Thursday, November 30, 2006

You could do so much better.

He asked me back out last night. My mind had not changed from the hours that I dumped him to the time he asked me. He doesn't understand. And I can't explain. But interesting thing. Yesterday when we were dropping him off at KingSoopers, he was talking with one of his co-workers. His co-worker asked if I was his girlfriend. He said "Yea... Well... Ex as of today." His co-worker tells him that I look too much like a guy and that he can do so much better. This made Speedy angry, but I can't say I disagree with him. He can do better. And I told him so, but it leaded to the old repeditive conversation.
"You can do better"
"Yes, you can. There are plenty of better people than me."
"Yea, but I don't want them."
"So you're settling for me."
"I didn't mean it like that!"

And Speedy gave me christmas presents today. Man, do I feel guilty.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Suddenly all those break up lines make sense. I broke up with Speedy today. And it's true, I used one of those old lines that everyone knows by heart. I really am not ready for a relationship right now. I don't know when I will be ready, but it doesn't really matter. But. Atleast I told him in person. Unlike some people.. *cough* I got up the courage and told him that I'm not ready for a relationship in person during lunch. I was pretty scared I was going to lose another friend. I was afriad that he'd be really upset. But he ended up taking it very well. Of course I had to repeat myself because he didn't understand the first time I said it. It just makes it that much harder when you have to repeat it and hear yourself say it all over again. I told him at the beginning of lunch, although I took a couple minutes and some deep breaths to say it. He said he understood, and that it wasn't the first time he had heard that line. I assured him I was being truthful, and it wasn't some claim to get rid of him. He said he wasn't happy with it, but he wasn't depressed, but he wasn't not sad. He mumbled something to the effect that I might have to worry about him. I made him promise not to hurt himself in any way. There was a bit of awkward silence, or atleast it was awkward for me. Then Chelsie dragged us to the Cubby. Speedy lived up to his name, and I had to quicken my steps and take bigger steps to keep up. When we got there, Misa stormed out. Speedy went to see what was wrong with her and I didn't see him for the rest of lunch. I thought maybe he had gone off to deal with stuff in his own way. I guess I was right, Fuji asked me what was wrong with him because he was walking all over the commons really fast. When lunch ended I walked quickly to my locker. It seems he followed me, which was an action I really didn't expect. While waiting for John (the kid who has the locker below me) and his girlfriend to move so I could get to my locker. More awkward silence in the waiting time. Seconds felt more like hours. Speedy didn't look too happy, not like I expected him to look happy though. I gave him a hug, and I think we're okay. He hugged me back and walked me to English. I gave him another hug before I left him. I don't think he was expecting either hug. I seemed to had stopped him right before he was about to rush off. Hour and a half of English. After English he was waiting outside my classroom. Another action I didn't expect. I gave him another hug. (Man, Am I full of hugs or what?) And he asked if I could give him a ride to KingSoopers and to his own home. I said sure, and we walked to my locker. We talked but I don't remember what we talked about. I was still in shock he was still willing to wait for me to get out of class, let alone talk to me. Mom was happy to give him a ride because we needed to pick up some stuff from the store anyways. When we got into KingSoopers, I gave him yet another hug before he scampered off. He squeezed me tightly and whispered that he still loved me. I had no idea how to reply to that. All I could think of doing was hugging him tighter. I had to say "Okay.." before he let go and ran off.
I can't help feeling bad. But he'll realize how good he is and find someone oh so much better than me. But I know I wasn't making him feel loved enough. Straight from him, in nicer words. I pestered him until he told me what faults he found in me. All which simply meant I didn't show my love enough. Didn't show that I cared enough. Sound familar? Its one of the reasons Trevor dumped me. I didn't want to hurt Speedy with that. Contridictive, I know. Dumping someone not to hurt them. Sound familar? Its what Trevor said to me. The excuses make more sense now. But there's a lot of differences. Such as, it seems Speedy cares more about not losing me. etc.
So, I'm single again. By choice. And I'll be staying that way until I sort out my mind. Which'll probably take a lot more time than it seems it would.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


That happened to be a key phrase for me today. Up and down my ribs in the back on the right side hurts like hell, and has hurt all day. I never realized how hard people hug me until now. That and how many people love to poke my sides. Josh did so today and I almost cried from pain. And I didn't take the Naproxin because it makes my stomach feel sickly. Around second period I wished I would have taken that pill. It was not happy... I haven't been very social today. Reasons. Eh. Not feeling well. Back pain, emotional pain, stress. Whatever. I got all manic depressive last night, also not happy.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Monday, November 27, 2006

I could so pass for a guy...

