Saturday, September 30, 2006

Night on the town.

so first of all, nothing really eventful happened at school yesterday, theyre being more strict because of what happened at platte, but nothing much to report except, during second period when i was letting anthony use my phone to call his mom this random dog ran up to us, it was like really hyper-happy and it ran around us for awhile before it walked straight into the commons, was in there for like 5 minutes, none of the admisistaters noticed, then the dog ran out, ran around anthony and i again then scampered off, i thought that was really funny
anyways last night mariah laura and i went on an adventure
first we went to magills icecream to visit laura

laura in her uniform ^_^

i told them to look lovingly at eachother and this is what i get

laura was playing checkers with mariah who was sitting next to me, and laura and i were talking ^_^

i picked laura up and she kissed me

mariah picked laura up and she kissed her

laura picked up laura and they kissed

after visiting laura we went to belmar for movie, victoria secret, and johnny rockets
this is the johnny rockets and walking around adventures

mariah and laura drinking from the same milkshake

me and laura drinking from the same milkshake

me and mariah drinking from the same milkshake

marah and her boy toy

me going 'this is the guy!'

we so beat vana white

i was a tree hugger and kisser last night, trees are so sexy XD

me hugging another tree

and finally, a cinderella moment

the end =D

Friday, September 29, 2006

Picture upload now.

the sunset the other night was just all pretty so i took a picture ^_^

spirit rave poster i made weeks and weeks ago

josh, the geek (i think..), becca the hippie, kenton the punk, and angie the emo kid

male poms, and ben and tiffany


laura and dannnn

monika and i working on the 'break your stereotype' poster

sasha and monika

james and leah, james is in a skirt

decapitation time, kyle and caitlin


the TAU float when it wasnt quite finished

generation day-caitlin

generation day, someone threw an orange at his head and i caught it exactly

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Barrel of laughs.

false title, becuse ltely its been the exact oppisite, tuesdy i found out bunch of people hate me, yesterdy one of the people i care most about told me they didnt care bout me anymore, about an hour or so later he apologized and said it was meant for someone else, i cried anyways
my brother cme over lst night, we ate dinner, reminised, and played tribond till midnight or so, then i went to bed, stayed up nother hour and half to finish homework, ive missed my brother lots
today was okay, slept in, watch a movie in american gov, developed in photography, etcetc
i saw ms eggleston today, and her baby
that was fun
and i feel numb
happy day

how are all fo you doing? please tell

Barrel of laughs.

false title, becuse ltely its been the exact oppisite, tuesdy i found out bunch of people hate me, yesterdy one of the people i care most about told me they didnt care bout me anymore, about an hour or so later he apologized and said it was meant for someone else, i cried anyways
my brother cme over lst night, we ate dinner, reminised, and played tribond till midnight or so, then i went to bed, stayed up nother hour and half to finish homework, ive missed my brother lots
today was okay, slept in, watch a movie in american gov, developed in photography, etcetc
i saw ms eggleston today, and her baby
that was fun
and i feel numb
happy day

how are all fo you doing? please tell

Monday, September 25, 2006

The end will come quickly.

so... all that happiness from my last post was killed last night/this morning, yesterday was kyles birthday and he had a horrible birthday and i ended up with the short cynical side of it, danny and chelsea broke up... again, and dannys been taking it hard, plus now hes grounded for a couple weeks, ellie was stressing over that last dance, liz wasnt happy at all with everyones drama, so that put me close to the edge, then today during second period, laura came up to me crying, hugged me and said bye, i asked what was wrong and i looked over at her dad who had been following her, she switched schools today.. she was suppose to switch schools at the end of the semester but she left today and i got a two second goodbye, as she walked off i started crying, and katie tried to console me, but she had no luck, i cried for the rest of the period, later in the period, broc came over and told me hes moving, today was his last day, he was already signed out of school and hes going to be gone by wednesday, i have no idea where hes going or if im going to see him again, and i dont think i went more than an hour today without crying, after seminar, laura moodie gave me lauras sweater as colatoral for my camera, i looked at her and started crying again, and told her laura left today, in math i cried, at the beginning of 4th i cried, and missy and leah tried to cheer me up, no luck there, fifth period i cried, by the end of 5th i had control again, well, so i thought, as soon as i saw laura moodie i started crying again, she hugged me and told me to stop it and she started crying too, i had no appitite at lunch, i cried more when i found ellie and mariah, we walked outside and i cried more, mariah cried, laura cried, i cried, mariah tried to cheer me up and started to dance, they tried to get me to stand up, i pushed laura and yelled, i layed on the ground crying for what seemed like a lifetime, when i finally got up there was a puddle of tears, i stopped crying until mariah told me 'its not like shes dead or anything, you can still see her' at which time i broke down crying again, i cried into photography, and i cried in english, i dont think ive cried so much in my life, except when i found out she almost died, heh... i even started crying while writting this.. you all must think im such a drama queen by now

