look! im finally blogging, yippy for me, boo for all you people who all read this crap, ANYWAYS past couple of days... um... one of the days... i think it was thursday or friday, i went to the mall with trevor, and we found kristy, then we walked around trying to find cars and baby keys X3 for my nephews birthday because hes turning 16, and trevor tried paying me to play with the kids in "a place to grow" but that place seriously freaks me out, and later we found toy cars, we got him three PT crusiers, then we walked around for awhile, and found amber and KC and attacked them ^_^ then we walked around with them for awhile, went to hot topic (again) and spencers, inwhich i was handcuffed to amber ^_^ and walked to earth bound and looked at all these different sents in bottles, and we detirmed that ambrosia is a good sent and that i could find all the really weird ones easily, such as wet dreams, sex on the beach and stuff like that cause im just that special, then it got to be around 3:30 and we went back to target, where we found baby keys and some water for amber and some sprite for trevor, paid, said goodbye hugged them and we went to meet kristy, then we went to the one hour photo, then starbucks, then kristy brought us back to my house, and we had mom convinced that we walked home from the mall, and she was about to yell at us X3 then we told her we didnt walk, then we wrapped joshes presents and watched tv, annndd... them... something something dont remember dont remember, and YAY YESTERDAY! i was awake... at like ten, called chelsea found they couldnt go to joshs birthday party so i was all bleh like until like... 1 when cassie and i went to the store, and got gas then picked up trevor, then got more gas, then went home, filled a cooler with ice, shoved stoof in the trunk and went to kristas, and on the car ride, i had easy access to trevors side and we (meaning cassie trevor and i) had thumb wars, we got there, and met some people, opened some presents and then went inside downstair listening to some music and watched cole play some games then we went on the scavenger hunt... and lost, and we had these two really... ditzy girls on our team, and we had them believing trevor and i were siblings, then when they figured out that we were going out they awwed and i felt like throwing a rock at them ^_^ and they were all... whiney... didnt want to go up hills... and then they wanted to turn back, bleh i just didnt like them at all, and we got all the stoof and ran into the other team on the way back and found that we had lost, so we went back got ducks and prizes and i sat on the floor right next to mom and didnt move until we left, got a hug from josh and we drove home, inwhich i was super tired and tried to sleep, didnt work at all, got home, played with cats, trevor went home and i cant remember past that really o_o; got up today, i had a really weird dream, trevor got stolededed o_o
and for most of the day ive done nothing, until i was talking on the phone with trevor and cassie suddenly wanted to go to petsmart, so i grabbed the nearest shoes i could find which happened to be my army boots and cassie laughed at me, we went to petsmart, and found it closed at five, so we went to petco and found it closed at 7 so we had like 5 minutes, so we got our stuff and left, came back home and here is where ive been since
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Stoopid computer... can't pronounce Jared...
okieeee.... well sometime in the four way conversation last night after trevor left we started talking and cassie voleenteered to kidnapp jared, and lana, and trevor, which semi never happened... somehow lana got to telling me i listen to alot of emo music... *shrug* well we talked till midnight, then i went to bed... semi... i ended up writting a note until around 1 while listening to music... then i went to sleep, woke up around 10:30 i think, inwhich i went to the computer, talked to trevor, wandered off, took a shower, tried waking up cassie... no luck... put up my hair, tried waking up cassie again... ate some cake, went back to the computer, and convinced mom to drive around since cassie wasnt going to, we went and picked up trevor, then lana, then drove arouns for awhile trying to find jareds house, sadly trevor was the only one who knew where it was, we finally found his house... and he was in the friggin shower, so we waited... and waited... lana hissed at his dog... and such... when jared finally got ready we waited for my mom to come back to pick us back up again, from there we went home, and we played with the computer, then we went to DQ, stayed there for an hour or so and came back home, by then i was really quiet, got back home and played with the computer more, then trevors parental unit came and picked him up, then lana jared and i went downstairs and played DDR, then lanas mom came and picked her up and jared left to walk to the pool where his mom was, and thanked me for kiddnapping him XDXD anyways... marys in town... and i havent seen her yet... i need to go do dishes and make mom a cappicino for driving us around... baii
well... last post is back... so you can all worry about me e.e; anyways.... well last night i felt the same as i did when i wrote that -.- and obviously i had no one to talk to, i was at chelseas house, couldnt call anyone plus chelsea really wanted to sleep x.x but im better now! w00t and then today, i woke up at... like 1030 and was really tired and such, then i went home around... i think 2 40 cause mom said... and before that happened chelsea threw a pen at daniels eye! then we went to the mall sometime.... and met up with trevor... he scared the hell out of me, i like just got off the phone with him then he was right behind me it was like whoa wtf so we watched people at the skatepark for awhile then we went and walked around the mall for awhile and such... then mom picked us up and we went home... dropped chelsea off and trevor stayed at my house until 8:11 when his mom came... um.... yup... im writting this as im on a four way call with lana jared and trevor, i always seem like... left out of these type of convos... cause im like... non groupie, and their all super friends and such... bleh whatever, cant really change it... fun to listen to them though... and all of the random songs lana is showing us... kinda...bleh... whatever.... bai!
