Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Singles Awareness Day

In case you didn't catch it, I'm one of those singles.
So I had this master plan to stalk out all my friends lockers and give them valentines. Problem: I only know exactly where Jacqi, Jesus, and Bryan's lockers are. So I printed out tons of Love quotes and put them in really random lockers. I found most of them on the ground before school was over. Oh well, I tried to spread random cheer. Nothing really happened in first or third period. Fifth period though. I got a Val-o-gram, from the one and only, Bryan. I was the only one in the class to get a Val-o-gram, afterwards Lana hugged me and I told her I was going to kick Bryan. Rest of french was pretty uneventful. Lunch, I was recruited to walk to tacobell with Marty, Kelsey, Ariel and Bryan. Marty bought us tacos and Bryan bought his own stuff, and was off in his own world for the entire lunch. We walked back to School and seventh had already started..

Continue later.

Anyways. Bryan was far ahead of me when I had walked through the doors so I lost him quickly, Ariel dashed to class, and Marty walked with Kelsey. I spotted Kara and went over to hug her, just thn she's glomped by Speedy, then she quickly walks away with Allison. I followed them and we had some Speedy verbal bashing in one of the Cubbys, I wandered off and found some more people. More walking and stuff. Sasha wasn't happy because her girlfriend didn't want to hang out with her during V-day. Odd right? I kept her company in the cubby of despair until Speedy came. I punched him for calling Kelsey a whore. I went back into the commons and hung out until class ended, and I found the people who were coming home with me. Aka Ariel, Sam, and

1 comment:

L.E. said...

hahaha, you put one of those in Haley Ekren's locker, she was most confused, tee hee. Luv ya!