well today is a severely gloomy day, and what better for that than a blog post brought to you by angie? i can tell you what else, apple cider, which i think i may go rumage in the cupboards (as i rape them...) for it ^_^... YAY I FOUND0RZ IT! ^_^ only two packets left... dang... i think this is what i thought the last time i made hot cocoa... then realized... hmm no packets left for there are bugs in them... wow i do majorly stupid things on days like this... like i just took the cup of hot water out of the microwave... saw the steam coming off and smelt the steam.. them realized i havent added the mix yet XD and i asked mom how long was the boiling point of water, XD man i come up with stupid things... ANYWAYS back... to um... things... well for about every night for the past week or so ive been having this dreams... all of them involving trevor in some way or another like the other night i had a dream where i switched study halls and i was then in trevors study hall... then the teacher sent me on a quest for waffles and told me to go to the bank at gmhs to retrieve them... then i almost died and then i woked up ^_^but yea... its been weird dreams like that all involving trevor and damn my wrist itches... MENTOS GUM! anyways... yea all i can remember from my dreams is that he was in them, and its really odd when like i wake up and i roll over and i had another dream involving him o_O; anyways, language arts.. OMG I CRIED then onto photography OMG STILL CRYING thhheeenn i went outside with amber to shoot, and i screwed up her pictures on accident T_T i feel so horrible now... she had an awsome picture too... she took a picture right as i was jumping in a puddle... and speking of puddles, at lunch after i signed leahs dress code violation shirt and trevor made my apple explode... and i tooked his sweatshirt cause i was freezing, i splashed in some puddles ^_^ now i bet your thinking "man thats stupid, your already cold and now your going to make your pants wet and your going to be even more cold" well sadly and oddly enough i didnt realize this and i didnt care at the time, all i wanted to do was jump in the puddles, and it was all brought around by other girls jumping in puddles, because the misty rain hadnt occured to me rain=puddles+jump=me anyways, i started eyeing the puddles and trevor noticed and told me no, then jared started jumping in them and i tried running but he held me back XD it was alot like the elevater game... but i got away and splashed in puddles ^_^ and then study hall we played telephone, and it started with soccer is better than football and came out as brandon is a geek XD
*hits a fastforeward button*
lana:what are you doinnggg?
me and jared:walking?
lana: whyyyyyy?
me: because i want to use my legs before i use them?
lana:why do you use your legggsss?
jared: because i cant float *pout*
lana: who diedddd?
i had another weird dream last night... i was going to school with chelsea and daniel, but GM was being rebuilt, so we had to go to the church across the street which is trevors church, as chelsea daniel and i are walking across the street i suddenly go "ah hell... i gotgot to go pick up trevor so he could come over this morning" then we see trevor walking up and then i broke down in "im soooo sorrrryyyyy" then we go into the church and go into these different rooms which are suppose to be our classes but were too jam packed to do anything
about then i woke up and it was 3:42am i tried going back to sleep, woke up again at 5, then went bacdk to sleep and woke up at 5:58 to i turned off my alarm and layed for awhile... cold... then finally got up and such... bleh bleh bleh *fastforeward* yea trevor came over... blah blah blah, we went to school... blah blah blah.. OH STOP! *play* in french before our test we did some yoga, because our french teacher is bugged by the fact that we DONT talk, its kinda amusing... were like the best behavied class and she complains... *fast foreward* *pause* well now i MAY just be grounded. great. just when people want to do things.. well whatever i guess -.- anyways...i went to fujis with laura and we made a video its actually sevrely amusing, and i want to steal sonia's cat ginger, she purrs really loud, and um... went home and this is where i am... hmm...
have any of you noticed how innocent middleschool really was? i mean seriously... everyones changing, people do things that they wouldnt have thought of doing two years ago, a bunch of people having sex, and seriously, these are people that i thought would wait... not like as they said all those "sluts" would, and now they all seem like hypicrits, its kinda scary, especially since its even affecting my friends, for example, daniel clark, okie yea i didnt really have anything against him, he was nice towards me and i was fine towards him, infact he was acturally a very good person to talk to when he wasnt trying to show off, then for half a year hes in some other school, and he comes to highschool and man its like.. hes intoxicated by highschool, like... supposivly in elementary school he had a crush on me and now he hates me i mean really, i would have even consitered him a friend before but now hes just like "god angie, why are you sitting so near me" or "angie your so mean and annoying, get away from me" and was i doing ANYTHING to him? no i wasnt, i simply wanted to sit down, its not my fault he sits near where i wanted to sit, FUCKING HELL I DID NOTHING TO HIM! sure, i may have corrected him because i know that HES trying to show off and hes trying to create this false allusion for everyone to believe, okie yea fine i should have just shut up, and you know what? i think im just going to shut up in general, i will not speak my mind unless someone asks me to, because all it seems to get me is people hating me, and you know what, im sick of it, im sick of all of this, i just want to go somewhere where i dont have to worry, i dont want to be in life anymore, anyone elses or my own, i cause too much trouble, i make everyone feel bad, dont deney i dont, i have made everyone upset atleast once, and im so fucking tired of doing that! it is my fault, everything is my fault, speaking of faults, i have many and most people chooise to either point them out or ignore them, I KNOW I HAVE FAULTS I KNOW IM SEVRELY LESS THAN PERFECT! hell im sevrely below average, and all these people trying to give me false hopes on what i might be should just stop. im not great. at all. if i was someone else, hell i would hate myself, no wonder so many people hate me, no wonder people spread rumors about me, I DONT BLAME THEM, hell i agreee with them, i just wish EVERYONE would feel like that so i wouldnt feel so bad when getting attached to people or hurting someone, I DONT WANT TO CARE ANYMORE gosh i wish i was that jaded teen in all those tv shows.. how i wish..AND ANOTHER THING! lets get this clear. i suck at everything. i am not good at drawing and honestly i think i should just stop posting on dA, or carrying around my sketchbook, shop showing people my drawings because THEY SUCK i should just burn everything. anyone wanna help me? clear my folders upon folders of drawings.