Saturday, July 23, 2005
the sweetest fruit is always out of reach
wow.... i really... just want to talk to someone... anyone right now, anyone that will just listen... i want to rant and have someone and have them talk rationality to my mind, tell me im wrong or right, that they agree, i want someone here right now to look me straight in the eye as i pour my heart and soul out to them, and when im finished not to just get off into another subject just to shut me up, i want someone here right now to let my cry on their shoulder, sure... having inatimate friends can let you vent... but they cant tell you what THEY think because they dont think, and if they do to me its just MY opinion, i dont want to be able to PREDICT what people are going to say to me, i know right now i want alot, but if you think about it its really simple, i want someone to talk to me, with me whatever... and not any of this internet crap, i want them to hear the fear in my voice right now, let them know im serious, i want to hear their voice and know they arent just feeding me lines from someone else... but by now... its too late for any of that... mom and dad are sleeping... its too late to call anyone at all without getting them in trouble... why is it when i want something so simple... its such an inconvinence for everyone else? i know about every other time anyone asks me whats on my mind i say nothing, because i dont want to talk or i honestly have nothing, but now i have nothing... but i WANT to talk... i WANT to rant and i WANT to be HEARD, and for those who take time to hear me i want them to THINK about what i said to actually think about it... not just shove it in the back of their mind... and i want to hear THEIR veiw.... and about by now im crying.... i really dont know what happened... i was fine a bit ago and now i really really just want someone to be here with me... and all in all if i cant talk... even if i want to so much... but i just cant find the words to say anything.... i want someone to hug me... tell me its ok... whipe my tears and hold me... but i cant have that right now... and it makes me so mad, i know some people who wish to be here to listen to me whenever i want things like this... but... theyre not there... i cant do anything about it... theyre all probably sleeping... or too busy anyways... and now... as i think about this i seem really selfish dont i... but ive been there for everyone else... ive tried my hardest to be availble to everyone at any given time so if they need me im there... so they wont have to be like THIS like I am right now.... so pathetic... i guess i should probably know why i can get annoying to people... is being like this... like i am right now... so pathetic and needy... but... i guess i cant help it... we all have needs and wants... some can even be both... i guess i dont really need any of the above... i just want it so much... so much at this very moment that it hurts... and it hurts so bad that im crying... feels alot like... right now... if i were to suddenly like... start cutting again or go out and be hit by a truck... that no one would care... and then... i get mad at myself... because i know that isnt true.... I KNOW people care for me, and i KNOW they want me around... which makes me feel worse for even feeling that they wouldnt care in the first place... but... i guess im done... and shaking from crying has gotten weaker... so im guessing im crying less... and getting better... what doesnt kill you makes you stronger right? well... im done... now... its almost time for bed anyways... and i guess you all can thank bryson for actually talking to me about this... sadly only on the internet... but he still made me feel alittle better...
Friday, July 22, 2005
another weird dream...
well.. i had a really weird dream last night... i was at the rookies game, and for some reason everyone was shunning me, i went to go buy some food from peter and he wouldnt let me have any (dude o_O i tried paying with gum O_O;) bailee over heard and payed for my corndog and i gave her my gum, then suddenly we were on the car (wtf a car?) ride back to school, while everyone else walked o_o; and then peter accidently called me cindy, so i went on with this whole "how long have you known me? since first grade? and you STILL cant get my name right?" then bailee said she once called me angela franklin, and i told her that was atleast understandable, but cindy and angela had no relation, when we got back to school, which was hutchinson o_O; i ran off to the play ground and found daniel, he was upset and i left him alone, then i found mary and sarah (wtf? theyre in michigan x.x) then laural tried swinging on one of the swing but kept hitting me, and she told me to back up more, i told her i couldnt (i was up against a chainlink fence already) and glared at her, laurel kept trying to get me to move, then mary just told her to drop it, and laurel asked why, and mary said so i would feel ok, so i didnt linger on upsetting thoughts, laurel thought that was completely stupid and walked away, i looked at mary and then we were summoned to go inside, but before we could go inside we had to wait for the sevies to go in, and they were all dressed up for halloween o_o; then we went inside, and mary went striaght into one of the second grade teachers rooms, i told her i didnt think she was supppose to be there, and she didnt think so either, so we went searching for room 12, when we found it, the teachers took mary in and left me in the hall, i looked around and there wasnt a soul to be found, i started crying, and thats about when i woke up weird eh? ah well, imma go watch cartoons or something although my throat is feeling better... ^_^
Thursday, July 21, 2005
LOOK! SEMI BLOGGING! see this time its gonna be pictures ^_^ if they turn out like i want them >.>

