken off of speaker phone to talk to Kelsey. From what I could hear, which was Kelsey's end, Ariel has a crush on Bryan. Bryan assumed such too. He ended up talking to Ariel on the phone for close to the rest of the night. He never got rid of his feelings for Ariel. Now he has a conflict to settle. Who to choose: Ariel, or Angie? Around 20 till midnight someone turned on the lights and I started moving around. They said they were sorry for waking me, and I told them that I hadn't been sleeping. I think that's when Bryan realized what he did. I didn't really talk to anyone for the rest of the time they were there. Bryan tried to make things better. He tried hugging me but I wouldn't even look at him. I kept trying to tell myself not to cry. Don't cry Angie. It's okay. It would have happened eventually. Don't worry Angie, things will be okay. When Bryan and Steven had to leave, I was curled up in a corner. Bryan tried to hug me. This really awkward hug because I was in a corner. He said that I could call him later if I wanted to talk. Or if I didn't want to talk to him ever again, he'd understand. That statement made me cry. After all that convincing myself I'd be okay, I started crying. Steven saw I was upset and told me to feel better. When they left, Kelsey and Marty came back to me to try to help me. Marty was in a horrible mood, I never really knew how short his temper was. Kelsey tried to console me and get Marty to calm down. Marty was so ticked that Bryan could do something like that to me, after leading me on almost all night. Kelsey told me everything would be okay. After alittle bit, Marty had to leave too. I was spending the night at Kelsey's. When Marty got up to leave, he waved to me because I wouldn't hug anyone before. I jumped off the bed and hugged him and ended up crying harder. Kelsey told me she'd be right back and she walked Marty to the door and said her goodbyes. I sent a text to Bryan telling him to do whatever made him happiest. Kelsey came back and I cried some more. I sent texts back and forth to Bryan, and so did Kelsey. I tried to get my mind off things by playing checkers with Kelsey. I lost horribly even with cheating. Mind you she watched me cheat and said nothing. Such obvious cheating too. She still won. We started texting Steven too. Eventually, Steven just called us and we talked to him over speakerphone. We verbally bashed Bryan. Along with sending some not so pleasent texts to him too. What can I say? I was freaking hurt. He chose Ariel. Kelsey told him that she was only on the rebound from Johnie, and that Ariel would only use him, not on purpose of course. She told him that I actually liked him, and Ariel only kinda did. Ariel felt bad. She didn't want him to know she liked him. She wanted me and Bryan to work out. She didn't want to hurt mine and her friendship. Kelsey and I stayed on the phone with Steven till around 4am. Kelsey and I talked till five. And I spent some odd more hours thinking and yet more crying.

Great way to start the New year. Drama Drama and more Drama.

Short version: Bryan led me on, then jumped at the first chance to go out with Ariel.

I kinda wish that she crushes him into the ground or something. Then I feel bad for thinking that. I'm in a weird mood. Don't mind me for awhile.

1 comment:

Anthony said...

It's only drama if you make it drama.