NOW that i have even LOWER self esteem, i think i might do the dishes and maybe my homework, but hey whats the point really? were all going to die something, some sooner than others and at this rate of how careless i am it just might be sooner
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Sunday, September 25, 2005
penny for your thoughts?
i dont like this, i dont like it at all, i could i have missed it, really.... i should have been there, i should have done something, why did it happen, why did she go... my mind is spinning my stomachs twisting, please forgive me for what i feel like doing, please dont worry when you see me crying on the floor, she may be gone, i may act like theres nothing wrong, you never know when youll see someone next, one minute theyre there and the next theyre gone, treasure what you have now for it wont last long
Saturday, September 24, 2005
oh em eff gee, ive had a big semi weekend
okie so the weekends only half over butttt... ah well you know what i mean, or atleast you will when im done with this post hopefully, well friday after school i went home, then laura called me as i was eatting nachos and asked if she could come over until mariah came and we could figure out movie plans, so mom and i drove to her dads work and picked her up, brought her back here and we checked movie times and read JtHM and talking about raping cupboards with some of my online friends... and i played DDR ^_^ we finally got a hold of mariah and then there was a bunch of worriedness and calling ashleys house and cody... AND THENNNN um... i dont remember but we finally all of us, being trevor, mariah, laura and i got to the movies and we saw the corpse bride ^_^ i loved it, and it was so fun hanging out with all of them ^_^ um... got home tried writting an e-mail to trevor but mom disccounected he internet without telling me and it was all erased T_T after that cassie and i went to walmart for prezzys for the twins, we were there till about midnight and i was so tired i kept yawning and stumbling around, when we got home, i wrapped presents and cassie was so lazy -.-; i tried sending the e-mail again around 12:40 and the internet was still down... which was odd because cassies was fine, i know this because she was messaging some guy who called her about three times, i finally when to my room and wrote trevor a note instead, but realizing i couldnt remember what i wrote in the e-mail it didnt do much good, especially with how tired i was... not like ANYONE could read it all that well anyways at the end of the note i tried signing my name and looking over it this morning it looks like argdi seriously o_O; and i was trying to put angie XD and its funny because... in the beginning of the note my handwrittings readble and normal size and it progressively gets larger and more unreadable and looks more like scribbles XD im sorry trevor, well after i wrote that i passed out, seriously i dont remember putting my sketch book down bbut it was on the floor when i woke up, which brings up another thing, I HAD ONE OF TEH ODDEST DREAMS LAST NIGHT although all my dreams are pretty odd, but i remember this one VERY well, SO imma tell it ^_^
well first ill have you know that for the past couple of nights ive been having dreams that i cant remember anything but where it happened which was a hotel type thing... but the stairs were much like the type of thing youd find at the playplace at mcdonalds, and then most of upstairs was a playplace, odd eh? ANYWAYS in this dream i guess this was the school, i was in a class and for some reason they were teaching ballroom dancing, so they told us to get with partners, i was about to ask trevor if he wanted to be my partner but he had already asked a girl named amanda, along with about five other guys who asked her, she turned all of them down so trevor came back to me and asked if i wanted to be his partner, course i was alittle hurt i was the second choice and said "well looks like im the rebound girl eh?" and then nodded that i would be his partner, then we along with the rest of the class walked outside, and half of us ate lunch, whiile watching the others being taught, i got done with my soda and threw the bottle over the fence and hit someone, and threw the rest of my trash in a tashcan near by, it was coming up on my and trevors turn to be taught and in the parking lot he and i both spotted, his parents and my mom parking and sitting in the back seat to watch us, suddenly i got really freaked said something about needing to fix my cast or something, grabbed my bag and ran inside, some had thrown up by the doors and i jumped over it and slid when i landed *was in socks for some odd reason* i asked if the bathroom was still out of order in the lobby and they guy said yes so i ran for the stairway, i was part of the way up when i saw trevor peek his head in the double doors, i tried to duck down so he wouldnt see me but my foot slipped (yet again, in socks and its a like playplace stairway) i tried taking off my socks but by the time i started that trevor spotted me and was following, i ditched the sock i took off and franticly tried to get up the rest of the stairs, trevor called after me and i turned my head, and when i did that i tripped over a small fence, and went hurtling into a slide, which i might add i was alittle tall for, i hit my head on one of the support beams over the slide, when i got to the bottom, i had a rubber yellow fish in my hand, and i got yanked away by a teacher yelling at me on why i ditched ballroom dancing class, i was about to say something then another kid from my cast said it wasnt my fault and that i was fixing my cast cause it fell off or something and i had a broken wrist, i looked back at the teacher who was still holding me by the arm and nodded, he let go of my arm and i cradled that arm with my other arm because it was now in pain, the teacher said i had to do a makeup session right then, i sighed and he led the way outside, with me and trevor following, as soon as we got out the doors, i spotted my mom driving around the parking lot, by now it was around 8pm i think, i was dark and such, and the street lights were on, i commented on how my mom still hadnt given up, as we walked down the hill, the teacher went into the back of a van that was out and put on some music, and the teacher instructed us to dance, so i relucktantly put my arms around trevors neck and thats about when i woke up, odd eh? and the really weird part is i still remember it XD
