so yesterday i did just about nothing then when cassie asked mom fer starbucks i decided to go along because i had nothing else to do, we went to go get cassies pay check first, when we got to king soopers a bunch of the workers were talking about how there was a flood, apparently one of the guys accidently busted a pipe, which flooded part of a supply room and the security office, so yesterday would have been the perfect time to go steal something because no camera were working, not only that but the fire alarm was going off as there was water all over by the checkour lines, also some guy the night before went through u-scan with like 3 cartons of cigarettes, when the checker turned around for just a second he bolted, this was like at 2 am though, anyways when i get back home i find out that i missed two calls, one of them dad couldnt get to the phone fast enough and the other was kyle, well i went through the caller id and the call dad missed was from amber, so i grabbed the phone and went into my room, as soon as i was going to call her, the phone rings, its fruitcake so i go outside and give it to mom, when that phone call is over i go back to my room and try to call amber again, but yet again someone calls, this time its kathy, so i wait till moms off the phone then i go to my room and try calling kyle with my cellphone, it rings a couple times then the house phone starts ringing, i sighed and hung up the cellphone which apparently was right when he picked up, and answered the house phone, this time it was amber, i talked to her alittle and told her to call me today when she got done with community service, then theres a call on the other line, and guess who it is, kyle, so i switch back and forth till i get off the phone with amber then i complain to kyle that too many people call the house, this was around 8pm or so, and i stayed on the phone till... 2am ._. 6 hours, in which time i forced him to sing for me, but i spent like an hour and a half waiting because he got all nervous "okay ill sing hold on" *silence for a couple minutes* "kyyyllleeee just siiiinnngggg" after awhile i finally said id sing first, so i did, he said i had a good voice, i warned him his ears should bleed soon, then he sang to me and his voice was all shakey, it was cute X3 when i got off the phone with hin like... 10 more seconds of a song played on my cd player then it was the end of the cd, he got off because today he has to wake up early and get an MRI to see whats causing his headaches, i hope theres nothing too terribly wrong with him, i ended up tearing up when i was talking to him though -_-' stupid emotions, and now for dream rememberence =D
okay so the first dream i had... i was like in this game, and there were tons of like... junglegyms and stuff, like what you would find in a mcdonalds thing right? okay so im going through it and suddenly this kid comes running up to me and grabs my hand, this kid was probably around seven or so, he had blonde hair and his name was jason, on his other hand he had the hand of kyle, jason dragged us both to the slides, he tried to make kyle go down with him but there were spiders and spiderwebs there and kyle refused, i clibed over them both and went down the slide, kyle tried to stop me and i pulled him down with me, when we got to the bottom he brushed all the spider webs off me and i did the same for him, then ducky ran past with a razor blade in his mouth, i took it from him and kyle took it from me and slit his wrists, then i woke up and it was 8:15, i decided to go back to sleep
the next dream i had, it was thanksgiving and i was at my aunts housewe sat down for a meal but cassie wasnt there, and the meal was... turkey meat, vynil, and unions, after eatting it i went downstairs and dad was playing pool with shannon and doc, i took a bottle of what i thought was rootbear, and got drunk
end of dreams
mom woke me up and asked if i wanted to go to lunch with her and dad, on the way to...atlantic bread or something like that:
mom: so how long were you up last night talking on the phone
me: um... midnight? (mom wants me in bed by midnight e_e)
dad: midnight!?
me: um.. yes?
dad: talking to who?
me: kyle?
dad: oh so hes your boyfriend now
me: nooooooo
dad: i bet he thinks you are
me: nooo he doesnt
dad: i bet he agrees with me
me: no he agrees with you- er wait no he agrees with me wait... im confused
dad: see!
me: well i dont think hes side with you, hes scared of you
and well he is, kyles only heard his voice though and that scares alot of my friends
so we got there, we talked, and i saw i dont remember her last name, but she waved and i waved back and dad goes "were you just flirting with that guy?" "nooo i was waving to the girl! she was in my math class" so mom decided i shouldnt date anymore guys until my dad can keep up with how many girl friends i have, if that was inforced id never date anyone
we went to lowes and bought dad some stuff, and back home =D and now here i am
Friday, June 30, 2006
Thursday, June 29, 2006
This is what I brought you may forget me, Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.
so the AFI concert is coming july 11th, i really want to go, im not sure if its too late to buy tickets or not, amber says she really wants to take me to a concert since ive never been to one, she said shed even buy my ticket, i dont know if i would be able to survive it though, liz got back from an AFI concert and well.. she said she bot bruised, crushed, kicked in the face, and molested, some guy wouldnt let go of her and ended up kissing her neck, and if i got seperated from amber oh god i think id break down crying, i still so want to go though
ive got a cell phone again, its my old one, i can play blackjack again =D
and i got my ring sized for free
im so boreeedddd
and i had another weird dream last night, one of my friends worked in a hottopic, kyle was there, we made popcorn, i stole a sign and thats all i remember really
This is what I brought you
This you can keep
This is what I brought you may forget me
I promised you the power
Just promise me something
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep
This is what I brought you
This you can keep
This is what I brought you may forget me
T promise you my heart
Just promise to sing
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep
kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep
This what i thought
I thought you need me
This is what I thought so think me naive
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep
kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Make beauty stay if I
Take my life? (Ohhhhh)
With just a look
They shook
And heavens bowed before him
Simply a look
Can break
Your heart.
The stars that pierce the sky
He left them all behind
We're left to wonder why
He left us all ... behind
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Make beauty stay if I
Take my life? (Ohhhhh)
Dreams of his crash
Won’t pass
Oh, how they all adored him
Beauty will last
When spiralled
The stars that mystified
He left them all behind
And how his children cry
He left us all ... behind
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Make beauty stay if I
Take my life? (Ohhhhh)
What's the hook that twists within this verbose mystery?
I would gladly bet my life upon it
the ghost you love, your ray of light will fizzle out
Without hope
We're the empty set just flowing through, wrapped in skin
Ever searching for what we were promised
Reaching for the golden ring we never let go...
But who would ever let us put their filthy hands upon it?
