Thursday, August 31, 2006

Day Seven

i got to sleep in this morning, and i loved it sooo much, ive been needing sleep lately, i woke up at like 2am and realized that the cd player was still playing.. and it was stuck, thats probably how i fell asleep, when ever songs have alot of chourus' or repeating verses i fall asleep easier, i dont know why
i sent my off hour alone, 4 hour we did the sweat shop simulation, and missy kept making me smile and i had to hide it, adam got demoted and fired in the same day, and he kept taking away my points for no reason, so that sucked
at lunch i found out at missy lives either a street over from me or within walking distance (stupid neighborhood having two robbs and two routts) so thats just awsomely awsome
ellie wasnt doing too good at lunch though, then i started crying
photography i got some prints done from the day at the part with caitlin, jared, erin and mariah... but the scanners being mean and wont scan them...its making angry cracking noises
oh well, theyre not all that good of pictures anyways
i suck at photography
today it didnt even make me happy, i did about 3 prints and didnt want to do anymore
anyways, i should be doing biology homework, but i procrastinate ^_^
and i might be going to the park with missy, her boyfriend, and brian, playing some tennis and junk, should be oodles of fun, cept brian hates me for stealing his souuuull, then giving it to jackie to eat

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Day 6

yes the counting again, this time for a totally different reason, for a totally different person, and i wish i was telepathic, or telekenitic, both would work well, sadly i cant consintrate hard enough to make the phoen ring, or to make my back stop hurting
yes, yet again my back is in great pain, back to drugging myself, nine pills a day, yae!
seriously, i think its just the chairs at school, my backpack isnt all that heavy because i make a point to carry only one textbook at a time, in my hands too, i think its just the chairs... those evil chairs, today in english we read for the whole period, and i just wanted to lay on the floor, it hurt that bad, much like it is now, but im going to bed soon anyways, it only seems to not hurt when im laying down.. i dont think my teachers would be too happy to let me lay on the floor in every class, maybe i could just lay down at lunch and my off hour
speaking of lunch, today i ate lunch alone, you know why? because i sat with missy and she got bored and walked off with ariel and laurel, so after finishing my lunch, talking to like 4 people who decided to stop, ask why i was sitting alone, then ditch me too, then i went outside, probably said like 3 words while out there, and we just stood in a circle and kicked a plastic bottle around, ive learned alot about my friends.. i dont think ill write it here though because they may read this
and i went to the mall with amber today, i got a new shirt, a headband and a pin with skulls and a rainbow, and im not the only one confused on if amber and i are still dating or not *shrug*
and im joining a club at school, o0o angies getting school involved, if anyone wants to come with im going to tau, it starts next tuesday and is in h-130... ugh feels like i have a rock straped to my back, a sharp rock, digging into my back, and it hurts
ill stop complaining now, for this post anyways

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Suffication, no breathing

have you ever just like... totally hated someone, or gotten seriously mad of someone, then you hear something they said, or read something they wrote about you, that just makes you feel guilty for ever hating/being mad at them in the first place?
thats how i feel right now, and it sucks beyond belief, haha beyond belief... good show... anyways
schools going okay i guess, its still hard to make myself get out of bed in the morning, especially since by then im super cold and dont want to leave what warmth i have
i dont see much of my friends, my old ones anyways, i see missy all the time, ariel too
everything is just so surreal, time passes like lightning yet so slow at the same time, maybe im going insane
i just wish i could honestly say im happy
if ignorance is bliss, maybe i should bash myself stupid

Sunday, August 27, 2006

"I never had a cape when I was a little kid."

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @

thats how i feel some days
but not today!
so i went to the park with some of my friends for a photography project, heres some of the stuff i got on the digital camera, and some stuff from ellies party, which was friday, im still in pain from volleyball

asians can swing

so can mitch and ben

jared and erin


jared climbing a pole

caitlin+winny the pooh+cat ears+a duck taped mini gutair=awsome

mariahs drawing of jared

yay jared!

caitlin again

mariah and bubbles, because bubbles are always fun

bubbles and a swing, jared took this picture

me and a feather boa, i was coving my leg with sand

me again, oh and jared lol, yay for dressing up

caitlin and some of erin, yay for BS

and lastly, a picture of the poster to symbolize our seminar class, a dancing taco, with a cane not a cigarette