me with grampa... looking really mad

andrew, nick, cassie, grandpa and me

andrew, nick, cassie and me o_O; looking like... a dork yay!

me on santas lap...

halloween party at my old friend lauras house... i got to snort powder from a doughnut ><;;; abd this was like... sometime before i got these stoopid glasses

me again... obviously... i remember when i used to beg my mom to crimp my hair XD

me... at some... fair thing....

OMFG IM IN A SUMBREARO THING! which is is my room at the moment too

me and cassie at a fair thing!
words are all mest up, but thats okie! ANYWAYS i shoulllld probably tell about the past few days... but whatever...

me with grampa... looking really mad

andrew, nick, cassie, grandpa and me

andrew, nick, cassie and me o_O; looking like... a dork yay!

me on santas lap...

halloween party at my old friend lauras house... i got to snort powder from a doughnut ><;;; abd this was like... sometime before i got these stoopid glasses

me again... obviously... i remember when i used to beg my mom to crimp my hair XD

me... at some... fair thing....

OMFG IM IN A SUMBREARO THING! which is is my room at the moment too

me and cassie at a fair thing!
words are all mest up, but thats okie! ANYWAYS i shoulllld probably tell about the past few days... but whatever...
Thursday, July 14, 2005
day 24 *EEEEE! i can hardly wait! ^_^*
well i had some weird dreams last night... but sadly i cant really remember all of them, i could when i woke up though, but i was in a bit of a panic so i forgot ^^;;; i was up most of the night/morning because i was all paranoid... cause a whole bunch opf peoples houses on my street were broken into the other night, plus last night there were four cars that went down my street in less than 5 minutes, that doesnt even happen in the day... ANYWAYS aside from my acute paranoia, the one dream i can remember is i was at like... jillians or something, with trevor, ellie, chelsea, leah, and ben we were waiting to go somewhere, but im not sure where, so in the meantime we played games, course i didnt really play any because i didnt bring any money, until about the last five minutes we were there, then leah and ben chipped in some money because they were tired of me just watching, so i played this video game and everyone was watching me, i got really into it then when i finally lost, i looked around and everyone had left me there, like it was a plan to leave me that long then leave me, anyways another one of my dreams, i was at school, only it was like a festival but we had to wait until the classes got out to go to it, my class got out early so i waited infront of trevors class until his did too (what was really weird was that i got out of science with mr r and he was getting out of french oO;) well i was waiting, and for some reason i was waiting in a wheelchair, then trevor came out (also in a wheel chair) i grabbed my wheelchair, folded it up took his too, and ran off to the clinc to put then back, while trevor was yelling asking what i was doing, when i came back he wasnt there anymore so i went looking around the school for him, i kept running and running and no one stopped me, well mr wegner did once to ask what class i just got out of, i shoulded rankinsmier and kept running, after awhile i got to a part of the school i had never been in before (and for some reason dunstan hooked onto hutchinson o_O) well i wasnt the only one that got lost, a few others where there too, and we searched despretely for what shouldve been the crowd of people, but we never found them, kinda sad really, we were locked in that part of the building to die, anyways around the time i started panicing in my dream i woke it and it was 12:10, and i thought id call trevor to see where he was, then i realized it was only a dream and felt really stoopid anyways, im done nowww ^_^ bai!
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
day 22 and 9 days left...i think anyways...
well, last night, cassie and mom went to target or walmart or something and cassie got new clthes and shoes, but minky was so freaked out by the shoes, and ended up scratching me on the leg and did a backflip, i got this huge headache, and it kept getting worse by the minute, and i still kinda have it, well talked to trevor on the phone till aboout midnight, and i fell asleep with my invader zim shirt i was wearing on, had these really weird dreams, and imma write it down to make sure i dont forget them, well in one of my dreams i was at my newphews house along with cassie and we were making forts and seeing which ones stood up better, well krista told us to be careful because some bandits were on the loose so we played until we heard some noise, so we went in our tree forts and waited quietly, we saw them drive by but they saw cassie and i, cassie and i ran and we finally lost them so we went home, when we got home it was dark, so we crept silently into the house, we got in sleeping bags and went to sleep, but i awoke to a sound outside, i got freaked out and ran into cassies room and told her i was scared, she looked at the clock and told me i should get out of her room fast or id be locked in because of the arlarm system, well the alarm system turned on and i told her i was fine and id stay in her room, well dont ask how but the walls disappeared and we were in our sleeping bags in the middle of the road, well i decided to slee on the side, all of a sudden we heard the bandits again, and i pulled cassie to the side of the road, we watched them pass in one of our cars, we got up after they passed and ran home, by the time we got there dad was taking one of the cars to get away, and mom took the house (*shrug* i guess it was a house on wheels?) cassie and i tried warning her before she left that theyd reconize the house and get her but she drove off, i looked at cassie and asked what car we were going to take, the neon had room but its fuel was leaking, so we took the truck, cassie sped out of the driveway and i asked her where we were going to go, anyone we knew would turn us in to the bandits in a heartbeat, so she said the american diner, i reminded her that it was closed and she told me we should be safe there then, thats about the time i woke up and rolled over and went back to sleep because it was still early yet, then i had another dream, i was at hutchinson only i was there with all the friends i met at dunstan, i got mad because people were ignoring me, so i started to run, (one of the things i do when im upset) sharon grabbed my arm so i wouldnt leave but i brushed her off and ran not too far away and sat on top of a hill, one of the aids come over to try to get me to tell her whats wrong, i told her nothing, then she asked if my friends were the problem, i told her that she didnt know any of my friends or how great they were, i asked her to name any of the kids she actually knew, and she couldnt so i told her to leave me alone, she was about to get up when trevor ran over out of breath and collapsed on the ground next to us, he layed his head in my lap and started laughing, i patted his head and the aid started freaking out and tryed to get him to sit up to see if he was ok, then he looked up at me and smiled and thats about the time i woke up again, by then it was around 10 so i decided to get up, i went to the computer and found my head still hurt from the night before, i didnt really do much, around 3 cassie left for work and alittle after i started scanning some drawings, chelsea called and convinced me to go for a walk,... kinda funny though, she kept saying it want hot outside, i said it was and she said she saw a guy taking a walk so i said "so that guys insane your point!?" we went to glennon, went on the swings for less than five minutes found it was way too hot, and we walked to my house, she stayed here for awhile, then went home and here is where ive been since