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Make beauty stay if I
Take my life? (Ohhhhh)
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Make beauty stay if I
Take my life? (Ohhhhh)
im not sure if those are all right... but i did them by ear so *shrug* MISS MURDER BY AFI YAY! DOUBLE TIME!
ive got a cell phone again, its my old one, i can play blackjack again =D
and i got my ring sized for free
im so boreeedddd
and i had another weird dream last night, one of my friends worked in a hottopic, kyle was there, we made popcorn, i stole a sign and thats all i remember really
This is what I brought you
This you can keep
This is what I brought you may forget me
I promised you the power
Just promise me something
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep
This is what I brought you
This you can keep
This is what I brought you may forget me
T promise you my heart
Just promise to sing
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep
kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep
This what i thought
I thought you need me
This is what I thought so think me naive
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep
kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Make beauty stay if I
Take my life? (Ohhhhh)
With just a look
They shook
And heavens bowed before him
Simply a look
Can break
Your heart.
The stars that pierce the sky
He left them all behind
We're left to wonder why
He left us all ... behind
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Make beauty stay if I
Take my life? (Ohhhhh)
Dreams of his crash
Won’t pass
Oh, how they all adored him
Beauty will last
When spiralled
The stars that mystified
He left them all behind
And how his children cry
He left us all ... behind
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Make beauty stay if I
Take my life? (Ohhhhh)
What's the hook that twists within this verbose mystery?
I would gladly bet my life upon it
the ghost you love, your ray of light will fizzle out
Without hope
We're the empty set just flowing through, wrapped in skin
Ever searching for what we were promised
Reaching for the golden ring we never let go...
But who would ever let us put their filthy hands upon it?
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Make beauty stay if I
Take my life? (Ohhhhh)
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Make beauty stay if I
Take my life? (Ohhhhh)
im not sure if those are all right... but i did them by ear so *shrug* MISS MURDER BY AFI YAY! DOUBLE TIME!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Cannibis Lollypop?
so um... last night i had an odd dream ._. so i was at my aunts house withy my mom and sister, and my dad i guess, well i was trying to show them what i had made on the computer and they said they watched it and junk, later when we were all going to bed mom asked to see it, and i made a big deal that she had obviously been ignoring me, then cassie walks into the room and gives mom and dad a cannibis suckers, mom opens it then realizes im in the room and trys to give it back to cassie, saying shell have it later, well im upset and i grab the sucker and start sucking on it knowing itll surely tick off my mom, well she let it go and stuff, and went to bed, when i went back to my room cassie was there and i started screaming at her to get out of my room, around the fifth "CASSIE GET OUT OF MY ROOM PLEASE!" she stabbed me and i woke up
one of the weirdest parts was i could actually taste and smell the sucker
anyways in other news not much has been happening lately, monday was gay pride day at elitches, i didnt go this year, but last year i ended up going with lana, that was fun
lately ive been reading the web comic "questionable content" its actually really good, although some of the jokes go over my head because i dont know much about indie music, but still, if you wanna read it its at i finished all... 600 something comics last night, now for me to read all of whogirl and vgcats, its something thatll amuse me while my friends go out on adventures
speaking of friends, june came back on monday and yesterday we went to the mall, first time ive gone to the mall and didnt go hottopic, kinda odd, but we walked around, read books on borders, which i found a really cool book called "you dont know me" by david klass, i got like... 1/5 of the way through it, and at parts it confused me and junk but i still liked it, although i would have rather been reading the rest of "go ask alice" but i couldnt find that so *shrug* whatever i guess, after that we went and found chelsea working then when her shift was up cassie june chelsea and i went to starbucks
OH and on cellphoneage news... wellllll, since my contract isnt over for another year itll cost like 180 bucks to buy the CHEAPEST phone, but they said we can bring a phone bought off of ebay or something and transfer the number, so if moms contract isnt up well use cassie and my old phones for my phone, its better than nothing right?
and mom found my silver ring ^_____^ its been lost since like... christmas, we found it in a kingsoopers bag, who would ever guess looking there eh? well were gonna get it sized anyways so i dont loose it again
AND ducky and his dog trainging... well puppy training.. but anyways yesterday while i was there one of the bigger dogs, his name is gus, hes like... a huge... bavtoveen (spelling?) puppy, from the movie? you know? well anyways gus got to close to me, and ducky flipped out totally scratched up my legs and BIT the other dog, which was like 8 times bigger than him, i mean seriously...
ANYWAYS! places we go and kiddnapp june away! ill probably have more to say later
miznatch101: fkin' where's Joe?
Angie : *shrug* i know hes back from japan
miznatch101: Ya. What a little...whatever
miznatch101: My little 'Add request Pending ' thing has been going for about 2 months
Angie : *shrug* next time hes on ill tell him "get the fuck on yahoo and accept mitch into yer life! >=("
miznatch101: Yeah, tell him that everytime he doesnt add me and i'm on, I cut my wrist. with egg beaters
Angie : ohnoes =O
miznatch101: Hey uh, just a question...
miznatch101: ...
miznatch101: Are you a human?
Angie : nue ._.
miznatch101: Does sleep mean anything to you? lol
Angie : nope =D
Angie : sleep is for the week
Angie : *weak
Angie : and the good spelling
miznatch101: Yeah. I guess.
miznatch101: Yeah! Lusrs wth there ghud spealing.
Angie : i nos lololololz e_e
miznatch101: hahahar.
miznatch101: Well, I value the daytime so I must prepare...
Angie : with batteries =D
miznatch101: In the form of rest yes. So I'm not going to sleep. Cuz I'm not a W3akling..., I'm simply 'recharging'.
miznatch101: right?
miznatch101: yes.
Angie : yes
Angie : oh mighty one
Angie : sleep... is like plugging outrself in
Angie : especially if your an andriod
miznatch101: The Matrix?
Angie : havent seen it
miznatch101: oh. sorry.
miznatch101: Or your a Hybrid car.
miznatch101: They are not for the weak either,
miznatch101: coma
miznatch101: uhh..
Angie : yay for comas =D
miznatch101: I guess I need recharge more than I had previously plunderd.
miznatch101: Yeah. ok.,,. I'll talk to you later.