anyways mom woke me up this morning telling me lucy fell and aunt cindy wouldnt be able to take me up to staceys and babysit twins, very bad news, but cassie would take me, at the time that sounded like good news at the time, and later i found out how wrong i was, we made it to staceys with a frew problems but we made it there in one piece, we brought in muffins and found the twins, andrew spotted us first, and cassie put out her arms and said come here, so he smiled and giggled and ran the other direction with a carriage... i cant really remember the right word for it...OH STROLLER! thats it, as soon as samantha say cassie she ditched her plastic shopping cart and ran with her arms outstreatched to cassie, andrew followed and run to me instead of cassie, we went back with their shopping cart and stoller filled with rocks and then we were herded out and we went to our car and in the beginning the u-haul was in front, then mark in his truck followed them and we followed traceys dads van which had the twins in it, yea ok, well the van switched lanes of traffic, which confused the hell out of cassie and i, but yea okie still following the u-haul and mark, well then mark starts slowly going to the other lane not meaning to either, we thought it might not be such a good idea to follow him, then there was a light and only the u-haul got through, so we followed the van the rest of the way and ended up ahead of mark and angel in the truck and tracey and matt in the u-haul, well we got to the new appartment and cassie and i took charge of the twins, we got into the apartment and in andrew and samanthas new room, which... consisted of four walls and brown carpet... that was about all that was interesting in there, seriously, well we tried to play some board games but appartently the twins have a shorter attention span than i do, which is severly sad if you know me, okie so yea this wasnt all that bad, but everytime the twins wanted something cassie would order me to do it, okie yea whatever, but when she tells them to gang up on me thats not ok, yes they all ganged up on me, and yea it might not sound bad because all they were doing was tickling me, but then cassie layed on me so i wouldnt move, which hurt my rips, PLUS because they were tickling me i would scream every so often, then cassie would glare at me and tell me not to scream because its an appartment complex, GEE YOUR FUCKING TICKLING ME AND CRUSHING ME AND YOU TELL ME NOT TO SCREAM!? fine... freaking hell... well then sam wrapped her arms around my neck and i gave her a piggy back ride when i put sam back down i almost fell backwards and in my attempt to save me from falling on my back and hurting sam, i ended up cracking the middle of my foot, which hurt like hell, then her and andrew went on cassies back, well then she made me let them on my back, i went around and sam pulled my hair, and about straggled me with my own shirt because cassie wasnt holding her up e_e; when i finally collaped, cassie sat on me along with sam and andrew, sam continued to pull my hair, and cassie tickled me as she was sitting on me, which caused me to jerk and kick and i ended up kicking andrew a couple times in the process and i begged cassie to stop because i knew that was going to happen, but no, she tickled me more, after a couple minutes it was becoming unbarably hard to breathe and i could feel my face getting red from lack of oxygen, when she finally got off of me i sat up and gasped for breath, but did cassie care? no she laughed at my face being so red, w. t. f. man... by now i was severly worn out from being climbed on and layed on the floor, which i guess is an open invite for andrew to climb all over me, and same with cassie but if he tries climbing on her she tells him to climb on me instead, so while hes climbing on me i try drawing on a semi etch-a-sketch thing... not sure what its really called... but atleast it kept my mind off the pain in my back, but that was severly short lived, cassie took it and erased it, not like it was much though, mostly i was doodling trevors name ^^;;;; when i finally got it back and went back to doodling cassie took it again and i have to wait till she was distracted with her phone to take a picture of what i had doodled before she erased it, after a bit stacey got home and she started cooking lunch while the others moved things into the twins room and other places, but now i was kinda in a bad mood, especially with cassie, when they brought the mattresses in i was sitting against a wall, cassie dropped one of them on me and i just looked at her, and she told me to get up, but by then the twins were climbing over the matress that was half on me which hurt my foot even more, i tried telling them to get off the matress so i could get up and cassie just kept bitching at me like it was my fault they were on the damn thing, when i finally got up, we waited for a bit and got the bed frames well cassie yelled at me to move, and me being mad randomly decided to stick up for myself, and i asked if i could get a please, she said no and told me to move again, so i asked for a please and she said hell no, so i stood right where i was, she yanked the mattress away from me and i stood in my place, she put the mattress on the bed frame and pushed the bed frame into my shins, and still i stood where i was, after alittle bit i was feeling a bit dizzy and sat down where i had been standing, stacey gave us the sheets for their beds and cassie asked if i could help make their beds, and she said please so i moved from my spot and made samanthas bed, which some difficulties, sam kept trying to lay in it while i was making it and i kept picking her up and tring to make it again, finally lunch was done and we went to go eat, but cassie and aunt charlie had to grab the twins table so they could eat along with their chairs, well aunt charlie grabbed a chair and the table and all cassie had was a chair, so i asked if she could please grab the last waterbottle, because i had sams, and i had cassie and my pop and didnt have a hand to grab it, she plainly told me no and i explained i didnt have any hands left and she did, and asked her again, and she said no, so i went anyways and went back for the waterbottle when i had set down the rest of our drinks, well except when we got to tha paitio cassie snatched her soda, cassie, samantha, andrew, aunt charlie and i ate spagetti on the patio, when cassie was done she stacked her plate ontop of mine while i was still eatting, so i figured... fine ill stop eating and threw all of our trash away, then we waited in the living room for a bit and i suggested we go home, because i wanted to take a shower before coming here, so we drove home i got bitched at more by cassie, when we got home i went in search of a phone to call mom and aunt cindy to tell them we were home, and cassie yelled at me to get into the shower fast, and i yelled back i was going to call them like i promised, she yelled to hurry the hell up because she wanted to take a shower too, so i called them and took my shower, and took a fast one too so i wouldnt use up all the hot water, when i was done i yelled down the stairs she could take her shower now, and she made me make her lunch, so while the microwave was going i wrote another e-mail to trevor and gave cassie her lunch and then got packed, when i was done with that i went back to the computer, and within ten minutes aunt cindy was there, we talked a bit and i went with her up the mountain, we stopped and got dinner and came here (my aunts house) while we were serving dinner my phone went off and i answered it and i think it was trevor, but the call didnt last long, it was
me: hello?
him: hello..?
me: hi?
him: helloooo...?
me: uh... whats up?
then i heard a click and i was hung up upon... and went back to getting my dinner, figuring hed call back, but that didnt happen so ah well, after dinner i went upstairs and this is where ive been since writting this... soooooo if youve gotten all the way through this, i hope you had a hell of alot better day than i did, im in so much pain especially my back T_T ... ah well... who cares if im in pain eh? ^^; BAI!