If it weren't for my boobs.
So Cassie's moving out. I'm kinda between feelings on that one. Its going to be great getting her room and stuff, but I am going to miss her. She's moving this week. I think. So I get to start packing up my room and bringing it into her room when she gets all of her stuff moved. Packing up my room is going to be hard. I love how my room is now. A lot of my stuff won't fit into Cassie's room so Mom says some of it is going to go into the downstairs living room. The computer in the upstairs living room is going to go into my room when I move into Cassie's. I'm never going to be able to find my stuff once I move it all.
Thinking a lot...
Today went to school for periods 1 and 2 and half of third. I went home because the pills I'm on make my stomach kinda sickly. So I went to the clinic and called home. Dad didn't know he had to sign me out and he waited in the parking lot for about a half hour. I got home, stripped off most of my shirt layers in the living room and went to bed. Watched Fivel Goes West, and slept alittle. When I got up Justin took me back to school because I was feeling better. Went to photography and english. Turns out I missed the easiest class ever in French. We had a sub with a hook for an arm or something. All we did was play tic-tac-toe and watch the rest of Toy Story. That's about all that's happening lately.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Nothing makes you more paranoid...

Than being in a hospital with a cemetary across the street.
That's right. This morning I went to Luthern Hospital. I've got the medical bracelet to prove such. My mom and I got to the hospital all so much easier than we did last time. Bad part was the room we went to last time for X-Rays was locked. Mom wasn't sure if we were in the right place, but Imaging Center seems right for X-Rays right? Well anyways, we wandered around empty hallways for about 20 minutes before going into another building to ask for help. We went to the Raditation Onology Center or something like that, but the parking spots that we could find were reserved for people with permits. We parked there anyways. We went in some doors, came to some desk and asked where we were suppose to be. She told us to follow the yellow dots on the floor to where we are suppose to be. So we did. We must have looked like idiots looking so intently at yellow dots on the floor. After a couple dots the glare on the floor made it look like the dots stopped and we started to panic. "WHAT!? The dots! Oh wait... They keep going!" We definitly got some funny looks. We asked the desk at the end of the yellow dots if thats really where we need to be. It was. Some lady took us back to her cubicle, and man did she type fast. She filled out forms and gave me a medical bracelet. Then she told us to follow the yellow dots back to where we started. So we did, a little less idiotically though. Except that we kept giggling, and half way through we ran out of the doors to move our car so it wouldn't be towed or ticketed. We walked fast back to the building, and in the parking lot was a car with a fake tiger tail coming out of the trunk. That was odd and funny, and very random. We got back to the building and made it back to the desk we started at. Mom tried to remember the other doctor's name that's suppose to look at the X-Rays too, but she couldn't remember. We went to the waiting room and mom said I couldn't go onto the computer in the waiting room, and I whined. Mom let me use her iPod, but before I could get the headphones untangled the X-Ray guy came. His name was Craig. He led us to a room and hanged me some pants to put on. Very confusing pants. After trying to put them on two different ways I realized they were inside out, but I still couldnt figure out which side was the front. So I just put the tie in the front. When I got out, I handed my pants shoes and sweater to my mom. Then Craig led us to the X-Ray room. Mom stood in another room and I layed on a table. Craig asked me questions like when my last period was. and if there was any chance if I was pregnant. Of course, the only chance I have of being pregnant is if abstanence really doesn't work. Then he adjusted my body for the X-Rays. Moved the table and felt my sides for my hip bones. He told me to lay still and to hold my breath. Now breathe. Still. Hold your breath. Okay Breathe. He took about 5 X-Rays. Each time readjusting me and the table. Lying on my back hurt. When we were done Craig led us back to the room where I changed and I gladly took my own clothes back from my mom. I missed my pants. While I was changing back into my own pants, I saw a sign on the wall. "All ties on robes go in the back." So it turns out I had been wearing the pants backwards. Oh well. We left the hospital and went to KingSoopers. There we got brownies, starbucks and cirgarettes. Then off to home. Then I spent hours making plans, and ended up going to the mall with Laura M. and Mariah. We ran into a lot of people. Including Matt, and Phillip. I havent seen Phillip in so long. As soon as i saw him I called out his name. He looked confused for a minute then exclaimed, "SHORTY!" Which happened to be the only name he ever called me. He used to be one of my friends in math. He was a junior in my algebra class. First day I was transferred into Mr. Anderson's class we made friends. Turns out he's starting to work at the Mill's theatre. Maybe I'll see him more often. It was nice hearing his voice again. After the mall, Laura and I went to Mariah's house to watch movies. For the first hour or so we didn't watch a movie. I ate three grilled cheese sandwichs because the only thing I had eatten that day was a toaster struddle (to take with my pill) and some brownies. We eventually watched Hercules. Mom picked me up around nine. And here I am an hour later writting this.