Angie : bai mitch <3
miznatch101: C-c-c-..bbye
miznatch101 has signed out. (6/29/2006 1:17 AM)
because i love how random i can be with mitch
one of the weirdest parts was i could actually taste and smell the sucker
anyways in other news not much has been happening lately, monday was gay pride day at elitches, i didnt go this year, but last year i ended up going with lana, that was fun
lately ive been reading the web comic "questionable content" its actually really good, although some of the jokes go over my head because i dont know much about indie music, but still, if you wanna read it its at i finished all... 600 something comics last night, now for me to read all of whogirl and vgcats, its something thatll amuse me while my friends go out on adventures
speaking of friends, june came back on monday and yesterday we went to the mall, first time ive gone to the mall and didnt go hottopic, kinda odd, but we walked around, read books on borders, which i found a really cool book called "you dont know me" by david klass, i got like... 1/5 of the way through it, and at parts it confused me and junk but i still liked it, although i would have rather been reading the rest of "go ask alice" but i couldnt find that so *shrug* whatever i guess, after that we went and found chelsea working then when her shift was up cassie june chelsea and i went to starbucks
OH and on cellphoneage news... wellllll, since my contract isnt over for another year itll cost like 180 bucks to buy the CHEAPEST phone, but they said we can bring a phone bought off of ebay or something and transfer the number, so if moms contract isnt up well use cassie and my old phones for my phone, its better than nothing right?
and mom found my silver ring ^_____^ its been lost since like... christmas, we found it in a kingsoopers bag, who would ever guess looking there eh? well were gonna get it sized anyways so i dont loose it again
AND ducky and his dog trainging... well puppy training.. but anyways yesterday while i was there one of the bigger dogs, his name is gus, hes like... a huge... bavtoveen (spelling?) puppy, from the movie? you know? well anyways gus got to close to me, and ducky flipped out totally scratched up my legs and BIT the other dog, which was like 8 times bigger than him, i mean seriously...
ANYWAYS! places we go and kiddnapp june away! ill probably have more to say later
miznatch101: fkin' where's Joe?
Angie : *shrug* i know hes back from japan
miznatch101: Ya. What a little...whatever
miznatch101: My little 'Add request Pending ' thing has been going for about 2 months
Angie : *shrug* next time hes on ill tell him "get the fuck on yahoo and accept mitch into yer life! >=("
miznatch101: Yeah, tell him that everytime he doesnt add me and i'm on, I cut my wrist. with egg beaters
Angie : ohnoes =O
miznatch101: Hey uh, just a question...
miznatch101: ...
miznatch101: Are you a human?
Angie : nue ._.
miznatch101: Does sleep mean anything to you? lol
Angie : nope =D
Angie : sleep is for the week
Angie : *weak
Angie : and the good spelling
miznatch101: Yeah. I guess.
miznatch101: Yeah! Lusrs wth there ghud spealing.
Angie : i nos lololololz e_e
miznatch101: hahahar.
miznatch101: Well, I value the daytime so I must prepare...
Angie : with batteries =D
miznatch101: In the form of rest yes. So I'm not going to sleep. Cuz I'm not a W3akling..., I'm simply 'recharging'.
miznatch101: right?
miznatch101: yes.
Angie : yes
Angie : oh mighty one
Angie : sleep... is like plugging outrself in
Angie : especially if your an andriod
miznatch101: The Matrix?
Angie : havent seen it
miznatch101: oh. sorry.
miznatch101: Or your a Hybrid car.
miznatch101: They are not for the weak either,
miznatch101: coma
miznatch101: uhh..
Angie : yay for comas =D
miznatch101: I guess I need recharge more than I had previously plunderd.
miznatch101: Yeah. ok.,,. I'll talk to you later.
Angie : bai mitch <3
miznatch101: C-c-c-..bbye
miznatch101 has signed out. (6/29/2006 1:17 AM)
because i love how random i can be with mitch
Sunday, June 25, 2006
I'm pregnant with a vibrater! ...wait...
so the 23rd i went to elitches, although i almost lost hope when i called all of my friends and no one could go, i almost stayed home, then erin came online and i yelled at her for not answering her phone XD we worked out details and junk and then danny cassie and i went to go pick her up, he mom spazed out because my hair was red, and i got a hug, shes one of the only mothers of my friends who hug me, but anyways, we were off to elitches... kinda, we stopped at the gas station and went by a correctional facility just so cassie and danny could yell "owow! take it off!" which suprizingly, several guys lifted their shirts, we found some guy danny knew who was walking down the road, we stoped and talked to him then off to elitches, as soon as we got in one of the security guards took my collar, why? i have no idea, i mean serioudly, what mischief could i cause with a collar? now before you think of "you could strangle someone with it" you can do that with any necklace, and i know it wouldnt be "itd get caught on some of the rides" or something like that because only about four of my fingers can fit between it and my neck, so we have no idea why they took that but not my goggles which i had around my neck also, after that erin and i split away from danny and cassie, we went on rides, so did they, i forced erin to go on the tower of doom, i told her if she didnt walk there willingly id pick her up and carry her there, and if she didnt go on it, i wouldnt talk to her for the rest of the day, she called me cruel and i nodded, as soon as we got on it though the ride broke and they told us to wait in the exit and theyd let us on when they fixed it, when i took off my glasses like i always do they took my glasses from me, i hate when they do that because i end up losing my glasses way too easily, id rather just hold them, but anyways as soon as we got to the top, i started counting and the first thing erin says to me is "ANGIE! i hate you!" later when we went onto the seadragon erin said "hey we should scream when everyone else starts screaming" and i replyed with "why wait?" then screamed, it confused alot of people because the end we were on was going down, the three guys behind us started asking each other what the hell was wrong with me, i started laughing and the guy infront of me looked back
me: what
he stared at me
me: come on, scream
he shook his head
me: just scream, come on
him: you screamed in my ear
me: well scream in mine then, be even, just scream
him: i cant scream in your ear, youre behind me
me: just scream!
him: you scream, i dare you
so i screamed
him: oh yea, do it again
so i did, twice
him: another?
me: no now my throat kinda hurts
so he yelled
me: YEA!