Thursday, August 24, 2006

So there was this chicken right? And it decided to chug some bleach right?

so today was the 3rd day of school, but first ill tell you about yesterday!
1st period- science- nothing exciting in this class escept when i was looking through my new text book for damages i found a pressed flower
3rd period- math- i fell asleep, first time ive ever fallen asleep in a class before, he asked for it by turning off the lights, 3 out of the 5 people who sit around me also fell asleep, and because he over explains stuff, i wrote some notes to friends. and did my french homework
and i made a new friend named rayne
and at lunch laura and i stole mariahs bra
TODAY! eventfull thingggsss...
i bit missy
i made two new friends: brandie and katlyn
and i saw speedy (victor) at china king

thats me outside waiting to go back inside during photography while we were TRYING to do pin-hole cameras, i failed horribly, and i look fat in this picture =D

thea and julianna, neither of them realized i was taking the picture until i was putting the camera back in my pocket

me and cassie at china king, i was using cassie as a pillow and mom wanted to take a picture of how cute we were

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

summer days, drifting away

ugh, so school starts again... summer is offcially DEAD and i didnt see my friends quite as much as i liked, and my summer was... full of drama, and this drama shall leak into the school year, yay stressed out!
anyways... morning before the first day of school
ive got my full throttle so i can be like bouncing off the walls by atleast my off period, everyone gets to see how much ive changed
and i think were leaving now? i dont know i was gonna post some pictures but this is all you get for now ^_^
klrjtow45nt SO! its after ym first day being a sophmore OMG
i have alot of energy right now
and i was so hyper during my off hour... ANYWAYS

before school! i totally attacked everyone i knew that i saw, and hurt most of them by attacking of hugs, i was in much need of hugs over the summer, im making up for lost times

first period-biologyyyyyy! i like the teacher guy, he reminds me of hippy-ish people "we all need to get along with eachother" and so on, and and and i have it with ARIELOMGYAY but, i dont sit near her and its tres trist...e? anyways, the highlight of the class is when one of the kids said "orgasm" instead of "organism", then the teacher started saying something about "maybe apart of living is having orgasms" which of course made everyone giggily

SECOND PERIOD!- my off hour, by then the full throttle was kicking in and i was shaking and bouncing off the walls, and i was all happy that missy had the same off hour then she changed her shedual! T_T and i made a new friend, the girl that got hit by the car last year, i know her now, her name is brandy and shes my new friend, when im hyper i make alot of friends, and i do cartwheels in the commons, and i bit myself because i was hungry

SEMINAR! not as bad as i thought it would be, although i guess it helps that i know half the people in there because they all have last names around mine, which means i had LANA! and ariel! so i was like omgyay, and since i have mr campbell its gonna be fun, i can tell already, although this one kid kinda freaked me out, every time i glanced around the room he was staring at me, and there was a kid with a really cool name...who happened to be in the wrong class, so all was lost, and apparently we cant give teachers nicknames anymore, something about respect which i didnt see a problem before, but whatever

3rd!- geometry- i like the teacher so far, he reminds me of mr hovis, but not too much which is good, and jareds in my class, thats a plus, but he doesnt sit near me, so minus, nothing really big to report on that...

4th!- american history- i like ms starman ^_^ shes nice, i like my class too, but by then i was really hungry, and the bite mark on my arm was still vivid

5th!- french- was fine i guess, i dont like the teacher, i dont know why, but she just bugs me

lunch! - i attacked some of my friends, i dont have many friends in my lunch, its depressing

6th!- photography, this was... well it was, got to see most everyone from last year, some new kids, we basically just looked for photography styles

7th!- english- about the only people i really know in that class are KC, kristen, and nicole, we get to choose our own seats and i like ms boston, should be a good class

so that was my day, im kinda ticked off at a couple of my friends, but thats alright, one of them doesnt seem to care anyways

Friday, August 18, 2006

Rawr, demon angie

so a couple weeks i burned a bunch of notes from tv (ticket stubs are so fun to burn, they're just so colorful) and thats the happy little bunny tin mariah and i burned the notes in, and floor where i spilt some of the ashes

and thats my trash after dumping out half the ashes, alot of ashes can fit in that tin man

and now for things from today!
i went to my aunts house, today is her birthday, yesterday was ashleys birthday and we celebrated her 21st birthday, i got humped, tickled, and claimed by justin, and i kicked some random guy really hard ^_^
pictures from today =D

thats foster and riley, they were both looking at the camera then something distracted them

mom took the picture, me petting riley

me hugging riley

mom and ducky

me and riley again, i look like a DEMON!