well first ill have you know that for the past couple of nights ive been having dreams that i cant remember anything but where it happened which was a hotel type thing... but the stairs were much like the type of thing youd find at the playplace at mcdonalds, and then most of upstairs was a playplace, odd eh? ANYWAYS in this dream i guess this was the school, i was in a class and for some reason they were teaching ballroom dancing, so they told us to get with partners, i was about to ask trevor if he wanted to be my partner but he had already asked a girl named amanda, along with about five other guys who asked her, she turned all of them down so trevor came back to me and asked if i wanted to be his partner, course i was alittle hurt i was the second choice and said "well looks like im the rebound girl eh?" and then nodded that i would be his partner, then we along with the rest of the class walked outside, and half of us ate lunch, whiile watching the others being taught, i got done with my soda and threw the bottle over the fence and hit someone, and threw the rest of my trash in a tashcan near by, it was coming up on my and trevors turn to be taught and in the parking lot he and i both spotted, his parents and my mom parking and sitting in the back seat to watch us, suddenly i got really freaked said something about needing to fix my cast or something, grabbed my bag and ran inside, some had thrown up by the doors and i jumped over it and slid when i landed *was in socks for some odd reason* i asked if the bathroom was still out of order in the lobby and they guy said yes so i ran for the stairway, i was part of the way up when i saw trevor peek his head in the double doors, i tried to duck down so he wouldnt see me but my foot slipped (yet again, in socks and its a like playplace stairway) i tried taking off my socks but by the time i started that trevor spotted me and was following, i ditched the sock i took off and franticly tried to get up the rest of the stairs, trevor called after me and i turned my head, and when i did that i tripped over a small fence, and went hurtling into a slide, which i might add i was alittle tall for, i hit my head on one of the support beams over the slide, when i got to the bottom, i had a rubber yellow fish in my hand, and i got yanked away by a teacher yelling at me on why i ditched ballroom dancing class, i was about to say something then another kid from my cast said it wasnt my fault and that i was fixing my cast cause it fell off or something and i had a broken wrist, i looked back at the teacher who was still holding me by the arm and nodded, he let go of my arm and i cradled that arm with my other arm because it was now in pain, the teacher said i had to do a makeup session right then, i sighed and he led the way outside, with me and trevor following, as soon as we got out the doors, i spotted my mom driving around the parking lot, by now it was around 8pm i think, i was dark and such, and the street lights were on, i commented on how my mom still hadnt given up, as we walked down the hill, the teacher went into the back of a van that was out and put on some music, and the teacher instructed us to dance, so i relucktantly put my arms around trevors neck and thats about when i woke up, odd eh? and the really weird part is i still remember it XD
anyways mom woke me up this morning telling me lucy fell and aunt cindy wouldnt be able to take me up to staceys and babysit twins, very bad news, but cassie would take me, at the time that sounded like good news at the time, and later i found out how wrong i was, we made it to staceys with a frew problems but we made it there in one piece, we brought in muffins and found the twins, andrew spotted us first, and cassie put out her arms and said come here, so he smiled and giggled and ran the other direction with a carriage... i cant really remember the right word for it...OH STROLLER! thats it, as soon as samantha say cassie she ditched her plastic shopping cart and ran with her arms outstreatched to cassie, andrew followed and run to me instead of cassie, we went back with their shopping cart and stoller filled with rocks and then we were herded out and we went to our car and in the beginning the u-haul was in front, then mark in his truck followed them and we followed traceys dads van which had the twins in it, yea ok, well the van switched lanes of traffic, which confused the hell out of cassie and i, but yea okie still following the u-haul and mark, well then mark starts slowly going to the other lane not meaning to either, we thought it might not be such a good idea to follow him, then there was a light and only the u-haul got through, so we followed the van the rest of the way and ended up ahead of mark and angel in the truck and tracey and matt in the u-haul, well we got to the new appartment and cassie and i took charge of the twins, we got into the apartment and in andrew and samanthas new room, which... consisted of four walls and brown carpet... that was about all that was interesting in there, seriously, well we tried to play some board games but appartently the twins have a shorter attention span than i do, which is severly sad if you know me, okie so yea this wasnt all that bad, but everytime the twins wanted something cassie would order me to do it, okie yea whatever, but when she tells them to gang up on me thats not ok, yes they all ganged up on me, and yea it might not sound bad because all they were doing was tickling me, but then cassie layed on me so i wouldnt move, which hurt my rips, PLUS because they were tickling me i would scream every so often, then cassie would glare at me and tell me not to scream because its an appartment complex, GEE YOUR FUCKING TICKLING ME AND CRUSHING ME AND YOU TELL ME NOT TO SCREAM!? fine... freaking hell... well then sam wrapped her arms around my neck and i gave her a piggy back ride when i put sam back down i almost fell backwards and in my attempt to save me from falling on my back and hurting sam, i ended up cracking the middle of my foot, which hurt like hell, then her and andrew went on cassies back, well then she made me let them on my back, i went around and sam pulled my hair, and about straggled me with my own shirt because cassie wasnt holding her up e_e; when i finally collaped, cassie sat on me along with sam and andrew, sam continued to pull my hair, and cassie tickled me as she was sitting on me, which caused me to jerk and kick and i ended up kicking andrew a couple times in the process and i begged cassie to stop because i knew that was going to happen, but no, she tickled me more, after a couple minutes it was becoming unbarably hard to breathe and i could feel my face getting red from lack of oxygen, when she finally got off of me i sat up and gasped for breath, but did cassie care? no she laughed at my face being so red, w. t. f. man... by now i was severly worn out from being climbed on and layed on the floor, which i guess is an open invite for andrew to climb all over me, and same with cassie but if he tries climbing on her she tells him to climb on me instead, so while hes climbing on me i try drawing on a semi etch-a-sketch thing... not sure what its really called... but atleast it kept my mind off the pain in my back, but that was severly short lived, cassie took it and erased it, not like it was much though, mostly i was doodling trevors name ^^;;;; when i finally got it back and went back to doodling cassie took it again and i have to wait till she was distracted with her phone to take a picture of what i had doodled before she erased it, after a bit stacey got home and she started cooking lunch while the others moved things into the twins room and other places, but now i was kinda in a bad mood, especially with cassie, when they brought the mattresses in i was sitting against a wall, cassie dropped one of them on me and i just looked at her, and she told me to get up, but by then the twins were climbing over the matress that was half on me which hurt my foot even more, i tried telling them to get off the matress so i could get up and cassie just kept bitching at me like it was my fault they were on the damn thing, when i finally got up, we waited for a bit and got the bed frames well cassie yelled at me to move, and me being mad randomly decided to stick up for myself, and i asked if i could get a please, she said no and told me to move again, so i asked for a please and she said hell no, so i stood right where i was, she yanked the mattress away from me and i stood in my place, she put the mattress on the bed frame and pushed the bed frame into my shins, and still i stood where i was, after alittle bit i was feeling a bit dizzy and sat down where i had been standing, stacey gave us the sheets for their beds and cassie asked if i could help make their beds, and she said please so i moved from my spot and made samanthas bed, which some difficulties, sam kept trying to lay in it while i was making it and i kept picking her up and tring to make it again, finally lunch was done and we went to go eat, but cassie and aunt charlie had to grab the twins table so they could eat along with their chairs, well aunt charlie grabbed a chair and the table and all cassie had was a chair, so i asked if she could please grab the last waterbottle, because i had sams, and i had cassie and my pop and didnt have a hand to grab it, she plainly told me no and i explained i didnt have any hands left and she did, and asked her again, and she said no, so i went anyways and went back for the waterbottle when i had set down the rest of our drinks, well except when we got to tha paitio cassie snatched her soda, cassie, samantha, andrew, aunt charlie and i ate spagetti on the patio, when cassie was done she stacked her plate ontop of mine while i was still eatting, so i figured... fine ill stop eating and threw all of our trash away, then we waited in the living room for a bit and i suggested we go home, because i wanted to take a shower before coming here, so we drove home i got bitched at more by cassie, when we got home i went in search of a phone to call mom and aunt cindy to tell them we were home, and cassie yelled at me to get into the shower fast, and i yelled back i was going to call them like i promised, she yelled to hurry the hell up because she wanted to take a shower too, so i called them and took my shower, and took a fast one too so i wouldnt use up all the hot water, when i was done i yelled down the stairs she could take her shower now, and she made me make her lunch, so while the microwave was going i wrote another e-mail to trevor and gave cassie her lunch and then got packed, when i was done with that i went back to the computer, and within ten minutes aunt cindy was there, we talked a bit and i went with her up the mountain, we stopped and got dinner and came here (my aunts house) while we were serving dinner my phone went off and i answered it and i think it was trevor, but the call didnt last long, it was
me: hello?