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Wisdom is dead.

so i havent blogged for awhile, so i was pretty crappy before, but im pretty good now, i think my friend is too, although im never exactly sure with her.. anyways monday was pj day, the most rememberable thing is some guy in my class shoving his hand down his pants in front of the room, now that was disturbing, tuesday was generation day, i dont remember anything really from that day but jareds fluffy wig which made me laugh, and we worked on stuff at TAU for the parade, jaqci bit my neck for the first time, it freaked me out because i wasnt expecting it, now its happening more frequently, wednesday was lauau day, all i remember from that was jacqi crawling over me in a game of truth or truth, aka 20 questions, because i refused to tell everyone my kinky sex fantasy, and jacqi craled onto me in hopes to get it out of me, really all it accomplished was getting me into a laughing fit, and all this happened while working on the TAU float for the parade, air bands was that night, tickets sold out a half hour before the show started, aka when i got there, i almost cried, mariah and i ended up going back to jessicas house to help with the float more, and took a detour into dunstan, man we got jipped, i taped my mouth shit and jacqi kissed me, thursday was black and gold day, and the day of the homecoming parade, when all of our hard work on the TAU float would be put to the test, i dressed up as an emo kid, only clothing that was mine where my underwear, bra, socks, wristbands and shoes, i borrowed pants from monika which made me feel short and fat T_T, a shirt from rayne, and a hoodie from jacqi/caitlin, and we preched "break your stereotype" to the crowd, our float? well ill post pictures later when i get my camera back, i gave it to laura moodie and she gave it to laura powell and im waiting to get it back since laura is easy to lose, course i wasnt much of a good emo kid, i kept smiling and waving at people, and at one point i saw broc on the side of the street with his new mohawk, and i shouted "nice hair broc!" from the float, after the parade which was alot of fun, we had the booths, which i wasnt apart of, i followed zach around, i lost my phone and they made an announcement while i was inside out of hearing range, we eventually found my phone, and zach and i got some food, ate food with him and victor because somehow victor can find me no matter what, the powder puff game started, which i didnt watch, but i heard tons of fights broke out in the game, and one of the girls boyfriends got escorted off the feild for trying to pull his girlfriend out of a fight where she was getting the shit beat out of her, mostly i just walked with friends, i ended up running into broc like 17 times, i found fuji, erin, and we all found victor and his friend, i gave victor piggy back rides, and his legs were really boney, he called me fat and a jerk, and i told him if he called me names i wouldnt give him hugs, he instantly said he loved me, i got a deck of cards, went to fujis house, watched some anime, ate some ramen, played some video games, then i went home, bundled up and went to pick up laura moodie to go to the homecoming game, which was also alot of fun but i had been standing most of the day so standing in the stands wasnt too happy, we won 27-7, i saw garret alot that day, i still havent gotten up the courage to actually talk to him, jocks intimidate me, the game was fun, i got starburst, i got hit with icecubes, got home like nine o clock like i had been doing all week, friday, hat day, nothing really special here, at lunch i brought myself and broc tickets to the homecoming dance, and at lunch i challenged him and he picked me up, after tackling mariah and laura and broc helping them both up, he said he could pick us up easily, so i said 'oh yeah? go ahead' so he picked me up and almost tripped over a backpack, i went to the mall with brandi, her boyfriend met us there, we found missy and her boyfriend there, interesting chats till the mall closed "man what is it couples night tonight" "excuse me? i have no date" sometimes my friends make me feel lonely, brandi spent the night, and the cemetary is closed on saturdays, around 4ish i went to mariahs to get ready for the homecoming dance, they got their nails done, we went back to mariahs, they forced me into a dress, they did their hair, mariahs dad and i picked up ryan, he was angery, and i think we fixed that, we went to mc donalds for dinner, got some toys ^_^, and went off to the homecoming dance! now that was oodles of fun, laura and mariah kept trying to force me upon broc because they think him and i make a 'cute couple', my thoughts? well i have no idea, i dont think he even knows my name, but for most of the dance i was wandering away from him or dancing next to him, and laura wont count dancing next to him as dancing with him ;-; mariah and laura went on a quest to make me dance with him, were pretty sure he left before the slow songs started, i grinded for the first time with jacqi and caitlin, and they made an angie sandwich, some guy grabbed my butt while i was dancing, i comforted lana, i danced to every song, i fell alot from being in stockings and lacking in shoes, i did a cartwheel in a dress, i danced with girls almost the entire time, i didnt slow dance with my partial date ryan, but i did slow dance with ellie, laura, laura, and mariah, i wore cat ears, after the dance we took ryan home, went to mariahs to get stuff, and i got home at around midnight, stayed up late talking to kyle, and todays his birttthdayyy! ^_^ so since the cemetary was closed on saturday i went today with rayne for my photoshoot with mirrors, we ended up going to the crown hill cemetary, a lot of the graves are pretty amusing, like the wisdom grave, and starbuck, and price.. we had alot of fun though, she even took some pictures of me, she got in trouble for grades though and will probably be grounded for awhile, i came home, and well here i am, long enough blog for you all?