him: there i screamed
erin: that was a yell not a scream
so he yelled again and erin and i screamed
the ride ended and i never saw him again, he was kinda cute *shrug*
we also went on the rainbow and my cell phone went off, i looked at it and i got a text messsage, i didnt get to check it before my phone died, cassie wouldnt let me use her battery to figure out who sent it to me either
we went out to lunch, i got my collar back and cassie stole it from me
when we got back to elitches we watched some guys dress as girls at the olde time photo and get pictures taken, because gotees go wonderfully with green and pink dresses
and the tilt-a-hurl, and we watched the parade and erin and i ran off to rides, sadly though i lost my cell phone somewhere between the twister 2 and the batman arena, we watched carnival de fauygo, which was awsome by the way, i highly recomend watching it, and if you do, bring me i wanna go see it again, after the show we spoke with shannon, i realized my cellphone was gone and shannon told me to go fill out a lost form in the guest relations office, we did and now i can only hope they find it
so um.. no use in texting or calling my cell phone, its dead and lost... i also made some arm warmers out of bubble wrap =D
yesterday teh 24th, it was liz's birthday and i know shell probably never read this butttt
i did nothing most of the day other than put things on dA, laura called and there was a hell of a rainstorm, the water was running UP the street, and it all happened within minutes, thats colorado fer ya eh?
later laura picked me up and we went to go rent some movies to watch, we got redeye, another movie i cant remember, date movie, and elizabethtown, we only got to watch date movie and elizabeth town, while we watched date movie there was alot of snacking on pizza and crapes and laura and i going "OMG EWWWWW" while switching movies we were messing with a back massager thing, and i put it on her stomach, then she goes "ANGIE! im pregnant with a vibrater!" i started at her and laughed so hard i fell off the couch, while we were watching elizabethtown i kept giggling until i finally settled down i layed on laura, which was pretty comfy, when the movie was over it was about 7 minutes till midnight and laura and i were really out of it, we both kept giggling and walking back and forth and i started reading some of the stuff on the back door which was all this stuff of "waiting until marriage" laura and i both found them funny, "'keep both feet on the floor and dont get horizontal'? haha, youre just talking to some guy and he puts his feet on the table and you scream at him about getting horizontal" we also decided that the strawberries in the punch werent strawberries but they were parts of dans heart, dan is lauras boyfriend by the way when it got to midnight lauras mom brought me home, and i stayed on the computer till somewhere around 4:30 or so finally slept and now here i am! whooooo
me: what
he stared at me
me: come on, scream
he shook his head
me: just scream, come on
him: you screamed in my ear
me: well scream in mine then, be even, just scream
him: i cant scream in your ear, youre behind me
me: just scream!
him: you scream, i dare you
so i screamed
him: oh yea, do it again
so i did, twice
him: another?
me: no now my throat kinda hurts
so he yelled
me: YEA!
him: there i screamed
erin: that was a yell not a scream
so he yelled again and erin and i screamed
the ride ended and i never saw him again, he was kinda cute *shrug*
we also went on the rainbow and my cell phone went off, i looked at it and i got a text messsage, i didnt get to check it before my phone died, cassie wouldnt let me use her battery to figure out who sent it to me either
we went out to lunch, i got my collar back and cassie stole it from me
when we got back to elitches we watched some guys dress as girls at the olde time photo and get pictures taken, because gotees go wonderfully with green and pink dresses
and the tilt-a-hurl, and we watched the parade and erin and i ran off to rides, sadly though i lost my cell phone somewhere between the twister 2 and the batman arena, we watched carnival de fauygo, which was awsome by the way, i highly recomend watching it, and if you do, bring me i wanna go see it again, after the show we spoke with shannon, i realized my cellphone was gone and shannon told me to go fill out a lost form in the guest relations office, we did and now i can only hope they find it
so um.. no use in texting or calling my cell phone, its dead and lost... i also made some arm warmers out of bubble wrap =D
yesterday teh 24th, it was liz's birthday and i know shell probably never read this butttt
i did nothing most of the day other than put things on dA, laura called and there was a hell of a rainstorm, the water was running UP the street, and it all happened within minutes, thats colorado fer ya eh?
later laura picked me up and we went to go rent some movies to watch, we got redeye, another movie i cant remember, date movie, and elizabethtown, we only got to watch date movie and elizabeth town, while we watched date movie there was alot of snacking on pizza and crapes and laura and i going "OMG EWWWWW" while switching movies we were messing with a back massager thing, and i put it on her stomach, then she goes "ANGIE! im pregnant with a vibrater!" i started at her and laughed so hard i fell off the couch, while we were watching elizabethtown i kept giggling until i finally settled down i layed on laura, which was pretty comfy, when the movie was over it was about 7 minutes till midnight and laura and i were really out of it, we both kept giggling and walking back and forth and i started reading some of the stuff on the back door which was all this stuff of "waiting until marriage" laura and i both found them funny, "'keep both feet on the floor and dont get horizontal'? haha, youre just talking to some guy and he puts his feet on the table and you scream at him about getting horizontal" we also decided that the strawberries in the punch werent strawberries but they were parts of dans heart, dan is lauras boyfriend by the way when it got to midnight lauras mom brought me home, and i stayed on the computer till somewhere around 4:30 or so finally slept and now here i am! whooooo
Thursday, June 22, 2006
MOM! Cassie's raping me!