Thursday, August 17, 2006


so cassie and i got our new glasses today, hers were long overdue and she got to experience "the bumps" again, for all you people that remember first getting your glasses, you know what this is, she kept yelling about being able to see individual blades of grass, and leaves, and rocks, and i kept saying the frames on mine arent as big as last time, and for all you who know me, i wear my glasses farther down on my nose than most people, so it makes a big difference
and i got a skeleton from biglots =D he goes in my room, now to think of a name that isnt the gernaric "bones" because i am not naming a skeleton in my room after a puppet i used to have nightmares about, just no
and yesterday i looked emo
i had emo hair, yes i did

but you know what
i hate my face and its need to always have zits, and ive tried numurous products to help said problem, and now mom has bought me pills, bad part was she bought them for me when i was PMSing and i took it very offencively, i dont want to take pills anyways, especially ones they want me to chew
but anyways, that was justins hat, i hung out with him most of the day yesterday and it was magical, not really but it was fun, and i got food and faygo, orange faygo, but by the end of the day i wasnt in the best mood, i dont know why, but i got really irritable and well, it pretty much showed, especially when i started crying while on the phone with kyle, for what reason? i still dont know, all he noticed was i was being super quiet, and thats good, i dont like people knowing im crying while im crying, later yea sure whatever i can laugh about it, but while im crying i feel bad for putting them through that
anyways, imma go put contacts in, water the flowers and junk in the backyard, then clean my room, because i need to find a place to put the skeleton
and since we have batteries for the camera now, im going to take pictures of skeleton, my shoes, and other random things, so expect pictureage ^_^
so the other day was registration, so far i dont think any of my friend have the same classes as me e_e but heres the shedual
1st biology-Dewey
2nd off
seminar- campbell
3rd geometry- henningsen
4th american history- starman
5th french 301- henningson
6th photography- sopcisak
7th english- boston
...and does anyone know about these black and gold days?...
oh... and look at how much ive changed

last year and this years id, mom said i could have ran away and no one would have been able to find me


right shoe

left shoe

FAYGO! ^_^

if you cant tell im bored and going through pictures

that was my backyard during the totally random hail storm a month ago or so

that big pile of dirt in the last picture turned into this over the summer

okay i think im done for awhile ._.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

How do you classify an Angie?

most people go on searchs for themself, finding the real them and all that jazz, i honestly do not know the real me, im inconsistant but there are some things i do know:
im still just a kid at heart
-i have more fun with my baby cousins toys than they do
-i like to color with crayons
-ill play just about any pretend, or childhood game you can think of, except tag, i never liked it and never will
-i still enjoy kid movies, disney movies, pixar movies, hell there are some od those movies i want to see now
i will drop anything im doing for a friend in need
i would honestly take a bullet for anyone without a second thought
i try to make everyone happy
im a doormat and it worries some of my friends
i get attached to people easily
i believe everyone has good in them
i give people the benifit of the doubt
i do have low self esteem, but past my looks, i do like my personality
ive never been good at sports no matter how hard i try
i get easily distracted by shiney things
i love all of my friends and try to make them know that
i trust people too easily
i dont always know whats best for me but i try to follow my heart
i dont hate people until the they give me a reason too
i will stand up for my friend even if im left with bruises
im shy and dont talk much unless im comfortable
i often have no idea how i feel
if i werent so shy i would have probably made friends with everyone at school by now
i hate losing touch with my friends
i still regret not keeping in touch with ivy and garret
its hard for me to say no to anyone
when i have money i loan it out fast
i love hugs but im normally too shy to hug someone
ive never won first place
when there are awkward silences im normally yelling at myself in my head to start saying something
ive never really been apart of the crowd
im a follower
i think too much
i cannot figure out a label for myself
i have several groups of friends, none of which i totally fit in with
i like being pale
without my jewery i get really self conscience
id rather be dirt poor and have friends then be rich and lonely
i miss my long hair
i sing my heart out when im alone
i dance horribly
i like to skip
i feel paranoid when im wearing white
i hate greenbeans
i never think im a good enough girlfriend
i make who ever im dating know that, and assure them theyll find someone better
i hate dresses and skirts
ive never been good with touching my eyes or putting in eyedrops
i hate mint, cinnomin, speermint, etc
i dont like mountain dew out of a can
i love caremel
sometimes i wish i were more of a girly girl
the only makeup i wear is eyeliner and blush
i mostly wear black because thats what im comfortable in
my sister was convinced id turn out to be a cheerleader
ive only been out of the state once and that was to wyoming
i dont have a best friend
i always blame myself for things that happen