Monday, July 11, 2005
day 21
i did have an update yesterday about the day before yesterday... buuuttt... it logged me out then decided not to recover my post, so i decided bleh screw it, cause i really didnt want to type it all over again... plus not many people read this stuff anyways and i seem to tell it in random worthless stories to the ones that do, so what is the point of this blog? i dont really do anything interesting with it, yet for some odd reason some people who still read this want me to keep blogging, even if then i have nothing more to say to them in real life, which i find very pointless, but then again, does anyone actually listen to my stories? most of them i tell, and people either get distracted in the middle and wander off (yes... people often wander off right when im telling them something) its like they totally forget im talking to them and find something better to amuse themself, well i am pretty tired of that, and it makes me rethink even talking to anyone, because most of the time they get distracted while im trying to express my thoughts and end up asking me to repeat what i said, and most the time i say nothing because well.. if they werent paying enough attention to begin with why should i have to repeat myself, but then i find thats very hypicritical because i have times when i zone out and have to ask other people to repeat themselves, but like... some people, i start with a story then they get distracted in the middle, distract me then get mad when i cant remember what i was talking about, well lucky for you all, i still have alot more to rant about, but chelseas coming over and then were going to the mall, cya all
the story of ed and it
WELL! i went to the mall with chelsea (duh) but before she came over daniel called about wondering if dunstan had directories o_O and i honestly didnt know, apparently he wanted to get ahold of lance, some dude who went to school with us, well chelsea came and mom drove us to the mall, we went to hot topic i got a necklace that says im special and some black and white striped stockings, of which my mother approves of more than my fishnet stockings, soooo yay me! plus ill probably wearing these alot... so some of you may actually see angie in a skirt... GASP! well actually i have a picture of me in a skirt i could probably get up on here, but! only if people want to see it, since it might take me awhile because its on my phone, and ive got a picture of trevor in a pink cap! but i wont torutre him by putting it on the net... thats just mean... plus he reads my blog XD and ive got alot of other pictures... come to think of it, i think i may stick them up here, and with permission from trevor i might stick up the one with the pink cap, he may have deleted it off my phone but i still have it saved on the computer ^_^ but chances are ill stick them on my xanga cause... its easier, so look out for em if you want ^^; anyways, after wandering around the mall for a couple hours we went to the skate park, and who did we find there but lance and the one daniel was trying to track down, i dont think he knows who i am though, it was fun watching him skateboard though, and amung many others, crash, which is always fun for me, but no offence to them, its not like i could amount to any of them in the slightest, i cant even stand on a skateboard without freaking out and falling off... which was usually why i used to sit on them and roll down my street, cause im a wuss XP well anyways we watched all of them for awhile, chelsea really liked this one guy in whote skates yellow halmet and "happy blue jeans" as she liked to call them, and we named him angelina, just for the hell of getting tired of calling him "that guy" and there was a dude there named andrew who had awsome hair, it was like two mohawks one colored orange and the other purple, that was so cool... chelsea kept saying he was staring at me, i personally think shes paranoid, or keeping up my vainity because i have none to spek of, anyways, after like two hours there we went to the mall again wandered around, then went back, for a few minutes then called judi to pick us up and i hugged pete until she came, i do think chelseas alittle paranoid though, judi thinks its vainity though, well... while we were waiting a dude in a semi was trying to get to the parking lot, chelseas convinced he was staring at her, but he was looking at his side mirror to see if he could make the corner ok, but shes convinced he was checking her out *shakes head* and alot of the time shes always saying guys are checking me out, or that people are looking at me funny, oddlyy enough i never see these people, but i do believe the looking at me funny, especially when im balencing a pop bottle on my head while walking like i was doing today, and chelsea kept knocking it off my head, so i thwacked her in the arm with it, then she complained that i broke her arm, or busted a blood vessel or something, ive got to try to remember that some of my friends i can hurt more than others and without meaning to also, sometimes i feel too strong for my own good... but then i do something and it doesnt hurt trevor, so it all evens out ^_^ anyways... i got home... got all flustered with people and watched tv, and cassie crashed in my room, tryed to read some of my notes to trevor i wrote but never gave to him, i poked her sides till she agreed not to read it but only to look at the drawings in my sketch book, then she got distracted by tv and i got my sketch book ^_^ then dishes and stoof... then here i am! woot!
the story of ed and it