so before i go off on some rants, i think ill tall you about my day, mostly because i actually did something today, that something being i went to my aunts house, mom woke me up at 7:44 to get ready, she gave me the inpression i was spending the night up there, which was wrong, but thats okay i got to spend the day with my favorite aunt, before we got up there i was grabbing a dog toy out of my room and i heard something break, since mom, dad, cassie and ducky were outside i assumed it was minky and followed him around tyrin to figure out what he broke, i found out it was a candle holder and muffin broke it, so i had to clean that up, after that we left, on the 45 minute drive up to her house, mom got distracted and started off the lane she was in, i wasnt paying attention to her and when she swerved back i flew into the next seat, that was kinda fun, when we got up there i brought the stuff we had bought for the dogs inside along with candle stuff, we were attacked with kisses by the dogs and foster jumped me for the cow dog toy i had in my arms, he had the same toy before and loved it but riley broke it, after about a half hour foster ditched the cow to love on me, probably because i had food, but it still felt good, cassie picked up the cow and started petting it and i told mom cassie was raping the cow, later we had subway (which happened to have some cute guys outside of it >.>) mom and aunt cindy made candles, cassie had fun laying on me while i was laying on the couch, and which she arched her back i screamed in pain, she found that really amusing and did it about 16 times before she made me get up because she was hurting herself, i ended up laying on her, she farted on me, i punched her, she fell asleep and i vacuumed the dining room as my trade with aunt cindy to replace a stone in one of my rings and to fix my hippy ring she gave me, then i decided to make something out of wax that aunt cindy and mom had left over, i made a flower and the part which was suppose to be the bottom looked more like a flower than the end i was trying to make a flower, later at home i carved it with a knife and now it looks better, i have tons of cuts on my hands though, when we left aunt cindys and i had to carry the stained glass flower piece mom is going to make into a mosaic, we had to stop for gas, i was forced to roll up my window while playing with the wind because it started haleing and i couldnt feel my arm anymore for being pelted with hale and rain, we were forced to take a detour, which by the way on the way up there, on the detour route we saw a huge flame, apparently the whole state is on fire ban though, which will definitly make the fourth of july interesting, mom says we may be forced to call the cops on our neighbors that always decide to play with firecrackers, when they ask who called the cops on them, well blame it on the pegdions that mom feeds and he hates so much "we sent a carrier pegdion! we didnt expect it to go that fast!" anyways when we got back on the highway some jackass decided to randomly stop, causing mom to stop, her arm swing out infront of me (old habit from when we had the serocko) and all the stained glass to go on the floor, the rest of the ride home wasnt all that eventful, cassie kept singing oh so obnoxiously in the back seat though, then after about an hour or so we went out to dinner at china king, by the end of dinner cassie wanted me to get her icecream so she started hugging me, "..cassie stop petting my! cassies raping me!"
first of all, i hate being labeled, so today one of my icons on msn was freaking out one of my friends so i changed it to an eye icon that i think is cool, he said "yay some preppy shit" so i asked if he was calling me preppy, he said yes i told him to fuck off and signed off, i dont like being called anything other than my own name, especially from someone i consiter a friend, someone who i thought had taken the time to actually get to know me, just... freaking hell, i dont need to be labeled, if you really know me i dont really fit in with any group, the only thing i come remotely close to is art freak, and i dont even like being labeled that, i have a name, if you dont know it ask it, if you know it you better as hell call me by it, im not like other people and should not be grouped accordingly
second rant: i absolutly cant stand people who are too lazy to do their own work, my sister for example who will call me on my cellphone while shes only in the living room, to get her a sida from the frigde which is possibly 3 feet away at most, i hate people who use my good nature to get things out of me, people who are just too damn lazy to study, pay attention, walk, and all in all THINK
no one should think to mess with me for awhile, im PMSy and im not afraid to kick anyones ass

this is murphy... and me.. at my aunts house, it was new years and i was spending the night up at my aunts with my nephews josh and cole, to bring in the new year we watched iceage, to ensure our awakeness we snacked on sugary sweets and drank sodas until we were going to puke, when i had gotten up to get more soda murphy had stolen my spot on the couch, cole was in my uncles recliner and josh was sitting on the floor, aunt cindy said i could just use murphy as a pillow, and i did, she took a picture and was suprized that murphy hadnt moved, and mentioned that i was probably the only one that murphy would let use as a pillow, murphy and i had gone way back, he was about as old as i was, and we had always been friends, he was a very loud dog and whenever he saw me hed bark loudly and pound towards me to lick my face, and i would always shriek, cover my face with my hands and or jump up on a chair, my dad worried about it but it as only play, he was a good baby sitter, and a hell of a body guard, like if i stayed in the car with him and dudley while my aunt went into the store if anyone tried talking to me murphy was the first to bark and growl, he was the kind of dog who chewed on sqeeky toys till the point the squeeker would break, he was the only dog who didnt even flinch when i would accidently step on him
RIP 11/8/04
my aunts other old dog which i can remember anyways, was dudley, he was a sweet dog, a golden retreiver also, he was half blind when he died and i miss him dearly, he was the only dog i knew that could fit 3 tennis balls in his mouth at once, he had soft curly hair on his back, him and murphy would always wake cassie and i in the morning, and i would hide at the bottom of my sleeping bag, he or murphy would always find me and lick my face as i squirmed
i never got the date when he died RIP dudley
first of all, i hate being labeled, so today one of my icons on msn was freaking out one of my friends so i changed it to an eye icon that i think is cool, he said "yay some preppy shit" so i asked if he was calling me preppy, he said yes i told him to fuck off and signed off, i dont like being called anything other than my own name, especially from someone i consiter a friend, someone who i thought had taken the time to actually get to know me, just... freaking hell, i dont need to be labeled, if you really know me i dont really fit in with any group, the only thing i come remotely close to is art freak, and i dont even like being labeled that, i have a name, if you dont know it ask it, if you know it you better as hell call me by it, im not like other people and should not be grouped accordingly
second rant: i absolutly cant stand people who are too lazy to do their own work, my sister for example who will call me on my cellphone while shes only in the living room, to get her a sida from the frigde which is possibly 3 feet away at most, i hate people who use my good nature to get things out of me, people who are just too damn lazy to study, pay attention, walk, and all in all THINK
no one should think to mess with me for awhile, im PMSy and im not afraid to kick anyones ass

this is murphy... and me.. at my aunts house, it was new years and i was spending the night up at my aunts with my nephews josh and cole, to bring in the new year we watched iceage, to ensure our awakeness we snacked on sugary sweets and drank sodas until we were going to puke, when i had gotten up to get more soda murphy had stolen my spot on the couch, cole was in my uncles recliner and josh was sitting on the floor, aunt cindy said i could just use murphy as a pillow, and i did, she took a picture and was suprized that murphy hadnt moved, and mentioned that i was probably the only one that murphy would let use as a pillow, murphy and i had gone way back, he was about as old as i was, and we had always been friends, he was a very loud dog and whenever he saw me hed bark loudly and pound towards me to lick my face, and i would always shriek, cover my face with my hands and or jump up on a chair, my dad worried about it but it as only play, he was a good baby sitter, and a hell of a body guard, like if i stayed in the car with him and dudley while my aunt went into the store if anyone tried talking to me murphy was the first to bark and growl, he was the kind of dog who chewed on sqeeky toys till the point the squeeker would break, he was the only dog who didnt even flinch when i would accidently step on him
RIP 11/8/04
my aunts other old dog which i can remember anyways, was dudley, he was a sweet dog, a golden retreiver also, he was half blind when he died and i miss him dearly, he was the only dog i knew that could fit 3 tennis balls in his mouth at once, he had soft curly hair on his back, him and murphy would always wake cassie and i in the morning, and i would hide at the bottom of my sleeping bag, he or murphy would always find me and lick my face as i squirmed
i never got the date when he died RIP dudley
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
I'd like an order of Acceptance please.