him: hello..?
me: hi?
him: helloooo...?
me: uh... whats up?
then i heard a click and i was hung up upon... and went back to getting my dinner, figuring hed call back, but that didnt happen so ah well, after dinner i went upstairs and this is where ive been since writting this... soooooo if youve gotten all the way through this, i hope you had a hell of alot better day than i did, im in so much pain especially my back T_T ... ah well... who cares if im in pain eh? ^^; BAI!
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
So the tables have turned, And the stalker is now the stalkee.
welll! apparently some people are calling this kid in my phorography class my stalker, today during photography when everyone was playing with their cameras, amber and i sat around i drew in her sketchbook because she wanted me to, if youd like to see what i drew in there look..... http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/23154305/ <~ there, well as i was drawing that this kid who everyone thinks is the teachers pet, and some think hes in love with the photography teacher XD well as i was drawing apparently he was taking many photos of me, after he went somewhere else amber and alex told me i had a stalker and i looked around very confused, and they said it was him o_O and that kid kinda weirded me out anyways... hes kinda like daniel was in elementary school... and middle school.. where like... they do really well in school and alot of people find them annoying, you know the type right? well i mean im nice to him, hell im nice to about everyone, even jessica -.- but like... every time im looking somewhere in his direction i can see him look straight at me, well... i highly doubt hes looking at ANYTHING past me, cause i sit in the corner... and theres only a door behinf me and a board with only black paper on it, and a table, but theres nothing really interesting there... and hes always asking my opinion on his things its kinda odd...
and semi on this subject, people know who i am! and i dont know who the hell they are, i really hate that, more than i hate people not knowing who they are, like this kid... i think his name is robert... in my french class... he was one of the people staring at my shoes the first day, and at me... but you cant really blame him i was at the front of the class, but he knows my name... which is odd and i find him looking at me alot... and he sits at the front of the room and i sit in the back... on the side in a far corner.. AND! one of the lauras older sisters is in my french class and yesterday she told me a bunch of people were talking about me and she specified nothing bad, and that one of them said the should go find me and such o_O i hate it e_e trevor says i should just find these people and make friends, but really i have no idea who these people are... as in i know no names is what i was gett
...damnit! stupid thing had errors and only recovered this much... AH WELL! if you wanna know what i said ask me... if i dont remember TOO BAD!
and semi on this subject, people know who i am! and i dont know who the hell they are, i really hate that, more than i hate people not knowing who they are, like this kid... i think his name is robert... in my french class... he was one of the people staring at my shoes the first day, and at me... but you cant really blame him i was at the front of the class, but he knows my name... which is odd and i find him looking at me alot... and he sits at the front of the room and i sit in the back... on the side in a far corner.. AND! one of the lauras older sisters is in my french class and yesterday she told me a bunch of people were talking about me and she specified nothing bad, and that one of them said the should go find me and such o_O i hate it e_e trevor says i should just find these people and make friends, but really i have no idea who these people are... as in i know no names is what i was gett
...damnit! stupid thing had errors and only recovered this much... AH WELL! if you wanna know what i said ask me... if i dont remember TOO BAD!
So the tables have turned, And the stalker is now the stalkee.
welll! apparently some people are calling this kid in my phorography class my stalker, today during photography when everyone was playing with their cameras, amber and i sat around i drew in her sketchbook because she wanted me to, if youd like to see what i drew in there look..... http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/23154305/ <~ there, well as i was drawing that this kid who everyone thinks is the teachers pet, and some think hes in love with the photography teacher XD well as i was drawing apparently he was taking many photos of me, after he went somewhere else amber and alex told me i had a stalker and i looked around very confused, and they said it was him o_O and that kid kinda weirded me out anyways... hes kinda like daniel was in elementary school... and middle school.. where like... they do really well in school and alot of people find them annoying, you know the type right? well i mean im nice to him, hell im nice to about everyone, even jessica -.- but like... every time im looking somewhere in his direction i can see him look straight at me, well... i highly doubt hes looking at ANYTHING past me, cause i sit in the corner... and theres only a door behinf me and a board with only black paper on it, and a table, but theres nothing really interesting there... and hes always asking my opinion on his things its kinda odd...
