Thursday, June 30, 2005

Day 10

well, i diiiiddd have some stuff to actually write about, which is the dreams i had last night, but i cant seem to remember them now, no matter how hard i try, all i remember is that trevor was in all three of the ones that i had last night, weird eh?
anyways... nothings really happened since yesterday, but i am doing better, i talked to trevor on the phone till 1 am x.x then watchedwildboys til 2am finally went to bed and listened to music till 2:40 then i actually went to sleep LYRICS TIME!
My Chemical Romance~ Helena
Long ago
Just like the hearse you died to get in again
We are so far from you

Burning on just like a match you start to incinerate
The lives of everyone you knew
And whats the worst to take, from every heart you break (heart you break)
And like a blade you stake
Well I've been holding on tonight

Whats the worst that I could say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight

Came a time
When every star fall brought you to tears again
We are the very hurt you sold
And whats the worst you take, from every heart you break
And like a blade you stake
Well I've been holding on tonight

Whats the worst that I could say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight

And if you carry on this way
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight

Can you hear me?
Are you near me?
Do we deserve
to leave the earth?
Do we learn
When both our cars collide?

Whats the worst that I could say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight

And if you carry on this way
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight

w00t, hmm... i think im gonna color on of the requests i have x.x bye!

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

day 9

lastnight i spent most of the night talking to trevor, and texting ellie, after i hung up with revor at midnight i watched tv for another half hour then went to bed and stayed up writting and drawing... fell asleep on my my sketch book...well today i did basically nothing, woke up took a shower, amd talked to trevor online most of the day, until he went to go play a game or something and i got to play DDR for a few hours, and... now im feeling kinda... bleh... i dont know what happened but whatever.. i really want someone to talk to but... i dont think anyone really does wanna talk so i guess whatever...

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

day 8

well last night after i blogged i was scared to death by my phone going off, happened to be trevor and i told him to call the house phone, and we ended up talking till midnight, and i was tired as hell... i think it showed pretty well with my yawning and my weird talking, ANYWAYS i went to bed at midnight, dont remember when i fell asleep, but i was woken up around 7 because my aunt called and asked if i was coming up, i said i thought i was but no one woke me up, and i found mom was still asleep too, and after i gave mom the phone i fell back asleep... not only once too, i fell back asleep twice, and almost fell asleep a third time but i fell out of bed, i got ready and we drove to aunt cindys, and i totally lost slugbugs because i was so tired, we got there and cindy started my make me breakfast, so as always i sat on the kitchen floor, foster layed down near by with his bone being all pertective like of it, and em went into my lap... then started biting me, so idthump him on the head... then hed look at me and bite me harder, after a couple minutes of that he got out of my lap and i put my hands back in my lap, until he looked like he wanted back into my lap, so i lifted my arms then he was about ready to jump at my right arm and i freaked out, then he got back in my lap and i tried to pet him but he kept biting me and scratching me so i just left him there, soon after that my breakfast of frenchtoast with maple and strawberry syrup with chocolate chips and whipcream was done ^_^ so i told em to get out of my lap... he didnt so i uncrossed my legs and he was left on the floor bewildered XD and i went to the front room to watch tv and eat breakfast, sadly emmerson kept trying to get on the table to get in my plate, and foster ignored me, after i was done with breakfast i feel asleep on the couch,mom woke me up later and told me to kept fosto inside because he was getting in they way of them puppy proofing, so i played with him... and fell asleep again, woke up to the cat scratching me, i decided to stay awake, and played with the cat, got scratched alot, then aunt cindy gave me some water and spdashios, and em kept tring to steal them, and i snuck one to foster ^^;;; then when i threw the shells away emmerson decided to go dumpster diving to fetch them, and i had to dig him out 5 times, but then he got mad and started biting me and i kept having to push him away, that went on for about ten minutes and me yelling "OW! STOP THAT!" and finally i pushed him too hard and he ran into my boot, then i didnt see him for a couple hours, after lunch we went home, and now i gots a bunch of jolly ranchers in mah pocket! then mom and i went to grandmas house.. as soon as we got in the house she looked at me said "oh is this the youngest!?" mom said yea and she said she could hardly believe i was taller than mom, then i pointed out i was wearing boots, and then she hugged me o_O that was kinda awkward, well we drove to toms house, gramdma talking the whole way, and i noticed that uncle toms house is near the house with the dogs that kristy took me to, but anyways, we looked through the house and mom commented that it was just like the house he had with veronica... i can remember when we were at their house once for christmas or something, and me and nick played with nicks turtle, and another time when andrew stole my phone because it was annoying the hell out of him... and another time when we were all on the trampoline and i was really small... everytime someone jumped i fell XD anyways after that we drove gramdma back home and we went home, on the way home mom ranted about grandma, when we got home i started this ^^; so thats my news for the day, i have to go do dishes and make mom a cappicino! byee!

