Sunday, March 26, 2006


sad... ANYWAYS today i went to downtown denver with my mom to take pictures, what was funny is i took most of them in the car while mom was searching for a place to park, when she did park i only had like 8 left X3 we walked, got a soda, i took pictures, ran out of film and gave money to a hobo ^_^ for those of you that know me very well one of my goals in life is to give money to a/some hobo/hobos, give food, and or befriend one so yay me!
after that we went to walmart because i was in desprete need of some clothes, mom got side tracked from the mission in the gardening area, when we got over to clothes, mom and i had a slight arguement, i say i feel comfortable in black and jeans and she says i should push the envelope and try new things, I DONT LIKE WEARING WHITE! two reasons, im a messy person and things show up more on white, and two, i dont need guys being able to see through my shirt, the less guys look at my cheat the better
and speaking of my chest, i finally have new bras ^_^ for the unlucky few of you, you got to hear me complain about it before, but freaking hell i need to stop growing, they get in the way as it is, how the hell did i go from training bra to hand me downs to a c or b cup, i mean really bleh... and oddly enough mom and i still have no idea what size bra i wear, i fit into a 34b and a 34c *shrug* whatever
in other news, i got new shoes ^_^ and a bunch of eyelinder, hair things and a new watch ^_________^ we went home with $200 worth of stuff whooo!
so thats it for my day

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


so, today the band kids are back, least most of them, so i got to see trevor YAY!
so ive been all... multilating my magazines lately for my walls sake
so me jared ben and trevor went to the movies, we went to see hoodwinked, although since i was giving trevor a ride, we were kinda late cause cassie had to take her car and because of the STUPID SNOW i had to sweep off the truck, which later gave me no seat belt, not too back when your inbetween two people so you cant really move anyways (better than that one time i went to aunt cindys in the truck with mom and cassie... we were bringing mirrors up there, and omg cassie had so much fun blinding me) anyways, trevor and i missed the beginning, but it was a good movie, kinda weird... reminded me of a video game, anyways, after we watched said movie we went outside, decided we needed food, so we ran around looking for a place to eat and found some... thai place which seemed more like a sit down resturant, and BJ's subs... well we just made fun of the name, (i almost find it sad how well i fit in with guys, and how comfortable i am with that, like.. okay so i had very very few guy friends before 8th grade, the ones i had only talked to me like... 1 every few months unless they sat by me in class ot something) anyways, we finally decided to go into some japanesse place thing... after awhile we realized we had to go up to the register to order XD and we had... also random conversations while we waited for our food and while we ate, all very entertaining, then we had a lot of going outside, going back inside because its cold, and there were these kids under the stair thing, and after they got up ben said we should go take that spot, we sat there for a couple minutes before one of the girls who had been sitting there came over to us and was all... bleh i dont like her she was like "you should get out of our spot" and being the nice people we are we were agreeable then as we were getting up she was like "yea you should think next time" i left out a "pfft" and tried not to laugh and jared joked and said "yea you guys should think" mean girl though... they got busted later for loitering ^_^ what goes around comes around? we finally decided to stay outside, ther was beat boxing, talking, and swing dancing, and well... me not being able to feel my hands, i did a cartwheel randomly, hurt my wrist the fourth time i did it, and... well came home ^____^ i got to the door and it was locked e_e i had to go to the back door, when i got in dad was coming out of his room and he said he had to put on pants to answer the door, and trevor called to see if i got inside, and i told him thats what dad said, he said my family has a problem with wearing pants XD because when he called me before today i was trying on some of mom old pants because mine are majorly worn out, and well he called me when i was right in the middle of putting on some pants, and i had to go ask my mom something and i was like "HOLDON! lemme finish putting on my pants" so yup... wheeee

consequence of sounds
by regina spektor

My rhyme ain't good just yet,
My brain and tongue just met,
And they ain't friends, so far,
My words don’t travel far,
They tangle in my hair,
And tend to go nowhere,
They grow right back inside,
Right past my brain and eyes
Into my stomach juice
Where they don’t serve much use,
No healthy calories,
Nutrition values.
And I absorb back in
The words right through my skin
They sit there festering inside my bowels

The consonants and vowels
The consequence of sounds
The consonants and vowels
The consequence of sounds

Got a soundtrack in my mind,
All the time. Kids-
Screamin' from too much beat up
And they don't even rhyme,
They just stand there, on a street corner,
Skin tucked in
And meat side out and shot,
And I’d like to turn them down
But there ain't no knob.
Run into picket fences
Not into picket lines.
All this hippie-shit for the 60's
And another cliché for our time. But,
But a one of these days your heart
Will just stop ticking,
And they sorta just don't find you till your cubicle is reeking.

The consonants and vowels
The consequence of sounds
The consonants and vowels
The consequence of sounds
Ahh ah ah ah ahh ah ah ah

Did you know that the gravedigger's still
Gettin' stuck in the machine
Even tough it's a whole other daydream.
It's another town it's another world,
Where the kids are asleep, where the loans are paid
And the lawns are mowed.
Whad'ya think?
All the gravediggers were gone?
Just cause one song is done
There’s always another one,
Waiting right around the bend,
Till this one ends,
Then it begins
Sqeaky clean, then it starts all over again.