and semi on this subject, people know who i am! and i dont know who the hell they are, i really hate that, more than i hate people not knowing who they are, like this kid... i think his name is robert... in my french class... he was one of the people staring at my shoes the first day, and at me... but you cant really blame him i was at the front of the class, but he knows my name... which is odd and i find him looking at me alot... and he sits at the front of the room and i sit in the back... on the side in a far corner.. AND! one of the lauras older sisters is in my french class and yesterday she told me a bunch of people were talking about me and she specified nothing bad, and that one of them said the should go find me and such o_O i hate it e_e trevor says i should just find these people and make friends, but really i have no idea who these people are... as in i know no names is what i was getting at trevor, theres a hell of alot of people at GM im not going to go up to a bunch of people and go "HEY! DO YOU KNOW ME!?" plus.... im not good with making random friends unless they are severly younger than me... like five o_o cause five year olds dont judge people XD if yer fun to play with yer in, yea... sure i may look like the person that makes friends easily but thats just ecause they talk to me first o_o; but julianna and i find it amusing when people volenteer to pass out papers and they dont know who anyone in the class is, so theyre just shouting out names and watching for who jerks there head up and says what, or in my case "qu'est-ce que c'est?" XD it was funny, some kid said my name and i did that and then realized i was in french class and it was good to spek french XD
well about the title, no i havent stalked any of the people talked about knowing me in this entry... well cept trevor, he was mentioned somewhere, and even then i havent been stalking him as much... or anyone really, i think im starting to recoil into my isolation again, but yea... i think i had more to say but im out of it... SO! ZOB ZOMBIE LYRICS!
Rob Zombie Scum Of The Earth lyrics
Scum of the earth
Come on
Run and kill
Destroy the will
A hero that doesn't exist
Smoking gun
Well i am the one
A bullethole in your fist
Hey,i'm breathing
Hey,i'm bleeding
Hey,i'm screaming
Scum of the earth
Come on (x2)
Wake up dead
Bleeding red
A world that doesn't exist
Heaven waits
With the gates
Rusting in the mist
Hey,i'm breathing
Hey,i'm bleeding
Hey,i'm screaming
Scum of the earth
Come on (x2)
Go (x12)
Run and kill
Destroy the will
A hero that doesn't exist
Smoking gun
Well i am the one
A bullethole in your fist
Hey,i'm breathing
Hey,i'm bleeding
Hey,i'm screaming
Scum of the earth
Come on (x2)
Hey(x6) Scum of the earth
Hey(x6) Scum of the earth
Hey(x6) Scum of the earth
Hey(x6) Scum of the earth
Rob Zombie House Of 1000 Corpses lyrics
She got a corpse
under her bed
She had her fun
but now he's dead
Hear momma said
come feed desire
Her brother said
hey, throw him on the fire
This is the house
come on in
This is the house
built on sin
This is the house
nobody lives
This is the house
you get what you give
I cut the flesh
and make it bleed
Fresh skin
is what i need
I let it dry
out in the wood
All your crying
did no good, yeah
This is the house
come on in
This is the house
built on sin
This is the house
nobody lives
This is the house
get what you give
Now you're lying
on the floor
Yeah, you can't
take anymore
The devil's laughing
in your face
Give me another taste, yeah
This is the house
come on in
This is the House
built on sin
This is the house
nobody lives
This is the house
get what you give
Living Dead Girl
Rage in the cage
And piss upon the stage
There’s only one sure way
To bring the giant down
Defunct the strings
Of cemetary things
With one flat foot
On the devil’s wing
Crawl on me
Sink into me
Die for me
Living dead girl
Crawl on me
Sink into me
Die for me
Living dead girl
Raping the geek
And hustling the freak
Like a hunchback juice
On a sentimental noose
Operation filth
They love to love the wealth
Of an ss whore
Making scary sounds
Crawl on me
Sink into me
Die for me
Living dead girl
Crawl on me
Sink into me
Die for me
Living dead girl
Psyclone jack
Hallucinating hack
Thinks donna reed
Eats dollar bills
Goldfoot machine
Creates another fiend
So beautiful,
They make you kill
Crawl on me
Sink into me
Die for me
Living dead girl
Crawl on me
Sink into me
Die for me
Living dead girl
Blood on her skin
Dripping with sin
Do it again
Living dead girl
Blood on her skin
Dripping with sin
Do it again
Living dead girl
yup... um... i did had a mind set... before... while i was coping lyrics... but today during math sometime after trevor came in with brittneys books and left i randomly felt like crying and or hitting someone, weird eh? i hate when im like this, i isolate myself and get mad way too easily...
TOTALLY RANDOM SUBJECT CHANGE! trevors an idiot... or rather does stupid things willingly and knowingly, like spraying freakin listorine in his eye and snorting it it was really sad...and it really sucked to see him in pain like that, that HE caused -.-; man i wish cassie and i liked the same shows... invader zim is on... and cassie wont let me watch it T_T...hmm... wonder if dads watching anything important o_o; oh well nevermind ive seen that one twice this week ^^; um... um um um... have you ever like... no matter what you did you keep thinking of something that happened before... and it scares you? like... it was totally out of character for someone to do that and it just like... surprized you totally and you havent been able to stop thinking about it since... no matter what you do? and its hard to look at that person the same way you did before? thats houw ive been feeling for the past couple of weeks e_e it sucks..and another thing... have you ever not been able to think of someone?like no matter what you do something reminds you of them? and them thinking about them that much just makes you miss them? im like that too e.e ANYWAYS i got a new poster, so imma go try to hang it up in my room ^_^ ..somewhere..
and semi on this subject, people know who i am! and i dont know who the hell they are, i really hate that, more than i hate people not knowing who they are, like this kid... i think his name is robert... in my french class... he was one of the people staring at my shoes the first day, and at me... but you cant really blame him i was at the front of the class, but he knows my name... which is odd and i find him looking at me alot... and he sits at the front of the room and i sit in the back... on the side in a far corner.. AND! one of the lauras older sisters is in my french class and yesterday she told me a bunch of people were talking about me and she specified nothing bad, and that one of them said the should go find me and such o_O i hate it e_e trevor says i should just find these people and make friends, but really i have no idea who these people are... as in i know no names is what i was getting at trevor, theres a hell of alot of people at GM im not going to go up to a bunch of people and go "HEY! DO YOU KNOW ME!?" plus.... im not good with making random friends unless they are severly younger than me... like five o_o cause five year olds dont judge people XD if yer fun to play with yer in, yea... sure i may look like the person that makes friends easily but thats just ecause they talk to me first o_o; but julianna and i find it amusing when people volenteer to pass out papers and they dont know who anyone in the class is, so theyre just shouting out names and watching for who jerks there head up and says what, or in my case "qu'est-ce que c'est?" XD it was funny, some kid said my name and i did that and then realized i was in french class and it was good to spek french XD
well about the title, no i havent stalked any of the people talked about knowing me in this entry... well cept trevor, he was mentioned somewhere, and even then i havent been stalking him as much... or anyone really, i think im starting to recoil into my isolation again, but yea... i think i had more to say but im out of it... SO! ZOB ZOMBIE LYRICS!