Monday, June 27, 2005

day seven

well tis me again, still pretty bored, i talked on the phone with trevor last night until midnight, where i insisted i needed to go to bed, and honestly, i cant remember what the hell we were talking about... ah well, i did fins a clothes pen while talking to him which gave me some fun, till i drained his energy with my random depression and not telling him why, then the clothespin sorta lost its specialness... after i hung up with him, i went up stairs and told my mom night, then she said to go look in her room at her new fountain, so i did... and wasnt too amazed... i came back and said "wow... i can make a fountain like that... anyone can make a fountain like that... cause its not working" she got all discouraged because not many of her inventionous fountains have been working, anyways, after that i went to bed... and found that some perfume stuff leaked on the leg of my pjs and the fragrence was so overwelming i changed, i cant really remember when i fell asleep, i know i was thinking alot though, cant remember what about though... im not sure if thats good or bad... anyways cassie woke me up around seven, and we watched jackass as i tried to wake up, then after jackass and me eatting an apple for breakfast to help me wake up more and cassie eatting some mac and cheese we went to go pick up elena, brought her back to my house, and we got ready to go and waited for ashley, after ashley came we went and got some stuff at mcdonalds, and i learned the milkshakes there have no dairy in them... i think thats they ultimate false advertizing, MILK shake with no dairy, but meh whatever, we got to elitches, and called shannon, found he wasnt even there but at king soopers, so we decided to ride some stuff before the water park opened, so the only ride ALL of us could agree on was the troika, which we rode 4 times in a row because there was no line, first time lana cassie and i were in the blue carts, with a few other people and ashley was by herself on one of the purple cars, and cassie kept screaming "OMG ASHLEY I MISS YOU!" second time was about the same, third we were the only ones on it at all, and before the forth time started... (i think... it was forth) elena randomly got out, walked around her cart then got in on the other side.. after that we went over to the water park, found a place to shove our stuff and went in lazy river, we lost ashley in there, i got cassies watch wet so she made me attach it to my collar, and wouldnt let me go under ANY waterfalls T_T and some kids spit on my head... the morons... cassie told the lifegaurd and there was much whistleing, never saw them again, gosh... wave to people and they spit on you, how rude is that!? well we found ashley and went around again, almost lost lana because she was hooked on ashley, then i grabbed elena and we lost ashley, we got out and decided to go on the red slide thing... i have no idea what its called XD the raft almost fell over several times and ashley almost fell out, after that we were going to ride the edge but we figured we wait a bit and not kill ashley, so we went in the wave pool, then after the wave pool.... nope! not the edge! we went on disaster canyon, which is where we found most of the gay pride people emerge, i think after that we went to go eat lunch, and cassie fed alot of the birds cheetos, and bread, when we got back in... random not remembering...and somewhere in this day lana ashley and i got soaked by standing on the bride of ship wreak falls... that was amusing, lana and i ran to it and lana was right under a huge hole in the roof and got like bambared by it.. sadly half of both of us didnt get wet, so we went to were ashley was standing, and if any of you stalked us on the school fieldtrip to elitches, we stood where trevor got soaked, and we went on the rainbow, then the thunderbolt and then lana and i went on shake rattle and roll, then we went to go on the tower of doom, found the line to long went to the boomerang, found that line to be twice as long, so we went to the halfpipewaited in line for almost an hour and we were at the very front of the line... and it breaks down, so lana and i went to go fins cassie and ashley, we ate some ice cubes and some italian icecream, which by the way THANKS LANA FOR BUYING IT FOR MEEE!!! then we decided to go home, after calling shannon and such, he walked us to the car, and i gave him his birthday present from me and yaya! i get a how to draw anime book for my birthday from shannon! ^_^ then we went home, and ate dinner and omg lana ate a hotdog! and got trevor kicked off the net because his mom was seeing what she wrote.. well then cassie left with lana and i did dishes... after i changed and such after dishes, i went into my room and did some sewing on my jacket when i was interupted by a call... ok heres how it went down..
"hi! is pam there?"
"uh... yea... who may i say is calling?"
"oh! this is her mom"
"uh... ok... hold on a second.."
by this time i was alittle confused... the voice sounded so cheerful and such and... sounded like it came from atleast a 12 year old
so i went into moms room
"um... hey pam... your... mom? is on the phone?"
mom made some no guestures and told me to tell her she wasnt home, i explained that it didnt sound like someone who would be her mom, but honestly i wouldnt know, so mom answered it and when she hung up i asked if it really was grandma, she said yes, and im still in disbelief, but as i said, how would i know what grandma sounds like? its not like i even know what she looks like except from photos (cassie thinks that if we ever go to a family reunion and shes there, that someone should introduce me and i say something like "whoa... i had a grandma? i thought she was dead or something... are you sure this is MY grandma?" and honestly, i would think she was dead unless told otherwise with the lack of communication she has with our part of the family
well after that call i went back to sewing... then got kinda bored and this is where it got me, 2 hours ago.... my gosh.... exactly two hours to post this... anyways byee!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

dayyyyyyy 6

well its me again, FINALLY BLOGGING, so be happy and junk, kay?
anyways day 2 and 3 i basically just stayed home and did nothing but stay on the computer and color, and talk to trevor
day 4 i went with chelsea to go get some movies for her party and that night i couldnt sleep so i wrote trevor a note at about 1am i think
day 5 i did mostly nothing, i woke up at noon and went to the mall to get chelseas present, and we got her $44.50 worth of stuff, probably wouldve been more if i hadnt dragged mom out of claires i talked to trevor on the phone then went to chelseas party, i was the first one there and got layed first XD i got one of every color ^_^ then bob and um... his friend came... i cant remember his name now sadly... then bobs friends girlfriend came, and amanda, followed by damian and andi, which i found is eric davis's sister, i made friends with her, then like half way through the party jake and andy came, after all presents were opened and such we all walked down to simmis park, and played some football, i sat out, mostly because i didnt really want to play plus i would have made the teams un even, infact throughout most of the pary i didnt really talk at all, just kinda sat there and watched everyone, kinda made me feel excluded, but whatever, when we got back from the park andi left, and the rest of us went insida and watched jackass the movie, and everyone left, cept me and damian and we drove him home, them we got home and chelsea and i went threw presents, and talked and wen to bed around 1, but i couldnt sleep so i just kinda layed there... only got like 5 hours of sleep i was awake around 9 and just layed there till chelsea came to give me food around 10, soooo tired =_=;; and chelsea got a camera for her birthday took alot of pictures of me being sleep deprived, which were kinda funny really, especially one where i started to yawn and she took a picture... my mouth is open and i look drugged, chelsea couldnt stop laughing, we watched the grudge, with alot of chelsea screaming, then she was dissappointed with the end, then bob came over because he left his cd played at her house, we talked in the back yard for about an hour, then went inside and watched boogyman, and about 10 minutes from the end bob went home, dj drove him and chelsea went with, while judi daniel and i watched the rest, then i gathered my things and judi drove me home, about 5 minutes after i got home chelsea called me apologizing for her not being there when i left, i said it was fine, the mom came home and i helped with groceries, then went downstairs and watched a movie... i didnt really get it honestly, i came into it near then end and just left it there for there was nothing better on, after that was over i started blogging then cassie woke up so i had to get off her computer, and she called ashley and confirmed that were going to elitches tomorrow, so i called elena and asked her if shed like to go, and i got a "hell yes" XD and... now ive got nothing to blog about, sooooo byee now ^_^