WELL! i went to the mall with chelsea (duh) but before she came over daniel called about wondering if dunstan had directories o_O and i honestly didnt know, apparently he wanted to get ahold of lance, some dude who went to school with us, well chelsea came and mom drove us to the mall, we went to hot topic i got a necklace that says im special and some black and white striped stockings, of which my mother approves of more than my fishnet stockings, soooo yay me! plus ill probably wearing these alot... so some of you may actually see angie in a skirt... GASP! well actually i have a picture of me in a skirt i could probably get up on here, but! only if people want to see it, since it might take me awhile because its on my phone, and ive got a picture of trevor in a pink cap! but i wont torutre him by putting it on the net... thats just mean... plus he reads my blog XD and ive got alot of other pictures... come to think of it, i think i may stick them up here, and with permission from trevor i might stick up the one with the pink cap, he may have deleted it off my phone but i still have it saved on the computer ^_^ but chances are ill stick them on my xanga cause... its easier, so look out for em if you want ^^; anyways, after wandering around the mall for a couple hours we went to the skate park, and who did we find there but lance and the one daniel was trying to track down, i dont think he knows who i am though, it was fun watching him skateboard though, and amung many others, crash, which is always fun for me, but no offence to them, its not like i could amount to any of them in the slightest, i cant even stand on a skateboard without freaking out and falling off... which was usually why i used to sit on them and roll down my street, cause im a wuss XP well anyways we watched all of them for awhile, chelsea really liked this one guy in whote skates yellow halmet and "happy blue jeans" as she liked to call them, and we named him angelina, just for the hell of getting tired of calling him "that guy" and there was a dude there named andrew who had awsome hair, it was like two mohawks one colored orange and the other purple, that was so cool... chelsea kept saying he was staring at me, i personally think shes paranoid, or keeping up my vainity because i have none to spek of, anyways, after like two hours there we went to the mall again wandered around, then went back, for a few minutes then called judi to pick us up and i hugged pete until she came, i do think chelseas alittle paranoid though, judi thinks its vainity though, well... while we were waiting a dude in a semi was trying to get to the parking lot, chelseas convinced he was staring at her, but he was looking at his side mirror to see if he could make the corner ok, but shes convinced he was checking her out *shakes head* and alot of the time shes always saying guys are checking me out, or that people are looking at me funny, oddlyy enough i never see these people, but i do believe the looking at me funny, especially when im balencing a pop bottle on my head while walking like i was doing today, and chelsea kept knocking it off my head, so i thwacked her in the arm with it, then she complained that i broke her arm, or busted a blood vessel or something, ive got to try to remember that some of my friends i can hurt more than others and without meaning to also, sometimes i feel too strong for my own good... but then i do something and it doesnt hurt trevor, so it all evens out ^_^ anyways... i got home... got all flustered with people and watched tv, and cassie crashed in my room, tryed to read some of my notes to trevor i wrote but never gave to him, i poked her sides till she agreed not to read it but only to look at the drawings in my sketch book, then she got distracted by tv and i got my sketch book ^_^ then dishes and stoof... then here i am! woot!
Thursday, July 07, 2005
day 17
well, before i go into all the stuff i did yesterday, imma write down my dream i had last night before i totally forget it in the mess that is my mind
well, i was at an archaid and i was playing DDR with anyone who would play with me, but most of the time i was playing by myself, after a couple games im wandering around the room watching people play, then i find this sign up sheet to win a painting, i get there about the same time as this one kid named charlie, my nephew josh and trevor, charlie got to the pencil first, and there was about 16 pages of peoples names, we all flipped through the pages and found the last page had only four slots left, but charlie filled three of them in, i said that was cheating, but he ignored my cpmment and debated on which one of us hed give the pencil to so we could sign up (gosh... none of us had scribble sticks in our pockets... what idiots were we?) well, all of a sudden he realizes im one of the people standing there and says "ooo... ill give the last slot to my beautiful" winked at me then wrote my name in the last slot, i kinda stared at him for a second, then wandered off to play DDR again, but he followed me and watched me play by myself, i got alittle paranoid and asked if he wanted to play too, he tilted his head alittle and asked if i wanted to eat dinner at his house, i said i had to ask my mom, so he asked me my number and he called my mom, when he hung up he said i was going home with him, i said ok and i followed him outside and we walked to his house, for the most part in silence, when we got there i met his family, and they seemed really thrilled to meet me, i played some video games with charlies little brother arron, he won most of the time, then charlies mom called us for dinner, we served ourselves then we went to the table to eat, but since they had just moved in we were sitting on the floor, i didnt really talk much at all while i was there, one of the times when i was moving my leg because it fell asleep, i accidently kicked charlie and i apologized, he just smiled at me then kissed my cheek, his family "aww"ed, then i finished my dinner fast and said i should really be getting home, charlie nodded and i grabbed my shoes and started putting them on, charlie grabbed my sweater and walked me to the door, i said bye, and he kissed my cheek again, i rushed out the door (without my sweater too x.x) and i stared running home, suddenly it was the next day, and when i was going outside to get my bike to ride to the achaide again, when i got there trevor gave me a note that charlie had written, i got confused while i read it and found it was a love note, i shoved it in my pocket and went to play DDR to get my mind off things, and thats about the time i was woken up by the phone, it was some lady trying to get me to take a survey, she asked my name i said angie and she started calling me andrew x.x well... i said i was going to talk about yesterday.. but now im really not in the mood, so ill leave you with this, if i seem to be acting weird, im probably in my really weird moods, where i can sound really happy but really im happily pissed off, dont ask, it confuses me too, but it just happens, like last night i was laughing really hard but i was upset and crying, well, thats about it sooo... if you think in in one mood, im probably the complete oppisite, so with that aside, im going to finish checking dA messages, bye
ED to the friggin IT