Rob Zombie Scum Of The Earth lyrics
Scum of the earth
Come on
Run and kill
Destroy the will
A hero that doesn't exist
Smoking gun
Well i am the one
A bullethole in your fist
Hey,i'm breathing
Hey,i'm bleeding
Hey,i'm screaming
Scum of the earth
Come on (x2)
Wake up dead
Bleeding red
A world that doesn't exist
Heaven waits
With the gates
Rusting in the mist
Hey,i'm breathing
Hey,i'm bleeding
Hey,i'm screaming
Scum of the earth
Come on (x2)
Go (x12)
Run and kill
Destroy the will
A hero that doesn't exist
Smoking gun
Well i am the one
A bullethole in your fist
Hey,i'm breathing
Hey,i'm bleeding
Hey,i'm screaming
Scum of the earth
Come on (x2)
Hey(x6) Scum of the earth
Hey(x6) Scum of the earth
Hey(x6) Scum of the earth
Hey(x6) Scum of the earth
Rob Zombie House Of 1000 Corpses lyrics
She got a corpse
under her bed
She had her fun
but now he's dead
Hear momma said
come feed desire
Her brother said
hey, throw him on the fire
This is the house
come on in
This is the house
built on sin
This is the house
nobody lives
This is the house
you get what you give
I cut the flesh
and make it bleed
Fresh skin
is what i need
I let it dry
out in the wood
All your crying
did no good, yeah
This is the house
come on in
This is the house
built on sin
This is the house
nobody lives
This is the house
get what you give
Now you're lying
on the floor
Yeah, you can't
take anymore
The devil's laughing
in your face
Give me another taste, yeah
This is the house
come on in
This is the House
built on sin
This is the house
nobody lives
This is the house
get what you give
Living Dead Girl
Rage in the cage
And piss upon the stage
There’s only one sure way
To bring the giant down
Defunct the strings
Of cemetary things
With one flat foot
On the devil’s wing
Crawl on me
Sink into me
Die for me
Living dead girl
Crawl on me
Sink into me
Die for me
Living dead girl
Raping the geek
And hustling the freak
Like a hunchback juice
On a sentimental noose
Operation filth
They love to love the wealth
Of an ss whore
Making scary sounds
Crawl on me
Sink into me
Die for me
Living dead girl
Crawl on me
Sink into me
Die for me
Living dead girl
Psyclone jack
Hallucinating hack
Thinks donna reed
Eats dollar bills
Goldfoot machine
Creates another fiend
So beautiful,
They make you kill
Crawl on me
Sink into me
Die for me
Living dead girl
Crawl on me
Sink into me
Die for me
Living dead girl
Blood on her skin
Dripping with sin
Do it again
Living dead girl
Blood on her skin
Dripping with sin
Do it again
Living dead girl
yup... um... i did had a mind set... before... while i was coping lyrics... but today during math sometime after trevor came in with brittneys books and left i randomly felt like crying and or hitting someone, weird eh? i hate when im like this, i isolate myself and get mad way too easily...
TOTALLY RANDOM SUBJECT CHANGE! trevors an idiot... or rather does stupid things willingly and knowingly, like spraying freakin listorine in his eye and snorting it it was really sad...and it really sucked to see him in pain like that, that HE caused -.-; man i wish cassie and i liked the same shows... invader zim is on... and cassie wont let me watch it T_T...hmm... wonder if dads watching anything important o_o; oh well nevermind ive seen that one twice this week ^^; um... um um um... have you ever like... no matter what you did you keep thinking of something that happened before... and it scares you? like... it was totally out of character for someone to do that and it just like... surprized you totally and you havent been able to stop thinking about it since... no matter what you do? and its hard to look at that person the same way you did before? thats houw ive been feeling for the past couple of weeks e_e it sucks..and another thing... have you ever not been able to think of someone?like no matter what you do something reminds you of them? and them thinking about them that much just makes you miss them? im like that too e.e ANYWAYS i got a new poster, so imma go try to hang it up in my room ^_^ ..somewhere..
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Most people have an invisible friend... They call him god.
dont ask about the title, i finished listening to a rant by my friend sick-little-wolfboy... about god and such... my gosh ok have any of you seen the carls jr commercial with the song that goes like... "shake that thang" and so on, it just looks like that guy is trying to rape the cow... o_O;; but as i always say, you cant rape the willing ^^; yup... have you just have had a hell of alot of doubts in your mind? especially about yourself? questions you have that only time can tell? thats how i feel right now, along with alot of other things, like... am i really at all that great of a friend? i can be so cruel to people... and i know i am, im not sure why it just happens, and... i hurt people alot, with sarcasm or with my hands, which is why i normally dont like hving contact with people... for fear im going ot hurt them.. have you ever had the feeling that some people just pretend to like you, but really to them your just a leech? have you ever had people talk about how much they hate you while youre right there? have you ever had people go "oh god i have to sit next to them!?" or "dont tell me im their partner!" then when they go up to you they tell you stuff that your good and all that crap? have you ever had people put you down only to have other people say that the one who you think hates you very being likes you? have you ever hated yourself just for listening to those people? have you ever felt so pressured to fit in you changed everything about yourself? have you ever felt afriad to express yourself? have you ever walked a certain way to your classes just to maybe get a glance of the one you love? have you ever walked faster in the halls just to avoid ones who may torment you? have you ever felt that no matter what you did you would never be good enough? have you ever cried at night because you miss someone? have you ever wept into your pillow wishing to be held only to be left with music as your only comfort? have you ever wanted to walk to someones house in the middle of the night... and just sit on their front porch, and actually feel content because theyre near? have you ever been so scared of what people might think of you you kept quiet and hoped no one would notice? have you ever... just for a tiny moment had someone made you feel like you were ontop of the world, only to have that alternate reality shattered by one phone ring? have you ever just wanted to stop time right where you were so you could be happy forever? have you ever just hurt yourself just to know you can still feel? have you ever wondered if what we think is reality is really just a dream? have you ever missed someone so much that you couldnt stop crying? have you ever missed someone just 3 minutes after they left? have you ever jumped on a trampoline for so long that when you got up you still had the feeling that you were still jumping? have you ever had about that same feeling when yous hugged someone for so long... that even after they leave you can still fee their warmth? have you ever had just the smell of something that made you feel good from the memories attached to it? those are just... SOME of the questions 9i have floating around in my head... although theyre not really in question form... rather than memory form... for all of that has happened... anyways... i should finish eatting dinner XD baiii
Monday, September 12, 2005
You scored as agnosticism. You are an agnostic. Though it is generally taken that agnostics neither believe nor disbelieve in God, it is possible to be a theist or atheist in addition to an agnostic. Agnostics don't believe it is possible to prove the existence of God (nor lack thereof). Agnosticism is a philosophy that God's existence cannot be proven. Some say it is possible to be agnostic and follow a religion; however, one cannot be a devout believer if he or she does not truly believe.