Monday, September 18, 2006

*Le pout*

Mood:stressed, confused, impatient, depressed, hyper, and indifference.
the weekend kept me busy and happy
and i was happy for most of the day
until about a half hour ago
i feel bad for questioning
i feel bad for having to ask
i want to run away.. but the places i want to go would take me weeks to walk
i need a pause button on life, and i need hugs, oodles and oodles of hugs
and someone to cry with..

Friday, September 15, 2006

Warning: Angie may explode in tears at any time.

so.. yesterday i found out some depressing news yesterday, i might not be quite myself for awhile, ill try not to depress you all, but at almost any time i could breakdown and cry, you never realize how much people mean to you until you almost lose them..
today i didnt say much at all, last night i cried for hours, today i tried to keep myself from crying, i did pretty well up till american history when i started to tear up, i dont think anyone noticed really, leah noticed i wasnt myself but thats about it, i told her i was fine and she replyed with "BS", in french i started crying, lunch i was just quiet, and i hung around in the cubby, photography caitlin asked me if i was okay, i said i was fine, she asked if i was lying and i nodded and told her id tell her about it later, i ended up crying while in the darkroom, ms sopisack noticed i was sitting on the darkroom floor, shes the only teacher to ever notice im not okay.. thea knew something was wrong when caitlin hugged me, caitlin tried covering it up, in english rayne noticed i was quiet and told me to stop it, while walking down the hall she hugged me and begged me not to be a depressed emo kid
hopefully with going to the mall tonight and staying the night at mariahs i can just forget about whats on my mind and have some fun, tomorrow is samantha and andrews birthday party, and on sunday im helping with the tau float for the homecoming parade
im sorry for not being myself

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Never go shopping while hungry.

So another day of school not much to expect, i actually didnt sleep in too much this morning, usually on thursdays i go to school later since i have second off, but today i had to make up a test, and for some odd reason last night i decided i was going to wear a bird in my hair today, and thats exactly what i did, most people thought they were just feathers though which i havent done since 7th grade, and i used to be known by it 'oh look theres the girl that wears birds in her hair' but yesterday during biology arial becca and i were talking about that

o0o blurry

and thats how i dressed today ... ANYWAYS
so i took that stupid math test, got it done in like 15 minutes even with talking to friends, and no not talking about math and i was not cheating, but missy kinda stabbed me in the eye when petting me..
and my off hour was fun today! i got a free soda too, i asked brandi if i could borrow some change, then i go to the pop machine and start putting in change and it gives it all back, so finally i just get mad at it and hit a button, and hey look i gotta soda ^_^ and i hung out with laura m OH this morning i found laura p ^_^ it was AMAZING i havent seen her in two weeks and i missed her greatly, so when laurel pointed her out to me i jumped up and ran to tackle her, backpacks and all, anyways study hall, i also attacked rayne at this time too, and we got mariah out of class for a little bit ._. american history sucked, im so confused.. and now im kinda depressed, but we have alot of junkfood from the store, and last night i made a stick figure with my food last night

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


home sick again, last night was horrible, every half hour i woke up, every half hour
but ill be at school tomorrow, and at access, ewww
so that one guy who didnt remember me... welll... new conversation today