so, the other night i spent the night at junes house, first persons house ive spent the night at all summer, when i got there it was already dark, but we went to the park by her house anyways, i ran around even, although my legs still hurt, then we sat in the rocket slide for like an hour, talking about various things, such as gay rights, which ill rant about later, after awhile we walked back to her house, we watched "yours, mine, and ours" "charlie and the chocolate factory" while eatting peanut butter and banana sandwiches, and i drew, finished my picture of sarah
which can be found here -
and after that we watched lord of the rings: return of the king, ive never seen the third one and still havent seen about half of it, i fell asleep, which wasnt too good because the couch bed we were sleeping on had a divet then a pole that was right were my ribs were, so i was really sore in the morning and the following day, when i finally got smart enough to put a pillow where the pole was junes dad wouldnt let me sleep because he wanted the living room picked up, so june and i picked up, i got dressed and i uploaded music to her mp3 player, and read a book i found on her table called "I've known since I was eight" its about a girl who is a lebian and the hardships she faces, from coming out to gay bashing, really good book, i got half way through it and asked if i could borrow it, well we did that ate mac and cheese till around 5 when i decided to call home and ask when i should be home, mom thought i was already home, then told me i should be home and hour ago so i wouldnt be in trouble, she was kidding mind you, and she came to pick me up alittle bit later
now for my rant!
i hate closed minded people, during the school year ive encountered many closed minded people, some of which i faught with, the one i faught with most was tashi, she was in my photography class all year, i couldnt stand her but she still hung around me as if i was her friend, but thats beside the point, shes one of those people that uses "gay" in every other sentence, "i dont have any paper, thats gay" , which i did end up yelling at her about, i offered to buy her a dictionary so she could use so many other worlds for adjs than "gay", besides that, she said she was "okay with people being gay" but she "just didnt want to see it", well guess what, they have just as much right to show their love as anyone else, its such a double standard, when a staight couple is together and theyre showing PDA's no one really cares or says anything, but when its a gay couple, people mutter, people look in discust, i dont get it, what the hell is wrong with people showing their love, love has no gender, and most of all love is blind, and another thing i dont understand, why do people ask questions like "how can you like girls?" to a lesbian or "how can you like guys?" to a gay guy? no one questions someones straight preferences, its the same thing, its just a feeling, hell just like last week amber asked me how i knew i liked girls before ive done anything with one, well how do other girls know they like guys before they do anything with them? its just a feeling, and another thing, why is it that people bash gay people? yea sure they may be different, but who ISNT different? even those popular people at every school who seem to be clones, they all have different minds, they have different thoughts, different likes and dislikes, no ones exactly alike, and no one is superior over someone else because of race, sexual orintation, hair color shoe size or anything, it doesnt matter what someone looks like or any of that crap, but its been human nature to categorize everything, label everything and break everything down instead of just accepting everyone
which can be found here -
and after that we watched lord of the rings: return of the king, ive never seen the third one and still havent seen about half of it, i fell asleep, which wasnt too good because the couch bed we were sleeping on had a divet then a pole that was right were my ribs were, so i was really sore in the morning and the following day, when i finally got smart enough to put a pillow where the pole was junes dad wouldnt let me sleep because he wanted the living room picked up, so june and i picked up, i got dressed and i uploaded music to her mp3 player, and read a book i found on her table called "I've known since I was eight" its about a girl who is a lebian and the hardships she faces, from coming out to gay bashing, really good book, i got half way through it and asked if i could borrow it, well we did that ate mac and cheese till around 5 when i decided to call home and ask when i should be home, mom thought i was already home, then told me i should be home and hour ago so i wouldnt be in trouble, she was kidding mind you, and she came to pick me up alittle bit later
now for my rant!
i hate closed minded people, during the school year ive encountered many closed minded people, some of which i faught with, the one i faught with most was tashi, she was in my photography class all year, i couldnt stand her but she still hung around me as if i was her friend, but thats beside the point, shes one of those people that uses "gay" in every other sentence, "i dont have any paper, thats gay" , which i did end up yelling at her about, i offered to buy her a dictionary so she could use so many other worlds for adjs than "gay", besides that, she said she was "okay with people being gay" but she "just didnt want to see it", well guess what, they have just as much right to show their love as anyone else, its such a double standard, when a staight couple is together and theyre showing PDA's no one really cares or says anything, but when its a gay couple, people mutter, people look in discust, i dont get it, what the hell is wrong with people showing their love, love has no gender, and most of all love is blind, and another thing i dont understand, why do people ask questions like "how can you like girls?" to a lesbian or "how can you like guys?" to a gay guy? no one questions someones straight preferences, its the same thing, its just a feeling, hell just like last week amber asked me how i knew i liked girls before ive done anything with one, well how do other girls know they like guys before they do anything with them? its just a feeling, and another thing, why is it that people bash gay people? yea sure they may be different, but who ISNT different? even those popular people at every school who seem to be clones, they all have different minds, they have different thoughts, different likes and dislikes, no ones exactly alike, and no one is superior over someone else because of race, sexual orintation, hair color shoe size or anything, it doesnt matter what someone looks like or any of that crap, but its been human nature to categorize everything, label everything and break everything down instead of just accepting everyone
Sunday, June 18, 2006
7. Fill the bathtub up. Grab a toaster & plug it in. Get in the bathtub and bring the toaster with you. Push down the button & enjoy!
so ive been reading past entries on my blog and stuff, and ive realized a couple things, 1. MAN I WAS SUCH A DRAMA QUEEN -_- 2. where IS my goodbye kitty figure i got from elitches last year!? i havent seen it in forever and i miss it and thats about all i can remember, cept i had several "best day of my life" things, and now, i just wish they had NEVER happened
in other news, i can barely walk, yay? my legs SEVERLY hurt from the day at elitches and its hurts so much to walk, i wish i could teleport
im oh so hated
The 101 Best, Most Clever, and Most Disturbing Ways to Kill Yourself
C 1999 Happy Days Inc.