One more thing I'd like to mention. My dreams lately have been so weird. The other night I had a weird one. All I really remember was I was talking with Trevor. I got so frustrated with him and his reasons for dumping me that I just started screaming. I fell to my knees and I just screamed. And that's all I remember. Just screaming. I woke up with a sore throat. Then I realized I had a charlie horse. It hurt so bad that I started crying. When the pain started to go down I finally went back to sleep.
Last night I had a weird dream too. Only this one had a lot of kissing in it. I was at a school play. I had come with Misa but I lost her. The only other person I knew that was around was Ariel A. So I went to hang out with her during the play. Where we originally decided to sit teachers didn't like us there and made us move. So we sat on some risers, but about halfway through the play I got uncomfortable and I stood on one of the poles on the back and rested my head on the riser. Well I started resting my head on Ariel's shoulder, after awhile she started nibbling on my ear and I tried to ignore it. After awhile she moved to my neck. I kissed her and tried to go back to watching the play. Then I felt someone tugging at my jacket. (For some reason I was wearing my Dad's purple jacket.) So, I feel my jacket being tugged. And there Ben is. (Not Ben Ben. But Ben that's in my American History class. He's currently going out with Beth.) Ben is tugging at my jacket and finally he gets it off me, and tries to keep it from me. We start fighting over it and while I have a grip on it he pulls me closer and tries to kiss me, but I back away. He says that he'll only let me have my jacket back if I kiss him. So I did. Then Ariel comes up to me and kisses me too. Then Danny comes out of nowhere and pulls Ariel off me and pulls me outside. He hugged me then kissed me too. Then I woke up.


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I miss my long hair.

As many of you know, around the middle of last year I stopped liking my long hair and chopped most of it off. Well now its the shortest I've ever cut it. I've come to realize that hair is a lot more annoying when short than when its long. I kinda wish I could have a time lapse on my hair growth and go back to shoulder length hair. I've also realized that my mom was lying when she said my hair style was my desision. She didn't want me to cut it shorter. When she left for the store, Laurie cut it shorter anyways. I hate my hair. If I could I'd shave it all off and start over again. Hell. I would so go for a mohawk and some bangs. But of course, mom would object. Whatever. I guess I'll live with it until I can have it long and straight again. But it is interesting, the looks I get when I have short hair, and the comments made.

Sasha got her cut not too long ago too. Hers used to be about halfway down her back, and now its about as short as mine now. Well except for in the back, hers is longer than mine. So, anyways. Sasha and I walk down the halls holding hands quite frequently. I've gotten the strangest looks from people. Almost like they're in disgust. Infact, Trevor gave me and odd look the other day when I was walking with Sasha. Oh well. I get even weirder looks when I kiss her. I mean we're not dating. Although I probably would date her.

I almost flipped out on this girl in my math class the other day. She's nice and all yea, but kinda closed minded. Steven was hugging Anthony and the girl says, " Ewww. Stop it! Fags! You're going to make me puke!" Fags. Even just the word sounds bad. I'm sick of people saying "Oh that's gay." Gay is not suppose to be a negitive adjective. "OH! That's heterosexual!" Wtf. Double standard much? Alls fair in love and war. That is of course, if you don't love someone that's the same gender as you. Then there are those people that say "Oh, it's just a phase." People don't say that if their kid is straight. It's not something you can catch. It's not some sort of disease. It's a feeling. A way of being. Erg.