Him: Ive forgiven you, now i seek ur forgiveness... i wasnt the best of people and still am not to this day... but what i said to u was sincere, had u lived down here.. things would have been different
AlegnaNekcihc: how would they have been different?
Him: ahem, well that doesnt exzactly matter... what is important is that im sorry for whatever i did wrong
AlegnaNekcihc: you still dont remember me do you
Him: rain, sarahs friend... was friends with u when sarah,morgan, and i were still friends, u live far away, and i only know u through online... at one point i made an attempt at being "with" you, but that was a stupid idea since u didnt live here, and accomplished nothing but making people feel uneasy, and sad
AlegnaNekcihc: why do you want my forgiveness?
Him: because i cannot forgive myself of the things ive done wrong without the forgiveness of the people i did wrong to.. i wake up in the morning longing for death because images of all my sins and misdoings plague my mind
Him: so i am doing what i can.. forgiving the people that have hurt me in any way.. and seeking forgiveness.. im looking for a fresh start
AlegnaNekcihc: whyd you get mad at me in the first place?
Him: i was mad at myself for using u
Him: i was using u to fill a hole and an emptiness , and i knew that what i was doing was wrong and i was playing with ur feelings
He is idle at 5:12:20 PM.

im not sure what to say to him, he sounds like some obsessive christan or something, no offence to anyone

in other news, i got a youtube account and this is some of the videos i uploaded
theyre all from 5-19/5-20, end of eigth grade, after the rockies game thing, that night, after trevor and my 'first date' cassie and ashley picked me up, it was around midnightish when we picked up nathan, and we went to go eat at perkins, it was alot of fun, and we celebrated cassies birthday (5-19) and my birthday (5-20) also, speking of birthdays, its trevors birthday today, anyways, we had a camera and this is what became of the night

thats all ^_^ hope they made you laugh

Monday, September 11, 2006


So if you havent noticed, i stayed home sick today, and it was none too happy, i hate being sick,i got my hair cut, i slept, and i watched tv, stole a tissue box, threw up, all very boring
hopefully ill be up for school tomorrow..