The weather report keeps on
Tossing and turning,
Predicting and warning,
And warning and warning of,
Possibly it could be news publications and,
Possibly it could be news TV stations. That
Very same morning right next to her coffee
She noticed some bleeding and heard hollow coughing and
National Geographic was being too graphic,
When all she had wanted to know was the traffic
“The worlds got a nosebleed” it said
“And we’re flooding but we keep on cutting
The trees and the forests!”
And we keep on paying those freaks on the TV,
Who claim they will save us but want to enslave us.
And sweating like demons they scream through our speakers
But we leave the sound on 'cause silence is harder.
And no one’s the killer and no one’s the martyr
The world that has made us can no longer contain us
And profits are silent then rotting away 'cause

The consonants and vowels
The consequence of sounds.
The consonants and vowels
The consequence of sounds.
Ah ah ah…

My rhyme ain't good just yet,
My brain and tongue just met,
And they aint friends, so far,
My words don't travel far,
They tangle in my hair,
And tend to go nowhere,
They grow right back inside,
Right past my brain and eyes
Into my stomach juice
Where they don't serve much use,
No healthy calories,
Nutrition values.
And I absorb back in
The words right through my skin
They sit there festering inside my bowels

The consonants and vowels
The consequence of sounds
The consonants and vowels
The consequence of sounds


Makeup and streaking?

i had a really weird dream last night, mom and i walked through the front door and cassie immediately greeted us, i went into the kitchen to get some food and texted ellie, after a bit i called ellie and asked if she could go hangout or something, she said no she was busy then said something but cassie started talking to me and i couldnt hear ellie, then ellie was gone, after a couple minutes of waiting i hung up, then trevor, jared, and ellie put me on four way, and i aked if anyone was up for doing something tonight, after awhile we had nothing decided, and my phone disconnected, they never called back, instead kyle ran in my front door told me to get ready then ran downstairs, i did as i was told and then i was dragged to the mall, when we got there he gave me a threnchcoat and told me to take my clothes off because me and him and group of other people were going to have some sort of protest at the mall including streaking, one by one we got on stage, out in the crowd i saw ellie, and she looked at me in disbelief, before we could start streaking there was a gunshot and the next thing i knew i was on the ground with everyone crowded around me, they all walked with me to the hospital and that was it o_o; anyways imma go back to watching tv...

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Banklets, barbies, and binkies.

so tuesday... i think... we had csap... whooo e_e how stupid can you get with these questions, and i answered some of them with some pretty stupid but logical answers... like there was this one problem of folding a blanket, no sane person is going to start doing math when they want to fold up a blanket, and since it is fabric after some point its not going to fold, even if the simple math you do says it does, so the question asked, something like after what point will it be illogical to keep folding the blanket, i said when it started getting to half inches, cause no one is that much of a perfectionist to get out a ruler and make sure its that big, so anyways, csap, i was in a room with some people i knew, mostly because they categorized us by last name, so obviously i had seem these people at one time or another, we had two micheal smiths though, and lana and ariel reminised about me having a locker under both of them, and i remembered all the times they had dropped books on me
they gave us two breaks, one of which we could walk around for ten or fifteen minutes, inwhich time, trevor found lana and i and gave us gum, after the mess of csap, i ate lunch alone yippy
so the day after that, was a huge latestart, we didnt have to go to school till like noon, trevor came over and we played games and watched movies, the first period i had that day made me sleepy faster than ever, i was really hyper when i got to school because i had chugged down a rootbeer float, then we watched a movie on the legislative branch, science i was still tired and adi woke me up after i told her about fish day (april first for all of you that dont know) and so she put like 20 sticky notes on me that said fish i think i ate alone that day too
tursday, before yesterday
band kids off to newyork, that made me happy *sarcasm* almost all of my friends are band geeks, trevor gave me a present, and after school i went to the mall with erin, i bought to things, both if which youll probably see when we get back to school
yesterday i gloomed up the house with me and my depressedness and boredom, and i still havent cleaned my room, i got a call from trevor last night, im not sure if it helped me or not, all i know is that i feel oh so left behind
TODAY! i woke up super early, for me anyways, 7am, i woke up hearing little twin voices, as soon as i walked out of my room sammy yelled angie and hugged me, andrew did the same, we played and set up a doll house which happened for like...3 hours, then we all got packed up and went to the mall, sammy and i ran, cassie yelled at me for influencing her, how can i not? anyways, i think im over my fear of a place to grow at the mills, i played with the stuff there, andnow that im over my fear, im horribly angry with one of the machines, for it wouldnt let me win tic tac toe, i took a bunch of pictures, but most of the time as soon as it took the picture one of them had already run out of the frame, we walked around build a bear, and sammy almost got a time out for eatting the stuffing, we ran out of quarters on the machines and i got a picture of them hugging bob the builder, and they started singing "bob the builder can we fix it bob the builder" then id cut in and say no we cant! we ate some starbucks, and walked around, then we went to the food court and ben found me and waved, im pretty sure he saw me skipping and swinging andrew aroudn too, and then we rode the caresel, sadly enough the lady told me to ride it too instead of standing, andrew and samy got horses, and i rose a bunny, the hell, why would someone ride a bunny? anyways, after that we went home, we colored, and ate some lunch, and now theyre talking a nap, so is mom and cassie, i should be too but... meh computers better, and besides, i really suck at sleeping in the middle of the day unless im at aunt cindys, i think im going up there today though anyways... so most of my friends have been in newyork... for like 2 days, and i already miss them all terribly, when they get back im going to glomp atleast one of them...
anyways! i think im going toooo... um... upload some baby pictures now ^_^

