Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Two days of school left. Oh gosh.

That's right. Summah time is just around that corner. Although you might not have been able to tell by the MASS RAIN we got after school. I walked home with Josh, Kara, and Bryan and when we got to my house they all got into my clothes and we shoved theirs into the dryer. Which prevail! Empting the dryan won me four bucks and two notes from Ariel, all from Bryan's pockets. The most likely more interesting of the two notes was mutalated to HELL. And therefore unreadable. Except for "I don't know what to say... Hmm.." Thank you irony. The other note looks entirely fine. Wtf dryer. I was trying to snoop. We all fell asleep on my bed a couple times. And Kara and Bryan think Josh has a crush on me. None too good seeing as I don't like him as such. GOD WHY DOES IT FEEL SO EARLY. I want chocolate. Fuck the what? No. Kay baiii.


Anthony said...

Josh? As in Josh Lamunyon? I..I'm speechless. I guess I would have to be around you two to really decide if he likes you.

Angie said...

Yessir, that Josh. *Shrug*