So. People have been ticking me off a lot lately. Maybe because I'm PMSing. But who can blame me? First day of break and I'm on my stupid period.
Top it off. I went to the doctor's today for my back. The doctor didn't even remember me coming in before for my back. They put me on this medication. I don't remember what it's called, but they put my dad on it too. They want to have more tests. They wanted to have an MRI but insurance wouldn't approve it. Saying that it'll just go away by itself. Well I hoped it would. But it's almost been a year. They gave me a packet on stuff to help with my back pain. Not sitting or standing in one spot for too long. Oh great, what does that apply to? Computer and school.

This all kinda sucks.

Monday, November 20, 2006

How could you do such a thing, Justice League?

For those of you that didn't see, or just don't know, my school was valdelized over the weekend. I saw what was written on the outside walls of the school this morning. Instead of feeling hurt that someone would lash out at our school, (mostly because, let's face it, GM has quite a few enemies) it made me laugh. What was written on the wall was in red and blue spray-paint, "Justice League Strikes" and had various names of the members of the Justice League, such as Superman. I wish I would have brought my camera today, just to get that shot. By lunch all the graffeti had been painted over, well, all except what was on the marble sign. I'm not sure how they're going to clean that up. Of all days to not bring my camera..

In other news, I'm surprized I'm even awake right now. I didn't get much sleep. Around three and a half hours of sleep actually. Last night, I called Kyle's cell phone. After trying to call his house every day this week and having no luck. Well, I didn't get through but I did leave a message. Around 11:30 when I was about to fall asleep, my cell phone rings, and guess who? Kyle. I knew I needed sleep, but I havent talked to him in so long I didn't want to just hang up. So I talked to him until around 3am. I don't even remember a lot of what was said, all I really remember was crying. The stress I've been dealing with lately finally decided to let itself out. Course I would've liked if it picked a better time than when I'm on the phone with an old friend.

But today, despite I didn't get much sleep, I was hyper. And giggily. I couldn't stop laughing today. At one point David threatened the orange Intel man keychain I have on my backpack. He said something like, "I'll kill you! You... You. . . MAN!" And out of nowhere I say "MAN FLUFF!" David, Katie and I couldn't stop laughing.

So.. I've been realizing lately, that I've lost a lot of my friends. Some I used to talk to daily, hang out on weekends with, call over the summer, and they're just never where I am anymore. I stopped trying with some, realizing all I really was was a burden. I'm not as good with helping people as I once was. And with the friends I have left, most of them don't get along with my other friends. I'm constantly trying to be the peacemaker, constantly stuck in the middle and I'm sick of it. I'm not going to force them to like eachother, but they need to atleast stop talking bad about them to me. Of all people, me. Erg. People just suck sometimes.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

I'm under arrest because I'm a penguin!?

So, here I am at my aunt's house. I orginally came up to help out with twin duty, but now I'm spending the night. So here's how my day went. I woke up once at 7:40 freaking out because I had forgotten it's the weekend. After a couple minutes I realized it was Saturday and went back to sleep. Mom woke me up at 8:30 and I got dressed and such to come up to my aunt's house. On the way up we listened so a bunch of music off my mom's iPod and we stopped by Burrito Express to get me a breakfast burrito. ^___^ When we got here the twins were already here. I got tired quickly and fell asleep on the couch, despite Samantha jumping on me and Riley licking me. Andrew has grown pretty fond of me. He kept holding my hand and leading me around. Whenever I sat down he'd want to sit in my lap. And when I took a nap with them upstairs he slept right next to me. I kept getting annoyed at Samantha though. She doesn't like to follow directions at all. I had to threaten her with time outs often. She got mad at me and hid behind a chair. Thw twins decided to call me a penguin. Then put me underarrest, because I wouldn't play London Bridges. We all played some Echo on good ol' Sega. I used to play that game all the time with my sister. Infact. We'd play it in the very room I'm in right now, back when my aunts house was about a forth of the size that it is now. It used to be an old school house. Bell and everything. Once, when Cassie and I were sleeping up here, in the middle of the night, the bell saddle fell on my head. My aunt had taken it down and put it in the same room as us. It hurt like hell when it fell on me though. I have a dent in my ear from it too. Uhm.. I'm pretty much bored. No one is online that I can tell. I can't get on my own AIM. All I have is AOL, and I'm trying to remember my friends screen names. I could only think of four. And none of them are online. I get this really old version of MSN. On the other computer I have Yahoo. But it sucks. And on the other computer I can't get onto MSN.
Also. My aunt and uncle both asked me if I had lost weight. Wait what? Me? Lose weight? I think not. The other day I weighed myself and I was 160. Now who would believe that? Apparently no one. But that's what the scale said. At the start of the year I was 130 or maybe it was 40, I don't really remember. I don't know how it looks like I've lost weight. I guess I'm magic like that.
Borrrreeeedddd...I'm thinking about just calling some people.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A visiter? Bearing gifts?