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Day 1

wellllll, yesterday, i woke up and mom and dad went to the hardware store, and cassie stayed home and we picked up trevor, before we got home we went to king soopers because cassie wanted to see if the dr phil camera crew was there yet, they werent so we went home, trevor gave me my shoe... which was formally his o_O if that makes sense... then you know me all too well... some goggles and a glass o_O *shrug* awsome stoof though ^_^ and for that, imma have to like... death hug him when he gets back or something... if i remember o_O; anyways, when we got home, i was hungry and made myself some food, soon after mom and dad got home, then trevor and i watched hitch, and watched some tv, along with ticking me inbetween commercials, which really started to hurt after awhlie, like my ribs started to hurt every time i tried to breathe, and it was like that for a couple hours, well then trevors parents came after trevor and i stood out in the rain and watched the lightning, and we all went to red robin, that was interesting, after dinner, we drove around town and i started to get a stomach ache, and the seat belt didnt help me much, every turn and bump on the road made me feel worse, they dropped me off at home and i said my goodbyes to trevor, and when i got downstairs, my stomach still didnt feel well so i crashed on the couch and watched patch adams with cassie, then mom wanted me to pick out all the nuts and bolts out of a box of those and sawdust... took me about an hour, and we watched cool runnings, after i sorted the nuts and bolts, i fixed my sweatshirt, trevor accidently ripped it while we were at dinner, i decided to play around with the thread and stuff and i started sewing angela on the back of it i only got through the a before i decided to go to bed, which was around 2am, i listned to linkin park until i decided to actually sleep and take a break from thinking

i was "woken" up this morning by mom, but really i had been awake for a half hour and didnt want to get out of bed, i went to kristas, along with mom and cassie because dad left his tester kit up there, when we got up there, right away cole made fun of my googles, but he always thinks im weird so whatever, we stayed there and watched tv and such, josh jeff and corey went to the lake, and i found that corey is only 8, so an eight year old was hitting on me... and he wouldnt stop staring at me today... ate some ice cream... so thats what i had for breakfast, ice cream and a rice crispies bar, such a balenced meal XD and lexy's mom took a picture of me while i was laying on the couch and told me i was very photogentic... and then we drove home, and ive been downstairs since, doing... nothing really...

i seem to be beyond my regular accident prone self when im around trevor, yesterday, i started bleeding twice, hurt my wrists and right arm, got a burn on my knee from slidding on the floor, a bruse on my knee, i bet from the tickling, some of my hair pulled out from me laying on it, and i hit my head about 4 times on my wall, not to mention i fell off my bed a coupld times, plus my ribs and stomach hurting, and all of that was JUST yesterday while trevor was over, usually i get that much pain from a week, but honestly i dont really care, i like being around him, even if i do get hurt and such

well aside from my random outburst of story telling, i should be doing dishes now, sooooooo until next time, salut my supper!

yayyyy!!1one ok... well... after that last part... i ate a HUGE sunday... with carmel and fudge and icecream... but i almost EXPLODED eatting that and some cherries... THEN lana called annnndd... CONVINCED MY MOM TO GIVE US RIDE TO THE MALL AND PICK UP ELIJAH! im not entirely sure i spelt that right.. ANYWAYS! we did so, and then mom dropped us off at barns & nobel... SHUDDUP I CANT SPELL! well we went in... and found that lana was the only one with money, so we lotered, and omg such bad pictures i got of elijah it was funny... HES THE FLASH MAN! and... we yelled at people... and walked around... and then... we drove elijah home, and by then my ribs were hurtting again, and they still are at the moment.,.. really hurts to breathe and we drove elena home... and her dad called because she was 4 minutes late, and on the way home we saw a cat in the road T_T it was so sad... blood all around it.. and it looked like it was sleeping only its mouth was open... it was so sad...bleh...

now im all pissed off... GOD WTF WHY IS IT PEOPLE ALWAYS HAVE SOMETHING MORE IMPORTANT THAN TO JUST TALK TO ME!? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?! gosh... i hate people... i hate how they assume im fine with them just ABANDONING me, i do have feelings! and it freaking hurts... all the friends i see and im all enthused to see them and they just act like... oh... you... like, oh thats just some girl i see sometimes, shes ok i guess, just there, im sick and tired of just being that person thats there when THEY need ME and when I NEED someone NO ONES THERE! theyre all busy, but hey! go ahead tell me all your problems so i can be all sympathic, but as soon as i give a hint of me having a problem, they ignore it, GOSH! im not ms perfect, im not a rock, and im not a shrink, im a human, i have problems, and i cant fix all of your problems, im not a fairy... now mind you this does not include all of my friends so before any of you start commenting saying stuff like "omg angie i dont do that to you" (even though chances are you have atleast once) but you know, this is probably all my fault for not bitching at people every once in awhile with my problems because i feel like a freaking charity case begging for sympathy when i do that so i go with the simple "nothings wrong" and bottle it up, unhealthy? yes i know, but im not good with opening up my problems to people, and i probably never will, i know no other way than this, and i only blow up at people about 3 times a year...WELL! now that im on the verge of crying AND my ribs hurt, imma go draw or something