Sunday, September 10, 2006


so yesterday ws one of the busy-est days ive had for a long time, i was going to go take pictures along colfax, we were suppose to be taking pictures of 'googie', dont know what that is? should explain it, its the artical ms sopisack gave us, anyways before tracey picked me up, mom and i went to three stores trying to find black and white film that i can develope at school, after going to kingsoopers and safewy walgreens finlly had some, but kingsoopers had disposable cameras with blck and white, wtf is up with that...anyways, tracey picked me up then we went to find ivys house, from there we went to wolf cmera, then to colfx, in the middle of it all we stumbled upon ivys aunts house which was super awsome, s soon as we went to go inside it started rining, within about 10 minutes it stopped, we styed there an hour, maybe longer, we went to chicagos for lunch, it ws really good, last year there was this kid named ryan, his girlfriend works there, so that was definatly an experience, plus ivy knew like everyone there, then we took more pictures, some pictures of cosa banita...wrong spelling quite definatly, anyways, then we walked around the 16th street mall, and there ws this guy... playing like the drums... only they werent drums, ivy and i took pictures of him, tracey wanted to dnce and give him money, there ws alot of talking, most of which i stayed quiet for, after while we had to head home, tracey gota parking ticket though, ivy and i felt horrible about it, so we brought ivy home, then tracey brought me home, i had like half hour before mariah picked me up where i packed and talked to liz, then mariah and laura m picked me up and we were off to denverwest to see accepted, with ben, amy, jared, mitch, ellie, jesus, ryan, a jenny girl that ryan brought, mariah, and laura, i really liked it, really funny, although after being with tracey and ivy for most of the day i was really hyper, and i wouldnt stop figiting during the movie, after the movie i was bouncing around and mariah and ellie kept telling me to breathe and calm down, which just made me laugh more, ellie held me to try to calm me down, but i couldnt stop laughing, we eventually made our way out of the lobby and went outside, where mariah and i did cartwheels, ben, amy and mitch got tokyojoes, ellie ws kinda tired and i kept petting her head trying to wake up her brain, laura watched mariah and i run artound when i stole mariahs shoe, jared and jesus talked about who knows what, and i ended up hurting my leg trying to go say hi to ben, amy and mitch, i jumped up the stairs, my right knee locked and it bent too far in the wrong direction, it hurt for about 15 minutes before i was up and jumping around again, jesus and jared hurt eachother in manly places, i told stories, all was happy and little by little everyone diminished, till it was just laura, mariah and i, we went over to the mall, tried on dresses, took pictures, played in a shopping cart, i pole danced outside of target, i called my friends, showed them my hyper, we went to a place to grow and played tic tac toe and it cheated, so mny times, finally we were hitting like all the squares at once, after awhile of losing we left, took some pictures, and waited outside for mariahs dad, when we got to mariahs house we planned on visiting ryan or ellie, and celebrting shirtless o clock, we ended up falling asleep on mariahs tramp, laura and mariah keeping me warm, but around 6:30 in the morning i couldnt take the pain from my hips, im a weird sleeper, if i dont switch sides that i sleep on it hurts my legs, neck, and hips, when i woke up though mariah and lura happened to be awake also so we all went inside and watched josie and the pussy cats trying to get back to sleep, i was the last one to fall asleep and i lasted through the whole movie, tawni called me in the morning, then lauras dad called her and mariah drove us home, and i had a fine day up until about an hour and a half ago.. i used to be really good friends with this guy right? well.. apparently now he doesnt remember me at all.. after getting mad at me and blocking me for over a year..
this is the whole converstion
Him: i forgive you
AlegnaNekcihc: forgive me..?
Him: yep
AlegnaNekcihc: for..?
Him: ^_^ at this point i dont remember, but if u were blocked, its for a good reason
AlegnaNekcihc: um.. dare i ask who you are though?
Him: adam, my names adam
AlegnaNekcihc: adam from florida adam?
Him: adam from florida adam
AlegnaNekcihc: well, if you dont remember why you blocked me isnt it kind hard to forgive me?
Him: nope, i forgive u
AlegnaNekcihc: thank you?
Him: your welcome
AlegnaNekcihc: you know whats a good idea?
Him: ? hmmm
AlegnaNekcihc: deleting me now
AlegnaNekcihc: ^_^
Him: if thats waht you want
AlegnaNekcihc: well you obviously didnt want me around before
AlegnaNekcihc: one question
AlegnaNekcihc: do you even remember who i am?
Him: nope, all i know is your s/n is ,AlegnaNekcihc you were blocked, and i forgive you
AlegnaNekcihc: haha
AlegnaNekcihc: did you just go through your block list and apologize to everyone you didnt remember?
Him: ^_^ nope, i went through my block list , and said i forgive you
AlegnaNekcihc: did you just forgive me?
Him: yep
Him: your forgiven! yay
AlegnaNekcihc: does the name rain ring any bells?
Him: nope
Him: ^_^ sorry i would forget my own moms name in a month if i didnt see here every day
AlegnaNekcihc: its great to know i can be forgotten to easily
Him: ^_^ its ok, im forgotten every day
AlegnaNekcihc: yet i never forgot you
Him: how special that makes me feel ^_^
AlegnaNekcihc: and im starting to wonder if youre just fucking with my head or not
Him: nope, just came to say i forgive you is all
AlegnaNekcihc: there has to be some sort of catch
AlegnaNekcihc: most people just delete people they dont remember
Him: ^_^ im a pack rat with s/n's
He signed off at 5:00:56 PM

he was the first one to break me, and he doesnt remember anything about me, im erasable

Thursday, September 07, 2006

87 people in Mitch's army

and today was a much better day than yesterday, much much better, 4th hour kinda sucked, danae kept making fun of lauren, and then i kept telling them to stop calling eachother names, then danae said i was coloring the poster wrong, at lunch today made me remember why i like having guy friends, theyre so amusing when being stupid, jesus and trevor were playing nut ball at lunch, with a mountain dew bottle, that was one of the best things to watch, and in photogrphy i had alot of fun, after putting my prints on the cardboard, julianna and i made a card for theas mom, who had back surgery not too long ago, and since thea was home with her mom today we made a card for her too, i drew happy rainbows but julianna said i did it backwards, and said we both failed, i said we didnt, and she said i was in denial, then like five minutes later i asked if we could go to eqypt and couldnt stop laughing for like ten minutes and i had no idea why i was laughing, but it was amusing
after school cassie and i went to rite aid, i got some make up and some sunglasses, yay for being shallow
anyways good day to be had by all, or atleast me

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

56 members of Mitch's army and counting.