ok so! i went to the mall again today ( i went last night with kelly elijah and lana) i got a bag ^_^ chelsea got earrings, then we spent over a half hour in the bathroom trying to get the earrings in her ears, inwhich i called trevor and hung up with him in less than 10 minutes, so chelsea and i walked around, went to the skate park thing, then left to find me a straw to chew on, and we found one at starbucks, we walked around some more... sat, then i saw cody and ian, told chelsea i knew them, so she asked if i wasnt to stalk them, so we did, and i think they noticed we were following them XD they kept looking back at me and it randomly look at the cieling or in a store, but then we lost them because they went into a store, and we walked ahead, so we stoped at the huge table, to wait for them, then we got bored, so we started going in the direction of the store we lost them at and we ran into andy and his friends... one of which i cant remember and sam, then we started walking with them, chelsea kept calling me mangie so i kept punching her, then one of them said mangie, so i punched him and he was like "dude! i dont even know you and your beating me up" and andi and sam did the same thing, i kicked them both, and then i saw leah, so chelsea and i left them and stalked leah, but then they had to go x.x and we called my mom and while we waited for her to pick us up chelsea started saying that sam was checking me out,yea... right... anyways... mom drove us home i ate dinner did dishes and now im waiting for leah to call me well.. tis all byee ^_^
well, i was at an archaid and i was playing DDR with anyone who would play with me, but most of the time i was playing by myself, after a couple games im wandering around the room watching people play, then i find this sign up sheet to win a painting, i get there about the same time as this one kid named charlie, my nephew josh and trevor, charlie got to the pencil first, and there was about 16 pages of peoples names, we all flipped through the pages and found the last page had only four slots left, but charlie filled three of them in, i said that was cheating, but he ignored my cpmment and debated on which one of us hed give the pencil to so we could sign up (gosh... none of us had scribble sticks in our pockets... what idiots were we?) well, all of a sudden he realizes im one of the people standing there and says "ooo... ill give the last slot to my beautiful" winked at me then wrote my name in the last slot, i kinda stared at him for a second, then wandered off to play DDR again, but he followed me and watched me play by myself, i got alittle paranoid and asked if he wanted to play too, he tilted his head alittle and asked if i wanted to eat dinner at his house, i said i had to ask my mom, so he asked me my number and he called my mom, when he hung up he said i was going home with him, i said ok and i followed him outside and we walked to his house, for the most part in silence, when we got there i met his family, and they seemed really thrilled to meet me, i played some video games with charlies little brother arron, he won most of the time, then charlies mom called us for dinner, we served ourselves then we went to the table to eat, but since they had just moved in we were sitting on the floor, i didnt really talk much at all while i was there, one of the times when i was moving my leg because it fell asleep, i accidently kicked charlie and i apologized, he just smiled at me then kissed my cheek, his family "aww"ed, then i finished my dinner fast and said i should really be getting home, charlie nodded and i grabbed my shoes and started putting them on, charlie grabbed my sweater and walked me to the door, i said bye, and he kissed my cheek again, i rushed out the door (without my sweater too x.x) and i stared running home, suddenly it was the next day, and when i was going outside to get my bike to ride to the achaide again, when i got there trevor gave me a note that charlie had written, i got confused while i read it and found it was a love note, i shoved it in my pocket and went to play DDR to get my mind off things, and thats about the time i was woken up by the phone, it was some lady trying to get me to take a survey, she asked my name i said angie and she started calling me andrew x.x well... i said i was going to talk about yesterday.. but now im really not in the mood, so ill leave you with this, if i seem to be acting weird, im probably in my really weird moods, where i can sound really happy but really im happily pissed off, dont ask, it confuses me too, but it just happens, like last night i was laughing really hard but i was upset and crying, well, thats about it sooo... if you think in in one mood, im probably the complete oppisite, so with that aside, im going to finish checking dA messages, bye
ED to the friggin IT
ok so! i went to the mall again today ( i went last night with kelly elijah and lana) i got a bag ^_^ chelsea got earrings, then we spent over a half hour in the bathroom trying to get the earrings in her ears, inwhich i called trevor and hung up with him in less than 10 minutes, so chelsea and i walked around, went to the skate park thing, then left to find me a straw to chew on, and we found one at starbucks, we walked around some more... sat, then i saw cody and ian, told chelsea i knew them, so she asked if i wasnt to stalk them, so we did, and i think they noticed we were following them XD they kept looking back at me and it randomly look at the cieling or in a store, but then we lost them because they went into a store, and we walked ahead, so we stoped at the huge table, to wait for them, then we got bored, so we started going in the direction of the store we lost them at and we ran into andy and his friends... one of which i cant remember and sam, then we started walking with them, chelsea kept calling me mangie so i kept punching her, then one of them said mangie, so i punched him and he was like "dude! i dont even know you and your beating me up" and andi and sam did the same thing, i kicked them both, and then i saw leah, so chelsea and i left them and stalked leah, but then they had to go x.x and we called my mom and while we waited for her to pick us up chelsea started saying that sam was checking me out,yea... right... anyways... mom drove us home i ate dinner did dishes and now im waiting for leah to call me well.. tis all byee ^_^
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
day..uh... 15
half way there.. for those of you who actually know why im counting days