So today I stayed home sick. Cassies been sick lately, and I've been feeling a bit under the weather also. I spent half the day reading, then I watched some TV and read, got online for a bit. Justin came over for a bit, and Cassie went to work. I didn't really expect anyone to come over, unless it was Caitlin and Jacqi, for they have a car. Instead Speedy came over. Which suprized me. Probably surprized him that I was still in my PJ's at 6:45 at night. And he gave me stuff. A magnet for my locker and a necklace. I feel kinda guilty. He gave me another necklace on monday. I don't really have anything to give him in return. Ehhh...
I want some chocolate.

Monday, November 13, 2006

How to detirmine that your film hates you with an extreme passion.

How to tell that your film hates you with an extreme passion:
It hides from you and forces you to take another roll of film which will not work for the project.
When you do get film that fits the assignment, it gets exposed in a cracked canester only moments before developing.
When you get new film, it decides to run off, along with your favorite sweater you could have sworn you had tightly secured around your waist.
When you finally shoot another roll of film, it takes forever to reel, preventing you from developing the same day.

This past week and such has not been a good week for me a film. All of those have happened to me.
And honestly, since everythings starting to end up as some massive blur, I'm starting to wonder if this isn't all just a dream. Yea, yea, I know, "Pinch yourself," but I've had dreams hurt before, or were they really dreams? And people keep telling me its not a dream, but it really could just be a dream, and in my dream they're telling me its not a dream. "Well if it was a dream then were having the same dream", Not necessaryly, I could just be a part of your subconscience too.
Confusing? I think so. Yet it makes perfect sense to myself.

Drama drama and more drama. And I'm not just talking about the play Stage Door that was playing at school. My friends have been getting into way too much drama. Almost all of it is based around people feeling inferior, or 'threatened'. I've heard that a lot. I wish I could be more like David and just say "Fuck it all". But I can't. And you know why? I keep people sane. Atleast some of them I do. Why would I keep anyone sane? My mind doesn't even make sense to me most of the time. Ugh. People are odd.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Let me beat you to the punch.

Lotta stuffs been going on lately. Since I haven't posted in like... a week.. and a day. o_o; Has anyone noticed my blog posts are slowly detiriating into lists? I am. And Imma keep on going on it too. LIST:
Here's me as a wench:
I got mad at Speedy.
He claimed to be a non-smoker then when we were at Jacqi's he took a drag of Jacqi's cigarette.
So I was ticked, I didn't talk to him.
I pushed him into a wall when he tried to hug me, and in general I was very unpleasent.
I cried.
He cried.
Rumors started that he and I broke up.
I corrected such rumors.
We talked it out, kinda.
You see, he says that it shouldn't be a big deal because he didn't inhael. What the hell is the point if you don't inhael? Someone please tell me that. All Cassie and I could come up with was to try to look cool. Which doesn't make sense in the case of Speedy, but whatever.
I realized I kiss more girls at school than I have ever kissed guys.
I kissed Sasha today and Missa spazed because apparently she had a dream that Sasha and I were making out. Which reminds me. Sasha claimed me as her wife on Halloween if I didn't mention that before.
Caitlin and Jacqi got into a fight. They're better now.
More rumors started about me and Speedy breaking up. This time I think it was started by Kelsey. Simply because he was upset and I was upset this morning. All is resolved though, I think.. I'm still a little peeved about the cigarette thing. It's all just because he smoked. But he lied. Then he said he only did that because he thought I was still in the bathroom. I still don't know how the two relate with how he tells his story.
I saw the play, I saw Ben and Jared there.
A couple years ago, or maybe it was just a year. Anyways. I went to the mall with Lana and Kelly. While waiting to go home we saw this random kid standing alone. So we made friends with him. While talking to him, I zoned out and thought "Man, hes shoes are too plain." So, I asked him if i could write on his shoe. He was confused at first, but agreed. I wrote "Angie's shoe" on one of the shoes. Lana wrote "Lana's shoe" on the other shoe. Kelly grabbed the sharpie and signed his arm. Then the kid took the sharpie, and signed my shoe. Before I noticed, he was writing his number on the other shoe, which confused me a lot. We soon scampered off to meet my mom so she could take us home. I tried calling him a couple times, but I never got ahold of him and eventually gave up. Well, the significance of this story, is that I've found this kid. He goes to school with me now. And recently he's been hanging in the corner with us. His name is Matt. When I saw him I could have sworn I'd seen him before. And I was right. I asked him very randomly today. "Hey, have you ever gone to the mall and had some totally random girls sign your shoes?" He replied yes, and I spazzed, "THAT WAS MEEE!" I got his cell phone number. It's on my arm right now. And he apologized for white-outing his shoes with the names on them. And this is him:
Leah, Missa and I have worked SO hard this week on our American History assignment. We made a movie. You should have seen how much we messed up, only to have wasted two hours. One of the times was so amusing though. Missa was reading her part, and she was suppose to read a poem, instead, she pauses. We wait. She realizes what she did, smacks her own head and Leah exclaimed "Missa! You're suppose to read the damn poem!" We finally got it done though. It was funny. After we got all the way through we waited for Steven to turn off the camera. Right after he hit the button we all yelled in excitment.
I made Laurel cry with a staring contest.
I think I'm done with updates. Bwee!
Random pictures:
speedy and me
caitlin and me
me in photography
katie being a pirate
my third favorite cripple kid
kenton, tashi, and my wife
kenton, jacqi
kenton and betty and josh in the back