last night i went to the park with missy and her boyfriend, that was pretty fun, but trevor ended up being there alone with tons of other people, later that night i imed trevor for probably the first time in months, asked him what was with all the people at the park, asked him to join mitchs army, and he finally got to read my angry email i sent him months ago, and hopes of becoming friends with him were riseing
so another day in school, this one however stuck out from the rest, you know why? i had a horrible day, okay well i guess it wasnt horrible, but i still didnt like it and i got pretty irritable, well, for starters when i got to school less than 3 minutes after my mom droped me off i realized i forgot to get her to sign something, a lab safety sheet or something for biology which is my first class, i frantically tried to call my mom on her cell phone, and what do you know, she didnt even take her purse with her, so i alternated calling the house and moms cell, i finally got ahold of dad and told him to tell mom to come back as soon as she got home, because we were doing a lab that day and if she didnt come it was almost as if i shouldnt even show up for class, she was mad, i thanked her billions of times, and ran to class, even though by the time she signed it i was already 7 minutes late, but i dont think mr dewey knew that, when i walked into class everyone was moving around the tables for the lab, which no one actually finished because we spent most of the time going over the directions and people switching the lame goggles for ones that were less lame, then ontop of that everyone got confused on the directions during the lab anyways, then after that i scampered off to my math class, when mr henningsen...son? i dont remember, but he was walking around the class checking peoples homework, as i looked for mine, and guess what, i couldnt find it, then during the BOP someone turned on the lights while i was consintarting on the overhead and blinded me, jen and kittra made fun of my reaction for the rest of the period, they both thought it was funn that i whined about being blinded but didnt wince my eyes at all, then french, turns out i did the WRONG homework, i did the homework that was due friday instead of what was due today, great job ang, pat on the back there, by then i was extremely hungry and was ready for the day to be over, things changed a bit for lunch, i stopped feeling hungry and felt more sick, so my lunch consisted of three ibprofin and a caprisun, i had forgot about my list of recruits until i saw mitch, mariah and laura moodie fallowed me to my locker and we got tons of people to sign during lunch, for those of you that dont know, it was mitch (and haleys) birthday yesterday, and i decided to get mitch an army for his birthday, last night within an hour i got 19 signatures, about 6 or so didnt even know who mitch was, today during lunch and the first couple minutes of english i got up to 56 recruits, i got a bit mad at some people that just shrugs me off or just walked away, like i went to this one table to ask people, they all just got up and left, one of them is in my seminar class, i bet if he didnt think i was crazy with the 'talking taco' idea, he does now, in english jareds class came into our room to watch a movie, after school i stayed around the house, watched cassie try to put in her new contacts, which was an adventure in itself, and i ended up iming trevor and asking what he thought on the email, he said he didnt know, he and i are confused on whether were going to be friends or not, i mean sure im totally up for that, but he has no idea, so chances are were going back to mutalally ignoring eachother, great eh? i hate relationships, all they seem to do is screw up my friendships, hell even jesus and i dont talk much anymore, if i saw me before i decided to ask out/go out with trevor or jesus, i would have shot myself on sight, i hate how things change so fast

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

"That just makes me want to have a vagina all the more!"

so today nothing really eventful happened until TAU
first hour-biology- i was so out of it i dont even remember what we did
second hour-off- i finished my american history homework
seminar-campbell- we read, i lost my book and borrowed lana's, i kinda like it, maybe ill read it when shes done with the first one so i wont be quite as confused
third hour-math- erm... i dont remember that class reallt either
fourth hour-american history- notessss
fifth hour-french-i dont really remember much of that either
lunch-missy and i talked about where we live, it turns out she lives on the other side of simms park, but shes still close so thats all good, ariel got v for vendetta, and i asked if i could borrow it or go to her house to watch it, missy gave me hot cheetos for ditching me so much lately, jacqi gave me a hug, i looked for mariah with ellie
sixth hour-photography- i spent most of the house trying to figure out which prints to...put on cardboard
seventh hour-english- well, we red a story by edgar allen poe, analized it
after school-TAU!- ^_^ this was all very fun and amusing and fun, and the discussion afterwards was also amusing, kentons girlfriend, i think her name is becca, which is jacqis old girlfriend, is getting a tounge ring soon, jacqi glared at kenton and told him that she hated him, then kenton goes "but it just makes me want to have a vagina all the more!" jacqi broke down laughing, and while on the floor she hugged kentons leg and said she loved him, all of which was very amusing, caitlin gave me a ride home, and im definatly going back next week, and i invite anyone else to come too, especially if youre not a caucasian female, because all but two people are those, being kenton and some josh kid