*will probably continue list later*

i am a myspace whore
im a photographer
im paranoid
im a virgin and plan to be so for awhile
i like to go to the mall just to loiter
i procrastinate
im a horrible cleaner
im a pack rat
i remember small insignificant things
im observant
i love when people play with my hair
im a drawer
im a juggalette
im a cat lover
i love listening to music
i like going on walks with my friends
i like baggy clothes
i can almost never be found without my hoodie
i love food
i like to escape the world through sleep
i wear too much eyeliner and thats how i like it
i love to laugh and make others laugh
i will do silly things and inadvertanly hurt myself to make others smile
im a shoulder to cry on
i love the taste of meat too much to be a vegitarian
i sing in the shower
i dont like being the center of attention but i dont like being neglected either
i love night and the dark

might add more later

Friday, August 11, 2006

SO, as ive been reminded by my friends, i need to stop obsessing over small problems, and imma try to be much happier ^_^ and today IGOTSCONTACTS!
and while cassie, mom and i were in the waitting room i sat on cassies lap and mom took a picture, whiel cssie ws getting her eye exam and we kept saying random letters to mess her up, i got her phone and emailed some of her pictures to myself, SO here we go!

so thats me sitting on cassies lap, we were cute until we decided to hug eachother really hard and hurt each other

this is a long time ago, when kathys kids were here, its all blurring and junk but LOOKY IM IN A SKIRT and fishnet stockings

that was er... before the halloween dance, when i was getting all dressed up, and my car ears werent broken

thats samantha and andrew, my cousins playing dress up

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Maybe I am just a sucky girlfriend, friend, and person in general.

so the other day i found out exactly why trevor drumped me, i wasnt pulling my weight in the relationship or something and it felt like i was using him, something like that, and since i found that out i havent stopped thinking about it, maybe hes right, maybe i wasnt pulling my weight, maybe he was over reacting, maybe that was just a cover-up, and the more i think about, the more i try talking to people about it, the more confused i get, maybe i am just a sucky girlfriend, maybe im just a horrible friend, and maybe im just not worthy of being alive, i never seem to be good enough, i always seem to screw up, when i get upset people get pissed off at me, i never get to talk to my friends anymore, least any of them that live here, and the only people that do talk to me anymore are tawni, kyle, liz, patrick and danny, everyone else is too busy for me anymore
im really starting to wonder if life is worth living, all i seem to cause is pain, people who shouldnt care for me do, and people who should hate me dont, my world is upsidedown and inside out and no one seems to care, no one seems to care enough, maybe im over reacting, but i think the world would be better off without me

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Rebound girl

so instead of a regular post, heres a song one of my friends wrote:
Im known as,

Little Miss Rebound

Standing by the side ground

Waiting for the car to

Run them over now

Cause Im not first place

In this little game called love

So Im just little miss rebound

Standing on the side ground

Waiting for the car to

Run them over now

Cause Im not first place

In this little game called love

And when your little miss rebound

Standing on the side ground

Waiting for the chance to

Bowl them over with

Your tenderness you realize

It isnt what they want

Youre just their

Little Miss Rebound

Standing by the side ground

Taking their hand when

Its convenient

Cause youre not the girl

They wish you were in the end.

Thats why Im

Little Miss Rebound

Stamding by the side ground

Waiting for that Car to

Run them over now

Since Im not first place

In this little game called love

But when youre

Little Miss Rebound

Standing on the side ground

Watching all the couples smile

With out a sound

You want it more then ever

Need it but youll never

Get what they have


Little Miss Rebound

Sits you on that side ground

Excludes you like a child

From their existence

Reaching out but never

Grasping to that hand

That pulls so far away

So its just

Little Miss Rebound

Standing on the Side ground

Watching as the Car starts

To run them over

Pulling back away

Wishing they would stay

But not letting them win

In this game called love.