Sunday, June 19, 2005


yes yes yes, today is the day to hail all fathers, i was up late last night writing... and drawing... i like one of the drawings, imma doll! ^_^ with l337 action man... ok not really but because i stayed up late, it was ineveidable that i should have to get up early this morning, cassie got me some hair dye YES! HELL YEA! anyways... cassie woke me up at 8 with a beaver... and i fell back asleep, finally got up cause mom was pestering me, and we ended up leaving the house at about 10...everyone was kinsa testy when we left, mom got mad at the tomato plants, then that got dad mad, then dad got mad at cassie and cassie glared at me.. and on the car drive cassie randomly shoulded out "cabaka ninjas rullleeee!" that made me instantly think of jared... i just kinda stared at her and started laughing, little later we got to my aunts house, dropped off the beaver and some tennis balls for foster, and some toy mice for emmerson, and the tomato plants for aunt cindy along with some flowers, we werent there long before grampa porkchop came, looked at dad said "hey your getting skinny" looked at me and said "whoa your getting fat" -.-; i looked at him said "gee thanks" then hugged foster patted emm on the head, hugged aunt cindy and we left, from there we went to kristas, and i found that camp id ra ha je is like 2 minutes away from my aunts house, and camp tomahawk is just down the same road, well, we got to my newphews house, i ate some chips... a bird bit me twice... evil thing it loved dad, and cole o_O but came to sit on me and bit me, its like... dude wtf if you dont like me dont climb on me... anyways after awhile cole dragged me out of the house by my hood, and me, him, corey and jeff went to the lake, corey cold and jeff rode scooters for while then these idiot kids came, omg... there was this one kis who wore his had sideways, and looked like a rat, he kept trying to show off by riding his bike with one hand, as soon as corey said he looked cool, he took both hand off the handle bars and almost crashed XD then he kept trying to call us names, espeially when jeff ran his scooter into the kids bike, then he tried running into jeff and corey, but hed like slow down get off his bike then run at them XDXD after while they decided to insult us from afar then they ran off, after they did that chelsea called me, i guess i dont get good service at the lake because she couldnt hear me, so she hung up on me, then after the fishers left, cole corey jeff and i threw rocks into the lake, then we walked around, and found a dead fish and i took pictures of it, we hung out at the water pump for awhile, thatd when the corey kid started to freak me out... while i was ranting he stood infront of me and stared at me until i looked at him and then he said "you have beautiful eyes" i looked at him funny and said "...what the hell?" i mean this kid is like... probably 9 or 10 and hitting on me o_O but then cole said he said the same thing to sadie (jos and coles dog) so that made me feel better, on the walk home i ended up carrying coreys scooter half of the way home, along with coles halmet, until my sholder started hurting and having the scooter in my arm was just too much... so i left it on the ground and told corey i wasnt going to arry it anymore..i was so tempted to hit corey with it... and or cole, cole found out i have a boyfriend... and couldnt believe it XD it was funny, cole was like "is he as weird as you? does he wear a dog collar too?" and i showed him a picture, corey saw it and kinda shunned me that was amusing, when we got to corey and jeffs house jeff wanted cole to fix his CD player, so i followed, i met teir cat... it was a really pretty cat too... i made friends with it, but corey kinda dropped it on me, it jumped and scratched cole, jeff let me listen to a song but it never got very far because his cd player died, we all looked at pictures, i found that they had a sega, AND echo... i wanted to play it so bad but we decided to go back to coles, we didnt get even into the house before josh suggested we go to the lake, so josh, cole, lexy and jeff got on bikes and started riding, lexy lagged behind because she was talking to me, and corey went on the scooter, then cole and josh found some kids at the playground they knew, and lexy and i followed, with jeff and corey following us,was stayed there and talked for awhile, then josh spotted my mom dad and sister in the car so i had to run to the car, said bye to josh then we drove home, i took a few pictures from the car and cassie used my leg as a pillow, and i ended up falling asleep too, we got home, i watched tv on the couch and cassie took a nap, i got kinda bored and got on the computer... annnnnddd here i am ^_^ so now that im done... i want some food, all ive eatten today is tortilla chips

Friday, June 17, 2005

TNT din-o-mite...

well.. ive been pretty depressed all day... and i dont really feel like talking about my day... sooo... this is all your going to get... enjoy misery, i know i am e.e

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

cherry pits and summer blitz

well this postll probably be kinda short because im too lazy to drag the computer chair over here and because of that im on my knees and its starting to hurt... WELL! my day has been fun, even if we didnt do much XD sometime after my last post i convinced dad to go pickup trevor, but we had to take teh truck ...ebil well we got home and... umm...i dont remember.... XD mostly we just lounged around and broke truses of non poking... we played DDR and watched tv and mom came down and was all paranoid that the lights were off XD cause trevor turned them off to play DDR then she blinded me with the lights... and more watching tv and getting up every half hour or so to change the channel... XD i just notices that part of my shirt smells like trevor o_O
anyways... knees hurting... and stomach... and head... sooooo imma go make me some food and bash my head on the counter ^_^ night!