1. Slit your wrists.
2. Drink cleaning supplies.
3. Put your dad's rifle in your mouth and shoot.
4. Cut yourself along several major arteries and slowly bleed to death.
5. Fill the bathtub up with hot water and get in. Go underwater & breathe until I say stop.
6. Give yourself a homemade tattoo with toxic silver pen.
7. Fill the bathtub up. Grab a toaster & plug it in. Get in the bathtub and bring the toaster with you. Push down the button & enjoy!
8. Boil several gallons of water on the stove and "accidentally" spill it all on yourself.
9. Bash your head in with a hammer.
10. Get an axe from the woodpile & split yourself in half.
11. Use your telekinetic powers to make the house fall apart.
12. Tease the elevator by not letting it close until it buzzes loudly. Stand in the door's way and let it close.
13. Break a mirror. Take two sharp pieces of the glass and shove them in your eyes, hard and deep.
14. Shove a Chef's knife up your butt.
15. Kill someone else and plead for death by lethal injection.
16. Break a bottle of wine on a table and shove it in your stomach.
17. Have your best friend run you over with a steamroller.
18. Turn on the iron until water dances on surface. Put it on several places on your body, keeping it in each place for at least 45 seconds.
19. Jump off a building, aiming carefully to impale yourself on a lamppost.
20. Drive a wooden stake in your heart.
21. Induce vomiting until you black out and slip into a coma. This coma should last for several months, in which time your family will certainly decide to pull the plug.
22. Put your pinky, as well as any other digits that will fit, into an electrical socket.
23. Purposely catch your clothing in the escalator at a local mall and fight off anyone who tries to help. Enjoy the ride!
24. Swallow vanilla bath beads.
25. Drop a lit match down your throat.
26. Eat three tubes of toothpaste - and I'm not talking about trial size.
27. Hang yourself in your closet with an electrical cord.
28. Unbend a coat hanger and slowly & carefully shove it up your nose.
29. Crash a car into a department store window displaying a nativity scene. Merry Christmas!
30. Lodge your head in the toilet bowl and flush mercilessly.
31. Get your hand caught in the CD-ROM drive and attempt to cut it off with a dull pocketknife.
32. Make a pipe bomb and blow up your house with you inside, of course.
33. Stuff toilet paper down your throat until you choke.
34. Eat baby powder.
35. Eat deodorant.
36. Take a walk in the ghetto with a giant boom box blasting Vanilla Ice.
37. Anger a cannibal.
38. Drown yourself in a spoon full of water.
39. Get a friend to throw a few CDs Frisbee-style at your stomach and throat.
40. Swallow fifteen razor blades.
41. Drink 2 bottles of cough syrup.
42. Lock yourself in a room. After you've eaten the carpet and peeled the paint off the walls for a snack, you'll eventually starve.
43. Swerve into the left rear wheels of a moving transfer truckƒon your bike.
44. Break a battery open and pour it into a glass of Dr. Pepper and drink it.
45. Live on top of an active volcano.
46. Piss off O.J. Simpson.
47. Eat a string of Christmas Tree lights.
48. Give yourself a million paper cutsƒif the paper cuts don't kill you, the counting will.
49. Nail yourself to the side of a federal building.
50. Scalp yourself. If you're not dead, make photocopies.
51. Cry your eyes outƒliterally.
52. Burn plastic and breathe in the toxic fumes.
53. Charge into a big screen TV.
54. Lag behind when participating in a Bull Run.
55. Walk around in downtown New Jersey with a Target store shirt on.
56. Smash your head in the safe door again & again & againƒ
57. Spray a bottle of air freshener up your nose and inhale at the same time.
58. Eat a dog with heartworms raw.
59. Strategically place yourself in the middle of a very busy intersection at rush hour during daylight savings time while wearing a tight, black jumpsuit, being ever so careful to hit every car you see.
60. Go to a horse race and jump out in front of the leading horse screaming at the top of your lungs, "I'm a pony! I'm a pony!"
61. Make like Sonny Bono when on a skiing trip.
62. Get run over by an ostrich.
63. Get naked and lay on 12 150-watt light bulbs, then flip the switch.
64. Cut off all your fingers then write a ten-page report on "Polyester versus Cotton Fabrics" with the stubs.
65. Get pregnant and then have your mother perform an emergency C-section just for kicks.
66. Jam a toothbrush in your bellybutton.
67. Brush your teeth with a MACH 3 razor.
68. Drill a hole in your head.
69. Find a huge pine tree. Cut it down with a chainsaw while standing in its falling path.
70. Skinny-dip in a shark tank with your favorite rubber ducky.
71. Drive with a rabid monkey in your back seat.
72. Play NASCAR with an unsuspecting fellow driver.
73. Jump off the balcony in a school auditorium.
74. Smash your head through a wooden door, making sure you get plenty of splinters.
75. Jump in the way of a moving subway train.
76. Drip hot wax all over your body, then light matches and light your feet on fire. The flames will rise and consume your entire body, but before you do that, make sure you drip hot wax in your eyes & let it harden.
77. Do back flips in a mosh pit.
78. Attempt to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
79. Jump out of a moving bus window and do shoulder-rolls across the highway until you get run over.
80. Always use the wrong tool for the job.
81. Float on your back in the Anaconda River and wait.
82. Get in a pool with piranhas and have them tear off your flesh bit by bit, eating you alive.
83. Wedge yourself in the doggy-entrance on the garage door and have a friend press the "garage open" button.
84. Use a chain saw to cut out pictures.
85. Shove a TV antenna in one ear & out the other.
86. Strangle yourself with your best necklace.
87. Bite your arm and suck & swallow the blood. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
88. Perform self-quadruple bypass surgery.
89. Take out your own spleen, cook it for 2 minutes in the microwave, and eat it.
90. Cut yourself up and feed as much of you as possible to the family dog.
91. Cut off your limbs and put them in the crock-pot for your family to find. If your crock-pot isn't large enough, put extra flesh in the freezer for later.