Little Miss Rebound

Standing on the side ground

Waiting for the car to

Run you over now

Cause its just a game

Nothings quite the same

In this little game called love...

Saturday, August 05, 2006

It's called a blowjob because it blows up in your face!

that quote, will be explained later on in this post
anyways, so last night mariah spent the night, and tawni called, kyles girlfriend, and she was apart of the ritual of burning trevors notes ^_^ whoooo!
it was actually really fun, i burnt myself alot though, and i ended up crying because all the smoke burned my eyes, and we got through almost all the notes, plsu there was tons of ash all over my bed, we tried to keep the fire contained in a bunny tin, which didnt work all that well, we almost set my bedsheet and my pillows on fire, later that night after fighting with my DVD player we watched hostel, and i was so paranoid and we kept yelling at the tv
good times... good times
then we went back to my room and talked for awhile then went to sleep, and she tried waking me up at nine but i refused, then we got up at 20 till noon, and got ready then brandi called, we picked her up and waited for danni, and put sunscreen on ^_^ yay for not being burnt, we made the usual run by the correctional facielity, and "owowwww"ed at them ^_^ and flipped off some jeremy guy that danni knew, and brandi was so freaking hyper around then, just wow, cassie keeps caling her crackhead, and whenever cassie would introduce us to people itd be crackhead (brandi) almost crackhead (mariah) and freak (me) and so the first thing we did was water park o0o0o0o
since lines were super long for all the water rides we went into the kiddie pirate pool thing to go down those slides, but when we got in like this kid had this hose spraying all of us to the point we couldnt open our eyes to see, we ran off to a safe place, then came back when the kid moved, but then were was a different kid, i think they just liked the screaming we did, because they kept spraying us, after awhile dannis starting to mumble threats of smacking the kid, cassie encouraged it, then after alittle while she grabbed the hose from the kid and sprayed him in the face, then the kid retreated ^_^ after we went down the slides we went to the wave pool, which was brandis first time (so was the piratey slides) and so she was freaking out because she almost drown in a wave pool at waterworld, so she clung to cassie the entire time, danni and i went by the rope and omg those stupid freaking kids around me, i got elbowed, kicked, stepped on, pushed into the rope (which was alot more painful than it sounds) and had some kid put their hand down my top and bottom of my swimming suit e_e i was none too happy about any of it but i refused to give up my spot by the rope, so that was fun, eventually we had to get out, then we put on pants and went out of the park for burger king!

ah the adventures of burgerking
so for most of the meal no one talked because we were all shoving our faces with mass foodage, which was kinda amusing, cassie gave some money to brandi and i to get something because we had no moneys, *sad face* anyways, i ended up ordering this like... double whopper or something i dont know, double something, it had bacon ^_^ anyways she got a chicken sandwich thing and we ordered one drink to share, we ended up with 2 drinks. i got a tripple thing with bacon, eorkjrgbekrjb the bacon ^______^ and fries, so that was happy, cassie and danni guessed they thought i was too skinny, at which time i realized i was the skinniest person of the group and suddenly had a self esteem boost, anyways all of a sudden brandi asked why its called a blowjob when there is no blowing involed, danni started laughing and said "yes, never blow, NEVER" then brandi repeated the question, and i come up with some smart answer "its called a blow job because it blows up in your face!" there was much laughing, thendanni asks how i of all people would know that, and my reply? "because i have cassie as a sister!", now dont misinterpret that, as far as i know cassies never given a guy a blowjob, or anything like that but i did learn most of what i know about sex and junk from cassie
and then we ate some more,brandi tried to teach us all how to whistle with fingers in our mouths and junk, and we all looked lame trying so hard to whistle, i finished off everyones food ._. and then brandi started dancing and we all decided to see if we could jump up and touch our toes, and the only one who could do it was danni, not brandi the cheerleader
then we drove around downtown dever and screamed at people and whistled, and brandi and i were doing the most screaming, it was amusing ^_^, we got back to elitches and they got mad at me for not having my pass on me, even though my hand was stamped e_e ebil people, anyways we got back in and rode rides brandi went on the tower of doom for the first time and the operaters scared the hell out of her telling her the harnesses sometimes come loose and junk e_e, and brandi got the number of the guy operating the tilt-a-hurl, i tried making a new friend on the mind eraser because we had an odd number of people and i sat alone, so i just said that i brought my invisible friend lane along ^_^
we found shannon (my brooother) and we talked to him for a bunch, and found out the carnival de faugo isnt there anymore T_T
and i got in a fight with cassie after the minderaser and i walked off to ride shake, rattle and roll with who ever followed, which happened to be mariah, and her and i went on some rides and there was this really cute guy behind us while we were in line for the boomerang... ANYWAYS after the boomerang we caught back up with brandi, danni and cassie, and we left, and we got free full throtles which i chugged and got all hyper, which induced more screaming at people while driving in downtown denver again, and tawni called while we were driving around, and randomly id scream "OW OWWWW!" ... i never got the chance to call her back T_T
and we went to some peoples houses, one girl flicked a cirgette at brandi while it was lit, and she bot burned as it went down her shirt
then we got home, mariah was taken hope, brandi and i talked, and now here i am, brandis sleeping next to me right now