anyways, well, went to bed around 1 am, cause there wasnt really anyone to talk to because trevor went to bed x3 so i did nothing for awhile then decided to go to sleep myself, still really tired..this is really weird, i was up 2 hours ago and actually mentally fully awake, woke up SEVERAL times this moring... once i think around 4am because aunt cindy was yelling at the puppy because hes not eatting, although we found hes been eatting the cats food and some random plants outside, i stayed awake for atleast an hour and foster came up stairs, licked my face then layed down next to the bed, i fell back asleep and woke back up and foster had moved to right nexts to me on the floor, i feel asleep again and woke up to aunt cindy yelling at lucy, by now foster was at the top of the stairs looking down into the sunroom, the yelling went on for about a half hour or so, you see, lucy is my uncles mom, shes really pretty old and she is on the verge of getting diabeties, she had sores on her legs, not sure what from but she wont leave the bandages on her legs, and shes just amking them worse by taking it off, and she expects my aunt to believe that after aunt cindy DUCT TAPED the bandages on her legs, that it "fell off" and lucy is just being so stubborn, she keeps taking off the bandages when cindy specifically tells her not to and she can lose both her legs if she keeps taking the bandages off, well anyways i finally got out of bed and went downstairs with foster, and he seemed for the most part like his old self, he grabbed a shoe and started playing "errr" with me, but since it wasnt my shoe i didnt want it ^_^ cindy heard fosto and we went into her room, and foster teased the puppy with the shoe, then we went ouside, came back inside, went back outside, came back in, i got some cereal and em kept trying to get in my cereal cup, and spilt it on me, afterwards, i tryed watching tv while under a blanket cause i was really really cold.. but then i was called outside to watch the puppy x.x came back inside... then went to take in trashcans... and now here i am! ^_^
anyways, well, went to bed around 1 am, cause there wasnt really anyone to talk to because trevor went to bed x3 so i did nothing for awhile then decided to go to sleep myself, still really tired..this is really weird, i was up 2 hours ago and actually mentally fully awake, woke up SEVERAL times this moring... once i think around 4am because aunt cindy was yelling at the puppy because hes not eatting, although we found hes been eatting the cats food and some random plants outside, i stayed awake for atleast an hour and foster came up stairs, licked my face then layed down next to the bed, i fell back asleep and woke back up and foster had moved to right nexts to me on the floor, i feel asleep again and woke up to aunt cindy yelling at lucy, by now foster was at the top of the stairs looking down into the sunroom, the yelling went on for about a half hour or so, you see, lucy is my uncles mom, shes really pretty old and she is on the verge of getting diabeties, she had sores on her legs, not sure what from but she wont leave the bandages on her legs, and shes just amking them worse by taking it off, and she expects my aunt to believe that after aunt cindy DUCT TAPED the bandages on her legs, that it "fell off" and lucy is just being so stubborn, she keeps taking off the bandages when cindy specifically tells her not to and she can lose both her legs if she keeps taking the bandages off, well anyways i finally got out of bed and went downstairs with foster, and he seemed for the most part like his old self, he grabbed a shoe and started playing "errr" with me, but since it wasnt my shoe i didnt want it ^_^ cindy heard fosto and we went into her room, and foster teased the puppy with the shoe, then we went ouside, came back inside, went back outside, came back in, i got some cereal and em kept trying to get in my cereal cup, and spilt it on me, afterwards, i tryed watching tv while under a blanket cause i was really really cold.. but then i was called outside to watch the puppy x.x came back inside... then went to take in trashcans... and now here i am! ^_^
Monday, July 04, 2005
day 14
well, its july 4th and im up at my aunts house in bailey, yay mountains, i got here yesterday sometime around 7 and ate some pizza and hotwings, i also met the new puppy, named riley, and he really likes me ^_^ he was following me around, until i went upstairs to call trevor FREE LONG DISTANCE MAN! man do i wish i had free long distance at home x.x anyways, after i got off the phone with trevor i went online and got kinda bored... after while... so i went downstairs to watch tv, and heavy weights was on, such a good movie, and i got a freaking nosebleed x.x that kept me occupied for awhile -.-;; after while i went upstairs and went on the computer till around 11 30 when the internet kicked me off, thats the only thing i hate up here well that and the low water supply, dial up and low water supply... my cell phone has full service too o_o well then i got back on and stayed on till about 1:30 when i decided to go to bed, i was woken up before five thirty by foster, but he wasnt like he normally is when he comes to wake me up, he didnt attack me with kisses, just jumped on the bed and layed down at my feet, i fell back asleep around 7 i think, couldnt really tell, all clocks within seeing distance are totally off,like this huge clock out in the sunroom above all the huge windows says its about five o'three right now, and its really 1:12... anyways... i was woken up again by foster going back down stairs, fell back asleep then woke up around 9:30 because the sky light blinded me when i rolled over, so i went downstairs and watched tv, ate breakfast of french toast chocolate strawberry and maple syrup with strawberries nd blue berries ^_^ and got bored watching tv so i went up stairs to go online.. went on for about 20 minutes or less and was kicked off, and now my uncle larry and aunt cindy went to go get some water for the house because the well is alittle low, theyve never been there before so they dont know how long its gonna take, sooooo, im here on the downstairs computer waiting till riley wakes up so i can take him outside, along with foster because hes kinda jelous of the new puppy, aunt cindy thinks thats why he just layed with me upstairs unstead of trying to wake me up, hes jelous of the cat and the puppy, i mean who wouldnt be eh? tried calling trevor but he didnt answer, soooo! i decided to blog while i wait because this internet is way to slow to be checking all my watches on deviantart, let along the comments i got, im going to have so many messages by the time i get home x.x andd... to make things alittle worse, (not they they were that bad really) but cassie might be coming up, and not only for just one night but for the rest of the time im up here because those are her days off x.x most the time i come up here to get away from cassie and to be with aunt cindy uncle larry and foster, plus the new pets, whihch keeps making me think of murphey, my aunts old dog, he passed away not too long ago, got me depressed, i knew that dog since i was really little, and even though his barking scared the hell out of me while i was little he was still more pertective of me than anyone else ive encountered, really, i mean i remember when aunt cindy would leave me in the car with the dogs while she went into the store and such and if anyone even talked to me murphey would start growling and barking at them, i miss him alot, aunt cindy even got a picture of when my nephews and i were up here for new years and we were watching ice age and getting totally sugar high with popcicles and candy, and murphy took up most of the couch and josh and cole took the other chairs, so i took up the rest of the couch and used murphey as a pillow, and he didnt mind at all, and he didnt move either.. hm.. ah well, he lived alot longer than we all thought AND he had arthritus in his hips and his front paws, and even through that he was the best at catching a ball, but dudley will always be remembered by being able to fix three or more tenis balls in his mouth at one time, murphey by hes constant chewing on rocks, and foster for carrying off shoes but never chewing on them, infact when he was a puppy, when ever someone would walk into the house hes untie their shoes, well... theyll be remembered by that and so much more, itd bore you all to death for me to tell all that i remember, so im not going to, well im done now, happy fourth all ^_^