Monday, September 04, 2006

This is the guy!

who else thinks that this whole thing about paris hilton having a cd is totally weird?
yesterday i went to raynes house for a barbeque, i made a new friend, her name is alice (not sure if i spelled that right.. but its pronounced a-lease) and all of it was alot of fun, we talked, walked down to kingsoopers and got some free cookies, watched helter skelter, well... part of it, its a freaking long movie and after awhile i started getting distracted by shoes, but for those of you that dont know its a movie about charles manson, the people in the movie kinda freaked me out, just how they smiled while killing so many people, how they smiled while confessing about it, and how they skipped and sang while walking into the jail, although i would like to do a creepy crawl sometime in my life, just seems so fun (a creepy crawl is when you sneak into someones house and move around all of there stuff, no stealing involved) there was food to eat and basically alice, rayne and i were pretty anti social til the end of the barbeque, where everyone was outside, just talking some were playing with drums and gutairs, all very amusing, especially since half the people were drunk, i ended up stealing one of raynes pens and drew on my hands, i tried drawing the bones, didnt work as well when i tried drawing on my left hand, then i drew the same on rayne and alices hands, oh and we colored in a pretty princess coloring book, sadly i forgot my coloring pages at raynes house, but i accidently took her ICP hoodie, and there was one girl there, well not really girl, she was an adult, but her name was teresa, and she couldnt remember my name for the longest time, every time she saw me she asked what my name was again and then hugged me, and there was this one guy who reminded me so much of my dad, they way he looked, the glasses, beard, hair, so much like my dad, it was kinda weirdaround nine i had to go home because mom wouldnt let me spend the night at alices with rayne up in confier, so i ended up coming home, found out kyle called around 7ish, went online and talked to him for awhile, talked to my friend chelsea from south carolina... and well.. she was depressed to say the least.. she made me cry with such simple words that seem to be etched in the back of my mind, "ill add you to my arm", i ended up not being able to take it anymore and turned off the computer, couple minutes later kyle called, by this time it was about 1am, and we talked till 5am, around 4ish i started falling asleep, and right before id drift totally off hed end up saying something and making me jump, have you ever been like just about to fall asleep and you lose all sense of what position your body is in or any of that? it was weird... it was like instead of my arm resting on my stomach is was inside me, it was so weird, after awhile i could catch myself when i felt like that and tried to keep myself awake
so how am i? i have no idea, been kinda numb for a week or so

Saturday, September 02, 2006

What's a tampon?

well kyle called last night, and all was happy, we ended up talking on the phone till about 4:30 in the morning, we both fell asleep several times, and it was so amusing when he started getting really tired
me: do you know who youre talking to?
him: oh shut up pope
me: pope?
him: youre the pope
me: no...
him: youre not?
me: nope, youve got the wrong number
him: ah shiiitttttt
all very amusing, took me like a half hour trying to get him to go get a blanket because he was cold, bad part was i wasnt feeling good and he made me laugh so hard i had to throw up, none too good, i ended up sleeping until like 1:40pm, still kinda tired
i also forgot to mention something that happened yesterday at lunch, which im sure on those nights when i get bored and read through past blog entrys ill want to remember this time:
some girl dropped a tampon, ellie and jesus threw it at alex, then jesus was messing with it when paizley came out, it was so funny watching jesus freak out and hide the tampon behind his back, then alittle later, ryan was making fun of alex and said "do you even know what a tampon is for?" and right then this 9th grader was walking behind him to go through the door and made the funniest face..
the end =D

Friday, September 01, 2006

Day Eight

so its finally friday, im happy, i needed some late nights and some later mornings, sadly school didnt go so well
it seemed that everything was out to make me bleed, i got tons of paper cuts, like 3 in every class, in one of the passing periods i was trying to go from american history to french, as everyone was trying to go down the stairs, someone pushed me into the fire extungisher case, scraped the hell out of my left hand, that, and all the papervuts, falling in the hallway and scraping my palms, trying to make prints in photography was hell, a painful stinging hell, but i did make some more prints ^_^ i think im done now ._.; mfhmfm... i shall scan those now!

the rest wont post right now...ill find a way to get them up

...or not...

well the rest are on deviantart, the link to my gallery is in the side column