Monday, March 13, 2006

Love without complication galore

so, another school day.... csap tomorrow and such...bleh, i hate csap, i dont like the fact i have to be quiet for so long
anyways today! i was the replacement fuji, fuji was home sick, verrry sick, so i was the replacement, and if for some reason i cant fufill my duties, we al know mustard can replace me cassies mad at me now, i seem to screw up alot now dont i?
anyways first period was english, we did some things with suffixs and prefixs, and tomorrow we get to do something infront of the class so well all remember the joys of suffixes and prefixxes, im in a group with KC kristen and laurel, were doing sokmething with ninjas, pirates and ghandi
...heh, some people know how to cheer me up without knowning im upset...
anways on to second period, fuji was gone so i talking to myself, and i sat in her seat, i was the replacement fuji after all
third period, i well... goofed off most of that period, erin and i had been ahead, so mr owens made me take the attendence down to the office instead of watching the movie
fourth we had a test, i bet i failed
lunch, well... that was fun, laura and i went for walks around the school, along with phillip, and everything is fun with phillip, and he put lauras backpack in the tree
fifth... i dont remember... i think we were talking about csap... that cant be good
sixth, we did our commercial about martinique and roughly translated....
Adam:HELLO PEOPLE, do you like the tropics? (i think anyways, i cant remember straight...)
Me: Yes! The tropical is magical
Adam: *walks over to ryan* HELLO PERSON OF AMERICA! would you like to go to martinique?
Ryan: (in english) BOY WOULD I! (in french randomly) i would speak friend to get to martinique!
All together now!: *singing* martinique est bon, martinique est amusant... est..... *looks like we forgot what we were thinging* ... TRES BON!

(in english: martinique is good, martinique is (looks like we forgot what we were thinking*.... VERY GOOD!
Ryan and me: its a trip! *cowering*

so yup... that was it
seventh, i goofed off again, i didnt have my film done... take pictures of downtown denver while its snowing? i dont think so e_e

got home and made a bandana that has ninja written on it, i made it out of an old shirt which is still too big for me, but has enough holes to make it so i wont wear it

i got upset

and now im fine... kinda...
for now anyways, as long as sarah doesnt bring trevor up like that in the middle of a fight again..

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Forgot lunch:Regress 6 years in age

so, today i was told i was like an elementary schooler by four people, one of which was a teacher, im starting to think it was because i was so hungry
ANYWAYS at lunch i jumped in puddles even though i hate snow and the cold, which reminds me, this morning i looked outside and saw it snowing, i started pouting and called to mom, anyways i went puddle jumping during lunch, math i kept whining, and photography... welllll... we were hand coloring out prints, with paint... IWASJUSTFINEUNTILTHATSTUPIDORANGE okay so i was just fine the paint was staying only on my fingers and my print, then i wanted more orange, and the fact that the packages are metally the sides broke and got on my hands and pants, me trying to get some of the paint off my pants smeared it more, julianna said i might as well just put some other paint on my pants and make it look even, tashi took that as an invitation to put the little bit of paint she got on her fingertips on my pants, great, then i got some on my sweater pushing up my sleeves and some on my face, so yea, ms s., thea and julianna called me a little kid in photography *shrug* guess im just a kid at heart

Monday, March 06, 2006

What goes on in the dark room, stayyys... on angie's blog

XD so today in photography we have out totally random conversations, and thea and i were saying how wed really rather NOT die old, she said shed throw herself off a building before she let that happen, and i said something like "yea it seems more painful to live to be old than it does to die young, by your 60's your heavyly medicated, ceniyle, and you annoy the hell out of your relatives" and then thea said she wanted to die from falling off a building, and i said i wanted to die by clowns, it got all quiet then ivy says "angie, your creepy" XD IHADTOTELLYOUALLL!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Malfunctioning Angie

theres something wrong with me... i know it... there has to be, why else would i be like this....
i was so cold to him on the phone
i lied
im not okay, im not fine, im horrible and i dont know why
i tried calling back but he didnt pick up
i cant stop crying and i dont know why
theres something wring with me
how else could i be like this?