Sunday, July 03, 2005
day 13
well me again, and sometime today im going to my aunts house, i will have my cell phone if anyone really wants to reach me, but no calling aat night... >.> i will probably be online at night *shrug* but i will be there for a couple days, maybe a week if all goes well ^_^ hmm... this is really short... i swear i had more to say... OHYES i remember, i was gonna tell about another weird dream that i actually remember... well for the most part... anyways i was driving around with cassie, kaylie and brandon, it was raining really hard outside, and we passed by a gas station and i saw june standing there along with leah, when we passed by again trevor was there too and so was ellie, then we came past a lat time and cassie let me get out, the rain had stopped for the most part, and there were alot more people there, i found leah and hugged her, then i heard ellie calling me so i franticly looked around for her, then she made her way through the crowd to me and i hugged her and i asked her whats up, she didnt answer, and for some reason the gas station was right next to a shore, and the tide was coming in, then i looked around and found a group of people whispering and occasionally looking over at me, i thought nothing of it then anthony started walking over to me, erin grabbed his arm and told him he shouldnt do it, he shook her off and went over to me and said "its all your fault that everyone is so miserable" i looked over at ellie for support on my behalf, but she looked at anthony then turned away from me and walked off with her arms crossed, i looked around for any of my friends and they all sided with anthony, and thats around when i woke up, didnt seem so bad until i said it on here... hmm... *shrug* im starting to think my minds trying to tell me im going to screw up... hmm.. well im done now ^^;
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Day 12 (will probably edit later)
ahhhhmigawd.... well i have concluded i had stalker(s) (im pretty sure its the same person trying to be two other people) but GAWD they keep freaking IMing me and its really starting to make me mad, i have no idea who these/this people/person are/is and they know my screenname, ok yea sure thats normally not all that weird, but these people say they went to my school, ok... one girl who claims to be an ashley tanner, claims to have gotten my screenname from a kaytlan lopez, and she claims to have gotten it from kendra genkinger... why the hell would she have my screen name, i mean my gosh.. ANYWAYS well... i had a weird dream last night, i brought shannon, (my brother), josh and cole (my nephews) and nick and andrew (my cousins) to school, but this... was a really weird school, to get to the gym you had to go through a wall, literally... when i finally got everyone into the gym, we had like... a band practice thing... then i had to go to mr rs room along with erin and someone else i cant remember, after i got what i needed, i ran down the stairs really fast so my legs were all numb, and i started walking with brianna daily, which is kinda weird because i dont think she knows who i am, and i kept avoiding trevor, which is really weird o_O but thats where it ended, cause i woke up...and im probably not gonna do much today... but tomorrow my aunt is picking me up so go to her house ^_^ i can have all my opwn messengers, cept aim, so if i remember your screenname while im up there, ill spek to ya ^_^mind you i normally dont stay on the computer much while im up there because she has dial up and aol =_=; SO evil... and sometimes it doesnt like me and the computer just freezes then wont let me back on the internet, but i think we fixed that... dont remember though... SO! thats about it, byee!
Friday, July 01, 2005
Day 11
OKIE! well, last night, i was on the phone with trevor till... 12 30 i think o_O which was when my phone started dying x.x but before that... I GOT MY ROOM CLEAN! SNAPS FOR ANGIE! e.e someone please just hit me if i say that again... anyways i went to bed, and listened to M2M until i fell asleep, and then i woke up at like... 8 because someone called and i had mom and dads phone x.x so i answered it... then went back to sleep, and had a really weird dream... wanna hear? of course you dont, but imma type it up anyways ^_^ because i have nothing better to do because everyones off doing their own stoof, ANYWAYS, i was babysitting, and it was like this demon child... it kept bitting me, so as soon as the parents came home i ran out thw door, and boy did i run O_O like they were chasing me and everything, well while i was running i saw this mom forcing her kid to go shopping, so i told the kid id help him, so i went up to the mom and said "hey, um... i'm zachs tutor, and im going to be gone for two months starting tomorrow and i really need to help him study for his final which is next week" she asked me what i tutored him in... so i said french, how moronic is that!? i dont speak french very well... ANYWAYS she said that i could just tutor him at the mall x.x (shouldve never tried to help that kid... i swear) well on the car right there he linked arms with me and kept playing footsie e.e horny kid i swear... anyways thoughout shooping he wounldnt let go of my armafter they were done shopping, and after he kid kept trying to hit on me... i ran out of the store ^_^ and then somehow got to the school, when i went to look in my locker, i found lanas ipod, and she had my cd player o_O and then we went to go kill things with music, man was that weird, it was like i was in a video game or something XD we had to kill tom and jerry, and after i killed tom, i woke up, which was around 10:45 so i got up and went to the computer ^_^ after alittle bit i went to get food... then found i wasnt suppose to eat because we were going to sonic, but i did anyways, then we went to sonic... then ACE and then drove around for garage sales and found non, so we went home, i was home for like 5 minutes then i went to the mall with chelsea x.x we checked out some stores... and i got a ring ^_^ and i went there broke, awsome eh? XD weird, you know i think music influences how fast i type, i made the music go all fast and now im typing fast... with alot of mistakes but still XDXD anyways we waited for judi to pick us up, and i named another tree at the mall, so now theres pete and jane, and jane kept trying to hit chelsea it was sad... and i waved to all these cars, it was awsome, then judi came and she dropped me off at home, and this is basically where ive been since XD
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