OKIE! well i couldnt really blog yeaterday cause we got home at like 12:30...muah...haha..ANYWAYS YESTERDAY! um... i got up... annndd... it was like arounf noon so i decided to have breakfast/lunch and feed everyone else too ^_^ then i walked down to glennon with kayley, we stayed there awhile then walked home, then cassie drove us to the mall,and we were stopped in the parkinglot by some lady... in an invader zim shirt... that took our picture with flyers and a sticker... i dont really remember what it was for... but i remember the invader zim shirt XD and we shopped ^_^ I GOT STOCKINGS OMG FISHNET YAY 8D yaw... see we went to target, got some turtle food... looked for some squirrel food... OMG DOMESTIC RUGS! ^_^ then we walked over to spencers, looked through there, got a picture with me in a hat XD then we walked over to hottopic, i gots the fishnet stookings, some earrings for cassie and a wristband for trevor XD but i had to call him first to see if he had already gotten it without me knowing, then we went to claires and looked... then zumies AND I SAW KATLYN LOVE AT JILLIANS! then went home to pick up brandon and we all went dairy queen, and i saw john and some other dude from dunstan... and shelby... NONE OF THEM RECONIZED ME XDXD then... we went home... with a basket ball we stole from dairy queen cause someone left it there, then we drove around to all the basket ball hoops and left brandon at the park... with much trouble because he couldnt open his door XDXD so i had to get out and open it for him, and then we stayed at home for awhile, i got into a skirt... and chelsea came over, then we went to pick up brandon, XD took him awhile to figure out we were there and cassie had to honk XD then we went home, and june came over, she walked from my church OMG and chelsea went home, then later chelsea came back and picked up me and june to go to the hockey game, XD and i took off my wings.. and when we got there, i basicly just drew, and daniel and judi got hit with a puck for sitting where it was seemingly safe.. trevor called, and OMG EVIL SERVICE IN THAT BUILDING MAN! and outside wasnt better at all... jake got kicked out, and then we went home... after the game... they lost, and then we drove home, judi dropped off me and june, then cassie brought june home, and then we went to go pick up erin, and we ... meaning cassie erin kayley and me went cosmic bowling, only we found it wasnt cosmic, so we had to pay more, XD and i saw ryan zimmerman there, from french class and such for those of you readers who were in my french class... i dont think he reconized me either XD but i WAS in a skirt, and fishnet stockings... and wings.. XDXD i drew there too, then after two games i HORRIBLY lost in, kayley and i played air hockey, i lost, then we played DDR cassie beat me, then some racing game... i won that... only thing i won that night, then air hockey again, i lost... cause cheated though, she kept distracting me, then kayley tired to jam the puck in my goal so i had to cover it with my hands XD then when she was walking back over i tried throwing it into hers before she could have time to block... and i missed T_T after that and some losing of some other game we went home because the bowling ally was closing, we dropped erin off then went home, inwhich i cleaned my room so kayley could sleep there cause kathy was sleeping downstairs then we ate some food... and watched tv then kayley and i stayed up till 4:40 talking o_o then went to sleep, then got i got up at some time this morning.... and here is where ive been XD ^_^ byee!

Monday, June 13, 2005

sleep deprived... and still running

well yesterday was a day of nothingniss, and me being bored so most of the day i was talking to trevor and messing with pictures, then we went out to dinner, first there was soil on cassies seat so she sat... like leaviataed above the seat, it was funny... and we found that the american diner isnt there and is soon to be an omlette place XD soooo we went to fosolies, after dinner i got home, and got on the phone with trevor and drew a picture, so around 10 or so mom gets a call from kathy, apparently her luggage on her car fell off, and in the process of trying to retreive it, they got pulled over by the cops and something something something and kathy forgot about a ticket from 2003 and now shes in jail and her kids, brandon and kaylee, are staying with us for the time being, so we went to fort morgan... to pick them up... and got really confused because we couldnt find the beaver street, when we got home it was around 1, we got them settles in about 45 minutes then i decided to take the shower id been needing all day because i got syrup in my hair, i ended up waking up this morning to the phone at 8:30 am, and instead of going back to sleep, i got up, and im not really sure why, so i got up and about an hour later i was waiting for mom to be done with the phone so i could call trevor, he ended up calling me and talking to me on the internet, so i had to hang up XD then cassie decided to talk to him and he didnt know who it was XDXD mom brandon kaylee and dad left, and me and cassie went to the bank, then picked up trevor, trevor came over here and cassie took a nap and we messed around with webcam, RPG maker 2000, and we made foood FOOOODDD ^_^ i think the webcam was the most fun, even though sarah kept telling us to kiss.. it was really amusing, and poking trevor cause he was all distracted, then mom and everyone got home, so we all kinda herded downstairs, we played halo 2 for awhile, then found some cards and played pimps and hoes, I WAS A IGH PIMP! but most of the time i was a low bitch... curse trevor -.- anyways then trevor taught us a game,and he won ...surprize there.. it went on for a long time between me and him though, and then we watched brandon play football on xbox... and i guess i feel asleep partly laying on trevors leg cause the next thing i knew the phone was ringing and they were flipping through channels, it was kathy on the phone but it wouldnt let me connect... stoopid thing.. i found the clicker and we watched tv, but trevor kept poking me ...e.e;; its really hard to stop him from poking because hes stronger and can get out of my hands easily, then brandon and kaylee decided to go to... someones house o_O; i dont remember whos, trevor and i watched more tv, with more poking, but atleast i got a pillow instead of him sitting on the floor, cassie woke up around 6, and sometime around 7 we ate dinner, theni made mom a cappicino, trevor and i played with RPG maker 2000 and rollercoaster tycoon, and trevor went home arounndd... 9:15 i guess, and i stoled his sketch book, so i went downstairs and drew in it... i should probably go get that sometime... but then brandon and kaylee got home, we watched hocus pocus, ate some junk food, watched jackass, whose line is it anyways, then i went upstairs for computer time... and here i am o_O BYE!

Saturday, June 11, 2005

a day of shopping, musical lessons, food, tickling and taking pictures of the inside of my pocket...