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A situation worthy of being a soap-oprah

okay, so for those of you that dont remember i think im inlove with this guy named kyle right? right, and we broke up like... little over a month ago, then he got a girlfriend who lives closer to him, now if that wasnt bad enough, he still has feelings for me, and more feelings for me than his girlfriend, her name is tawni by the way, i knew OF her, but never really talked to her, kyle discouraged it, well then today i go on myspace and i have messages, big deal because no one ever messages me, and look at who it is, tawni, now i really didnt expect that to ever happen, i didnt even think she knew who i was, well it turns out kyle had mentioned me and she wanted to talk to me, we had messages back and forth on myspace for like... almost three hours, and now were friends, now this is a sticky situation, im friends with the boy-i-love's girlfriend, who was planning to break up with her for me, i dont know what im suppose to do, i think shes better for him than i am, i think hes an idiot for having feelings for me in the first place, and shes such a sweet girl, its just ugh... i dont want her all hurt, but it wouldnt be fair for kyle to stay with someone he doesnt exactly like anymore, this is just so confusing, and if there is something for me to do i have no idea what it is...damnit im in deep

1149 miles, 20 hour drive, a million and one tears

so, today i got to see some of my friends, stupid me forgot jesus's birthday present at home... stupid angie *smacks own head* so anyways i was woken up this morning by my sister... in a non too happy way, and even worse i had been up late the night before, crying and whatnot for a couple hours, plus kyle called, he got to hear me cry over the phone, i felt horrible about that, its bad enough letting people see me cry, but over the phone, all they can do is listen and try to talk to me instead of what i need most, a hug, but what i was crying over is solved now, everythings good again, and im feeling better, mostly because of kyle, anyways cassie woke me up, she came in my room, blinded me, hit me with one of my pillows, till i screamed "cassie go away" then she asked why i was so cranky "oh i dont know, the way i was just woken up!?" she then left my light on and skipped off, i got mad, screamed at her, slammed my door, and watched tv with the lights off, then cassie came in, we debated what we should have for lunch, ended up with nothing, i modeled my new bathing suit for mom dad and cassie, cassie said it looked cute, and dad told me to take it back, its too small, he was kidding though

*looks horrible*
anyways, so thats my new swimming suit, its so awsome, i really dont do it any justice
and then jared called, while i was still in my swimming suit, and asked me to go bowling! yay! seeing friends! which happened to be some of the people i missed seeing the most, jared and jesus, yay! jared picked me up, and then i directed us to jesus's house, because im the best and know the way to almost all my friends houses, even thought sometimes i get alittle lost, from there we went to brunswick, and jareds mom paid for all of us, i love jareds mom so much, shes just so nice, and shes left handed! yay! anyways bowling was much fun, i totally pwned jesus, first game i won, second game jared won and third game i won again, there were alot of laughs, and jared dropping the ball while in the back swing, and it rolling straight at jesus, all because jesus made him laugh, we also snacked, and i did alot of dancing ^_^ probably why some of the guys next to us kept looking over at me ._. after bowling we waiting for jareds mom to pick us up, we looked at video games and vending machines, and finally just sat and waited, i watched the music videos while jesus and jared talked, jared yelled at me for being all quiet like, then jareds mom came, dropped jesus off, then me, i came home and ate dinner, went on the computer, stuff like that...
its sucky to know the only one that seems to understand me lives 20 hours away.. 1149 miles.. one of the people who could make me happiest.. gosh this is so unfair