Which religion is the right one for you? (new version) created with QuizFarm.com |
sounds alot like me... confused as hell on what i should believe
Your Heart is Black
What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla
i took this quiz before and still have the same result! some say its bullshit, im not like that, but meh... just a quiz, and i kinda agree with it, although i do let a select few into my heart
You scored as Bomb. Your death will be by bombing. You will probably be an innocent bystander, not doing anything wrong and not a person who was targeted at, just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
How Will You Die?? created with QuizFarm.com |
haha, and i thought itd most likely be because im careless XDXD yay bombs ^_^
You scored as Goth. Your A Goth!
What Group Are You? Chav, Rocker, Skater, Emo, Goth, Trendy, Prepy E.c.t created with QuizFarm.com |
man -.- why do i get that on every quiz?
You scored as Faerie. Faerie: Aren't you a cute little flying person? Faeries are earth spirits. They live among each element completely hidden. They have cousins called Pixies. Pixies however, are very mischevious. They enjoy tormenting other creatures for fun. Little pranksters.. I hope you never meet one. Pixies have a bad reputation for finding a creature and clinging to them until death. Faeries can be somewhat close to a Pixie, but mostly they are loving, playful, and carry with them a child-like enthusiasm for life. Hide among the pedals of a Daisy, you are a Faerie.
What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!) created with QuizFarm.com |
You scored as Biting. When it comes to being kinky, your biggest turn on is biting. You love the ectasy of teeth sinking into your flesh, and are probably willing to return the favor. Sex just isn't sex without using your teeth.
What's Your Kinky Turn On? created with QuizFarm.com |
XDXD man... i didnt see THAT coming XD
Blogging Degree
From Go-Quiz.com
does anyone think of me as an attention seeker?
i swear i got a different responce last time o_O;
the answer for this cracked me up so much XD
TOLD YOU DIFFERENT ANSWER... and i think different quiz XD
How to make a Angela |
Ingredients: 1 part jealousy 3 parts courage 3 parts beauty |
Method: Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Top it off with a sprinkle of curiosity and enjoy! |
Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com
beauty... hah yea right
A | Arty |
N | Nutty |
G | Graceful |
E | Explosive |
L | Lazy |
A | Awesome |
Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
graceful!? XDXD
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Seventh Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score |
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) | Very Low |
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | Low |
Level 2 (Lustful) | Low |
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | Moderate |
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | Very Low |
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | High |
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) | High |
Level 7 (Violent) | Very High |
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | High |
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) | Moderate |
Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test
for those of you who think im nice... lookie here i would be able to get into the 7th level of hell
Disorder | Rating |
Paranoid Personality Disorder: | High |
Schizoid Personality Disorder: | Low |
Schizotypal Personality Disorder: | High |
Antisocial Personality Disorder: | Low |
Borderline Personality Disorder: | Very High |
Histrionic Personality Disorder: | High |
Narcissistic Personality Disorder: | Low |
Avoidant Personality Disorder: | Very High |
Dependent Personality Disorder: | Very High |
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: | Moderate |
-- Take the Personality Disorder Test -- -- Personality Disorder Info -- |
wow... i already knew i was paranoid, dependent, avoident, ah well ^^;
im so cheap...
curse that vinilla coke... got me started on it all
whee! we now know when my ACTUAL funeral day will be
XD itll be sad if thats where ill actually be
?? Which Alcoholic Drink Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla
My life is rated PG.
What is your life rated?
pfft yea right...
whee imma bitch
thats odd...
HAH! yay... "please dont let me fall asleep, cause the boogyman will creep, through my window in my room, and stab me with the broken broom, please dont let me fall asleep cause the oogyman will creep through my window in my room SLASH boogy woggy wuu!" XD
XD stoopid monkey
o_o; aww =3 is all i have to say
i hate my legs e_e especially my thighs and my knees
im short... i doubt itd take that many trys
XD chi-chi
more leathal than the flashlight... AND ON THE YEAR I GRADUATE XD
course im a groupie XD
man i wanna play drums...
XD i like the comment
vodka goes well with anything
XDXD triangles are rectangular
yup, trevors an alcoholic XDXD
lmao i say that already!
around my birthday and the time i graduate XD
guys dont dig me >.>
well he is cute ^^;
yup... i think im done now
wow... i was reading through my post blog posts, on my old blog, from before trevor and i were going out, hah i was so convinced he only liked me as a friend and i had no chance with him, man i never thought id end up like this, i didnt even think id have a boyfriend before i graduated, and most of all i thought people would be incapble of likeing me much less love me for how many faults i have, my gosh how i was wrong, and i was SO convinced that trevor and i would be no more than friends, mostly because thats how all my crushes ended up, and how i kept telling cassie that itd never work and wed just be friends and nothing more, we even have it on a video "how come kyle and trevor keep calling you so much" and my responce was simply "because they are my FRIENDS" odd how that works eh? im so glad it worked out like this though, although us being friends wouldnt be bad either, althought about 70% of the time were just acting like hyper active friends, with the poking and such ^^; X3 most of all im just super glad i met trevor, hes teh shit man XDXD yaw... hes awsome, oddly enough hes the first guy that them being gone for less than a couple hours i miss him o_o how sad is that? XD ah well, im doneeeee wheeee!
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