WELL! havent posted in a few days... because! i kept thinking i already had blogged...hmm.. gosh... people keep yelling at me so im not getting much typing done e.e anyways, woke up on and off from about 7 to 9 inwhich i was freezing under 5 covers... not sure why either.. but thats not the point, well around nine i got up and called trevor, then read the rest of mega tokyo... decided to get ready, and talked to trevor online, and around 1 i think, they came and picked me up, yay, we drove to a bank, and trevors mom left us in the car... not such a good idea, OMFG INVADER ZIM! um... anywaystrevor decided to take driver seat and he played with buttons... and blinkers XDXD eventually trevors mom came back and made him get in the back seat again, from the bank we went to carls jr. and... then king soopers... i think o_O one of those store things... and trevor went to go deposit some cash... well alot of cash o_o; and then we went to gordmans! ^_^ oh such pictures there did we take! hah... and i gots a picture of trevor in a pink cap i refused to put on ^_^ and a bacon sticker on his hand... cause i was special... and then soon i was special bacon... but thats beside the point, i took some pictures, we bought some trevor clothes, thhheeennn went to the mills and wandered around, looked for some trevor shoes, found none, then trevor and i went to the movies ^_^ and we saw madagascar, instead of hitchhikers guide to the galaxy... mostly because we were at the wrong theatre and we didnt have towels, but i liked madagascar, it was really funny, and i gots my back scratched, a staw, and a pillow ^_^ X3 plus a movie, plus man! and i didnt pay o_o lol, anyways... after the movie trevor and i wandered the mall until we realized it was 6:30, then trevor calle dhis mom and i called mine and we got another hour at the mall, which most was spent on a bench outside of the candy store we gots TEH SUGAR at.. because i wasnt hyper enough o_O *shrug* and i got more back scratchin ^_^ and trevor read my note, then we headed outside, found it had rained, and i slashed in a puddle ^_^ hah.. trevor thought he steared me away ffrom the puddles but he got me right to one and we sat around, and waved to cars, then trevor called his mom asking where she was and i hugged a tree, and i decided to call him pete, then we found her, and i waved XD and then we went to KFC and i doodled all over the cover of trevors sketch book, and went phyco when ellie left me a message XD i like jumped and trevor was staring at me like "wtf" then found it was vibrating X3 so that explained it, i doodled more, and we got to trevors house, i stole my spork and mac and cheese and started eatting ^_^ then after i was finished i sucked on the spork and trevor sucks on a hot sause package o_O; then trevor attempted to teach me piano stoof... and ive realized im pretty tone deaf... and i dont know the alphabet very well... X3X3 then we went downstairs, i got to see trevors room, and trevor tried teaching me how to play base gutiar, so now... i knooooowww part of one song yay me ^_^ then we sat around for awhile messing around... i took pictures of the inside of my pocket XD then i went home, and found mom tapping her watch XD i told her about my day, and now here i am, after sending some text messages to ellie... and now being pissed off at a guy... ^^; normal day of rain... er... angie i guess, well the at home part anyways. SALUT!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005 ever.

WELL! i wrote this really long post about yesterday... buutttt... when i went to submit it it went poof ^^; andddd i really dont wanna type it all over again, so if you REALLY wanna know what happened yesterday... go ask trevor or something o_O annndd... nothings happened today... soooo... bye!

Monday, June 06, 2005

the cantine of lust...

WELL! most of my day was me doing absolutly nothing, i woke up because the phone rang ><;; so i decided to get up... and check dA messages! because i have like over than 400... and then went downstairs and went on the computer, talked to trevor for awhile, went on a bike ride and went to glennon, walked my bike home, umm... did some other stuff i cant remember... umm... went to verizon and got a new phone, got home and played with it... worked on my dA ID tried to submit it and the power went out for a second, when it came back i had no internet, so i went downstairs to draw, talked to trevor on the phone, complained to mom about the internet not working, she fixed it, i scanned my drawings and sent them to trevor, umm... looked at some more messages on dA... i would probably go into more detail of my dayt if i had the time, or if i cared... or if i remembered ^^;; wellll... this has got to be my shortest post yet... YAY!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

well... me again, with glasses, whosh... i can see... sucky part is im now slightly depressed... *shrug* whatever.. ive got 2 hours before bed and im not gonna spend any of it crying, ANYWAYS nough with this depressing stuff, since i posted last, i watched the fox and the hound... very blurry ... and found my glasses, that made me very happy, but i got really really bored... decided to call some friends, only one who was home was trevor and i woke him up by calling, yet again sorry about that ^^;; well after i got off the phone with him i convinced cassie to go pick him up, and i found my goodbye kitty, which i have been looking for since elitches... in her car, i got alittle mad about that.. we picked up trevor and stopped by dairy queen on the way home because cassie really wanted ice cream and i happened to have some money in my pocket... and she better pay me back... anyways we got to my house and i scanned some stuff for him, stuck one of his drawings up on dA, we decided to play halo 2 but cassie was watching timestoppers downstairs, so we went on a walk, first went to glennon heights park but there were alot of people there so we went to glennon, kicking a gateraid bottle the whole way XD we ran into a little kid, he was pretty amusing, but trevor didnt like him very much, after awhile the kid left and trevor and i played on the equipment stuff and talked, after awhile the kid came back, and it was funny, when trevor poked me, the kid told him not to, so trevor asked why and the kid said because hed beat trevor up XDXD it was cute, then he left after getting hurt on the swings, and im not exactly sure how o_O; we decided to start walking home, trevor kept putting random objects in his shoes then walking around with them, even though it hurt, i didnt really understand that, if it hurts, make it stop, not put more rocks in your shoe to make it hurt more, but then again theres alot of things i dont understand about trevor and i dont think i ever will, but hey, its what makes trevor... trevor you know? why fight it? anyways while we were walking home trevor had to call his mom, then when we got home, we decided to play some halo 2 before his parents came and picked him up, we got some playing time in... and killing angie, after trevor left, i ate dinner did dishes then decided to watch "are we there yet?" really good movie, and... now here i am, watching kill bill volume 1... im done, cya

my day of nothing-ness turned into something..-ness... yea...