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

HAPPY HALLOWEEN and otherwise.

So yesterday was Halloween. Course it was awsome, but not awsomely awsome like I hoped the awsome would be. At TAU Sasha claimed me as her wife. We had debates. And I kept getting fake blood on everyone. After TAU I went to Jacqi's house with Caitlin. Danica, Mattie, Jay, and Jacqi were already there when we got there. We all played Life. During the game, we got on the subject of Speedy. Caitlin said to Mattie "OH MY GOD! Guess who Victor is dating!" Of course Mattie didn't know. When he asked who, Caitlin looked at me and I raised my hand and said "Me!" while in the process of eatting chips. Mattie laughed and said, "Well that proves that wehe has atleast one straight bone in his body." When the game started to get boring I tickled Caitlin, she tickled me. One good thing about the skirt I was wearing for my wench costume: No matter how much I kicked and thrashed from being tickled, I never flashed my panties ^_^ But one of the times that Caitlin tickled me, I jumped back and hit the washer and dryer. My back hurts majorly from it. Last night when I got home we got a total of five trick-or-treaters. All of which go to school with me. Sad or what? And I cried. Danny was talking about dying this friday, not happy at all. I can't really do anything either. Even more unhappy. I didn't really talk much today because of that. He also said some other stuff last night that I don't think I'll forget. At lunch I didn't really do much but sit quietly. Sasha and Speedy hugged me. Jacqi sat on my lap. Betty offered to laugh, because his laugh makes me laugh. When english class came around, Rayne took one look at me and said, "Wow, you look like shit. What's wrong?" later she apologized for saying I looked like shit. She walked me to the car after class ended.
Playing Quarters with Cassie is fun.
So Cassie's goal for the night was to drink the rest of her and Ashley's Vanilla Vodka. So she tells me to get some shotglasses from her shotglass checkers set, and that I'm going to do shots with her. So I grab the only soda I can stand: Mountain Dew, and we fill the shot glasses and start playing Quarters. Sad part is that Mom and I know how to play whereas Cassie didn't. I really suck at Quarters though. After awhile I'd just drop them into her shot glass. The first shot I took, well... I accidently drank the quarter. I started laughing when mom said, "Wow, that never happened with booze." and Mountain Dew came out my nose. Cassie says I need to practice if I'm ever going to get her drunk. She says she's going to give me a horrible caffine high and she's going to be completely sober. But Cassie's close to being drunk. She stumbled up the stairs and stopped in the middle to do what she said was "Tiss her Titty", which really means Kiss her Kitty.
and for those of you that don't know
You bounce quarters on the table to get them into a shotglass. When played with two people, if you get a quarter in, the other person had to drink the shot. With more than two people, the one who gets the quarter in chooses who drinks the shot. It's actually a really fun game. Especially when your sister is tipsy.