ok well i didnt post this last night because i got distracted ^^; with selling people 2 cent hoes... gardening tools... o_O; X3 anywayysyy... yesterday i did basicly nothing but watch tv until dinner.. i had to eat fast because trevor kenny and...kristy...? CURSE MY NOT REMEMBERING anyways... they were coing to pick me up so we could all go to the mall, and my taco exploded... or gordita... o_O; ...ok i screwed something up and im not sure what o_o; ANYWAYS! we went to the mills... kenny got all paranoid that we were following him XD sooooo... kristy trevor and i went to borders, looked at some really weird books... i found the... i think it was like sucicidal bunny returns... to be awsomely amusing x3x3 annnddd... we went in the elevater because it beeps, kristy got paranoid and wuldnt let us go in the elevater alone, i found that amusing too, after borders we wandered around until the love sac and we all went and sat in the beanbags, then trevor and i went to hottopic, he got a hackiesac and if i had 5 more dollars on me or so i wouldve gotten a bag -.-; buttt noooo... lack of money because cassie took it for parking at elitches, but then we went to go wait for kenny, and trevor and i played hackiesac... id be pretty good if using your hands and arms counted... when kenny came kristy took the hackiesac and we went to the car, then we went to an icecream place... cld stone i think, first time i was ever there and it was pretty good, we ate our icecream outside then decided to go to blockbuster and we ate in the car XDXD i kept laughing and shaking for no apparent reason, trevor choked on a cherry that kenny kept saying trevor was snorting, trevor got icecream on his glasses and decided to lick it off, he accidently threw his cone at me too XD and though all of this i was trying not to choke on a gummi bear, we got to blockbuster and rented halo 2 used kristy to get it too, she didnt approve when she found out what it was, then she had an arguement with all of us on vilence and what promotes it, and the store clerk was on our side XD we then went to trevors house and kristy dropped us off, then we went to the basement to blow eachother up ^_^ i played the first round... died SEVERAL times... i couldnt move very well... im not used to gamne where i have to move the head around to see where the hell im going, sooooooi watched kenny and trevor play, that was really amusing too, trevor was prone to killing himself with the missols, and they shot the signs... kenny had an obsession with barrels XDXD when it rolled around 10 mom came to pick me up, trevor went to go answer the door AND I KILLED KENNY WITH A ROCKET! ^_^;;; then i went home, annnnddd... did nothing for a few hours,,, went to bed woke up this morning and i cant find my glasses anywhere -.-;;;; and i cant find my second pair either so im walking around blind so its pretty hard to watch tv AND be on the computer... because i cant really see either... ANYWAYS! imma go... watch... blurry things on the tv, salut!

Friday, June 03, 2005

well, im back again, only this time im at my aunts house, i was woken up at like 6:30 and it was the first day of summber break where im aloud to sleep in -.-;;; so yes, obviously im very sleep deprived especially since i stayed up late last night, dont ask what i was thinking when i did that because it was apparently very stupid and i even knew id have to be up early, but nonetheless im awake... for the most part, but i did had a really weird dream last night, i cant remember alot of it but i was like... a runaway and i was trying to blend in with this family, weird part was is that it was trevors family i was trying to blend in with, i didnt do too well because his mom told the cops and i had to run away from them too, and soon after mom woke me up, i got ready and such, then out the door we went, i got shotgun too ^_^ until we met up with stacey and she handed over the twins, then i had to be in the back seat inbetween the carseats, before we made our way up to my aunts we stopped at BK and i got breakfast because i kept complaining that i was hungry, i had to share my food with the twins though, and man did they suck down my orange juice fast, andrew kept swinging a doll around and i was afriad he was gonna hit me so i was like... cowarding as close as i could to samanthas car seat, cause i know that when i say ow, andrew finds it funny and hurts me again, well we made our way up the mountain, and they kept singing to simon and garfunkle... but... i think they were singing the ABC's o_O; now here we are, cassie keeps getting mad at me because im such a big help with taking care of the babies, but hey! i mean if i do help she yells at me anyways, cause apparently she can "forget" to say please but if i ask for something and i dont say please i get yelled at, plus everything she teaches the twins is to hurt me, she taught them how to throw blocks at me, and snap the hairties on my wrists -.-;;; and... its like 11:33 and im really really tired... and it took me an hour to download yahoo on this computer, but atleast it didnt take me 3 hours like msn did... and no ones online to talk to me anyways.. and if they are they dont reply to me anyways -.- i really just want to go home and sleep, maybe have a friend over or something, but i dont think thatd work out too well because i seem to be in the same type of mood i was in yesterday when we were at elitches... the mood where i get mad easily and for no apparent reason, and cassie doesnt help me at all, always yelling at me and such, like she can do much better, if im going to freakin help dont critize me, because then im not going to do it anyways! bleh... imma go downstairs now, cya

Thursday, June 02, 2005 I have a life O_O;

well, as trevor pointed out, i havent posted for the past couple 'o days, this is because i havent had much time to make a post... and if i did it wouldnt have the random detail we all love X3 yea right... but anyways day before yesterday... was...TUESDAY! yea ^^; well that was finals day, science, l.a., s.s. and french we had finals, and they werent all that bad, but in french i had to do the oral part twice because she apparently gave my grade to someone else -.-; so i had to do it twice and someone didnt have to do it at all ah well... after school babies were over, chelsea came over and abducted me for an hour to help them move back into the house, i did so gladly, but for the last 20 minutes i was being a plant and trevor called my cell phone, i decided to go home, so chelsea and i talked to him while walking me home, cause ill get lost otherwise XDXD when i got home, my cell phone was starting to die so i told him to call the house if he wanted to spek, so he did, and i helped with twins while on the phone, and a couple calls on the other line inwhich i had to be a messenger and tell mom what they said, after while we all went outside, and i chased samantha and andrew AWAY from the sprinklers...they thought it was fun making me run back and forth while trying to have a converstaion with trevor, after some time of that i invited him over for dinner and cassie and i went to go pick him up, but because i thought we were just gonna go to trevors i left my shoes at home, but we had to go to the store too, so i went in barefoot XD well we got home i did some running around and stacey and tracey came, kenny too, we ate, and after that i ran around the yard with samantha and andrew, trevor had run watching me run and jump around the backyard, but after awhile i lost my balence and fell right on my back, and out of engery... soooo i layed there and the twins decided to use me as a hurtle... after awhile they thought why not jump on her back too, until i made them play ring around the rosey with trevor XDXD then they went home, i decided i wanted to color in the spongebob coloring book, and trevor helped me XD we made a goth patrick XDXD and its up on my dA account in scraps if anyone wants to see, after that we decided to play some games on the computer, then we went to my room and looked through yearbooks, thennnn he went home and i went to bed

yesterday, last day of actual "school"
reading....i cant remember...
science- we went over finals, i got a 91% ^_^ *does a dance* and signed year books and i took pictures
art- i took more pictures... and we watched pirates of the caribbean, im pretty sure i wrote trevor a note but i dont remember giving it to him o_O;
l.a.- uh.... i dont remember that
math- more signing of yearbooks and more picture taking and doodleing on boards..and then we left about half way through the period to go get our free lunch, we waited in line for so long and got alot of pictures XDXD then sat around under a tree... and i got sap on the back of my leg, i took a picture... well two, the first one was unsatisfactory and amy hit me
s.s. we took...a... semi test thing o_O; is you read the questions backwards youd get almost all the answers X3 and half way through that period we went to the gym for a talent show, and trevor signed my yearbook, and i signed his, and i took some pictures, after all of this, trevor helped my smuggle my sketchbook out of the school OMG YAY! and then i went home... and then waited for ashley... then we went to elitches... it was ok i guess...

TODAY! latestart, and trevor called about 10 minutes after i actually got up, i got all ready and such then we went to go pick up trevor, we went to school and stuff...i got a spork from lana, and i drew on trevors shoe, and he took some pictures, we got on the buses... ride there wasnt too bad, i sat next to lana, bus was crowded though... when we got there, ms walling was having a break down and cussing alot, i went to find everyone, and i did XD welllll... first thing we did was ride the carisel...thing... we were all wondering why we needed seatbeats... because the carisel is just so fast... o_O;... we got some amusing pictures from that, then we went to the tea cups, only jared (ohyea! jared had blue hair X3X3 so fun to pet..) trevor leah and i went on it though, but we got it going really fast, after that we went over to the tilt-a-hurl... everyone kinda drifted away... and trevor leah lana and i went on the tilt-a-hurl, we made trevor go on it too X3 after this... we wandered... and jared went on the new ride... slingshot, he said it was so awsome, i wish i couldve gone on it, well we got some pictures of him on it... not like you can tell XD we walked around, went over to the sea dragon and i waited out with trevor, we went to the mind eraser, i waited out on that one because i was waiting for shannon to call me, and he did, unfortunately, only trevor was with me, everyone else was somewhere else or in the line for mind eraser, so shannon only met trevor, then he left, soooo me and trevor wandered around and i tried to find something for us both to go on, funally we went on the ferris whell, by this time, i wasnt in the best mood and i was getting tired of everyone asking me what was wrong, and no one believed my "nothing" i got some pictures on the ferris wheel, the operator yelled at trevor for blowing his horn while on it, then we wandered around to find everyone else, we finally did, i called shannon, and said we were gonna go to the observation tower, he was gonna meet us there, but we all got distracted, i took leahs ice cream... trevor with the horn, leah and travis with travis hat... and some other stuff, and he found us first, but we never got to go on the observation tower, after awhile everyone went inside to scare jared, i found this an oppertunity to wander off, so i did, but travis found me and told me to take leah, so i did, we went on ship reck falls...and... the swings... ellie and trevor called me on my cell, but i was pretty much ticked off at everyone and hung up on them both... and for that im sorry to both of ya.. then it started raining and we decided to find everyone again, so we found lana jared and ellie, it started raining harder and they told us to take shelter under the tea cups, later we went to the shops, then leah and i went to find everony else, so we went to the arcades, the second one we looked at they were at, leah and i kept randomly running out into the rain then jumping in puddle, we decided to get our pictures taken, i took out my hair and it was all wet and stuff XDXD then we went out in the rain again, i got annoyed of the water on my glasses and went around blind for awhile, trevor decided to go with us, whereever we were going o_O; mostly i think we were just following the puddles that i kept jumping in XD and it was funny, because i was linked arms with trevor and he linked arms with leah and id always try to steer toward the puddle, but hed push me away and basicly drag leah into it XD then trevor won a snake, taking out his anger on a metal ...mat...thing... with a mallot, he did better than the highschool kids XDXD he gave it to me, but i lost it *smacks own head* it was soft too, anyways, we went to find ellie and such, and then leah and i wandered off, i bought some stuff, came back and trevor called me when i was a few feet away XDXD we took more pictures in a booth, so fun... and funny XD soon after we had to leave, to get on the busses, and i talked to trevor leah jared and some others while i was on the bus and they were around the window XD leah used my cell phone a couple times to call her mom to pick her up, trevor threw his horn into the bus through my window XDthen cory and octavio said he was gonna break the window, jackie said something like "its fine when they act like morons but when other people do they spaz" i agree totally o_o; bus ride home kinda sucked.. big... because of the people around me, -.-; well i wont go into deatails about that... mostly because i should wrap this up, because i should be going to be soon, well, we took lana home then trevor came over to my house, we downloaded some pictures, drew on my pants, i argued with cassie, mom broughttrevor home, then we went to subway, broought home some food, so i chowed down, trevor called and we talked for a long time.. then he went to go get some glasses, annnndddd called me back later, and was kicked off the phone not long after and ive been doing this since, sooooo im done, i need some sleep