92. Swan dive into the 10-gallon fish tank.
93. Give yourself a buzz-cut with bush shears.
94. Gather up a group of friends to push all your pressure points at the same time.
95. Make believe you're in a psychiatric facility with padded walls when you're really in a steel cage.
96. Straddle a neon sign. Don't let go, no matter what people tell you.
97. Go swimming in an oil spill. Don't forget to open your eyes under water!
98. Smash your porcelain "Precious Moments" dolls in the middle of the street and consume the large pieces left over.
99. Roll around nude in the street at noon.
100. Drink paint. Eat the stick you stirred the paint with. Drink paint thinner to wash it down.
101. Take all the pills in your medicine cabinet, along with at least one shot of every alcoholic beverage known to man and take a little nap. Don't bother waking up.
id try a bunch of those if i didnt die... SO thats all in my life, tell me about yers
in other news, i can barely walk, yay? my legs SEVERLY hurt from the day at elitches and its hurts so much to walk, i wish i could teleport
im oh so hated
The 101 Best, Most Clever, and Most Disturbing Ways to Kill Yourself
C 1999 Happy Days Inc.
1. Slit your wrists.
2. Drink cleaning supplies.
3. Put your dad's rifle in your mouth and shoot.
4. Cut yourself along several major arteries and slowly bleed to death.
5. Fill the bathtub up with hot water and get in. Go underwater & breathe until I say stop.
6. Give yourself a homemade tattoo with toxic silver pen.
7. Fill the bathtub up. Grab a toaster & plug it in. Get in the bathtub and bring the toaster with you. Push down the button & enjoy!
8. Boil several gallons of water on the stove and "accidentally" spill it all on yourself.
9. Bash your head in with a hammer.
10. Get an axe from the woodpile & split yourself in half.
11. Use your telekinetic powers to make the house fall apart.
12. Tease the elevator by not letting it close until it buzzes loudly. Stand in the door's way and let it close.
13. Break a mirror. Take two sharp pieces of the glass and shove them in your eyes, hard and deep.
14. Shove a Chef's knife up your butt.
15. Kill someone else and plead for death by lethal injection.
16. Break a bottle of wine on a table and shove it in your stomach.
17. Have your best friend run you over with a steamroller.
18. Turn on the iron until water dances on surface. Put it on several places on your body, keeping it in each place for at least 45 seconds.
19. Jump off a building, aiming carefully to impale yourself on a lamppost.
20. Drive a wooden stake in your heart.
21. Induce vomiting until you black out and slip into a coma. This coma should last for several months, in which time your family will certainly decide to pull the plug.
22. Put your pinky, as well as any other digits that will fit, into an electrical socket.
23. Purposely catch your clothing in the escalator at a local mall and fight off anyone who tries to help. Enjoy the ride!
24. Swallow vanilla bath beads.
25. Drop a lit match down your throat.
26. Eat three tubes of toothpaste - and I'm not talking about trial size.
27. Hang yourself in your closet with an electrical cord.
28. Unbend a coat hanger and slowly & carefully shove it up your nose.
29. Crash a car into a department store window displaying a nativity scene. Merry Christmas!
30. Lodge your head in the toilet bowl and flush mercilessly.
31. Get your hand caught in the CD-ROM drive and attempt to cut it off with a dull pocketknife.
32. Make a pipe bomb and blow up your house with you inside, of course.
33. Stuff toilet paper down your throat until you choke.
34. Eat baby powder.
35. Eat deodorant.
36. Take a walk in the ghetto with a giant boom box blasting Vanilla Ice.
37. Anger a cannibal.
38. Drown yourself in a spoon full of water.
39. Get a friend to throw a few CDs Frisbee-style at your stomach and throat.
40. Swallow fifteen razor blades.
41. Drink 2 bottles of cough syrup.
42. Lock yourself in a room. After you've eaten the carpet and peeled the paint off the walls for a snack, you'll eventually starve.
43. Swerve into the left rear wheels of a moving transfer truckƒon your bike.
44. Break a battery open and pour it into a glass of Dr. Pepper and drink it.
45. Live on top of an active volcano.
46. Piss off O.J. Simpson.
47. Eat a string of Christmas Tree lights.
48. Give yourself a million paper cutsƒif the paper cuts don't kill you, the counting will.
49. Nail yourself to the side of a federal building.
50. Scalp yourself. If you're not dead, make photocopies.
51. Cry your eyes outƒliterally.
52. Burn plastic and breathe in the toxic fumes.
53. Charge into a big screen TV.
54. Lag behind when participating in a Bull Run.
55. Walk around in downtown New Jersey with a Target store shirt on.
56. Smash your head in the safe door again & again & againƒ
57. Spray a bottle of air freshener up your nose and inhale at the same time.
58. Eat a dog with heartworms raw.
59. Strategically place yourself in the middle of a very busy intersection at rush hour during daylight savings time while wearing a tight, black jumpsuit, being ever so careful to hit every car you see.
60. Go to a horse race and jump out in front of the leading horse screaming at the top of your lungs, "I'm a pony! I'm a pony!"
61. Make like Sonny Bono when on a skiing trip.
62. Get run over by an ostrich.
63. Get naked and lay on 12 150-watt light bulbs, then flip the switch.
64. Cut off all your fingers then write a ten-page report on "Polyester versus Cotton Fabrics" with the stubs.
65. Get pregnant and then have your mother perform an emergency C-section just for kicks.
66. Jam a toothbrush in your bellybutton.
67. Brush your teeth with a MACH 3 razor.
68. Drill a hole in your head.
69. Find a huge pine tree. Cut it down with a chainsaw while standing in its falling path.
70. Skinny-dip in a shark tank with your favorite rubber ducky.
71. Drive with a rabid monkey in your back seat.
72. Play NASCAR with an unsuspecting fellow driver.
73. Jump off the balcony in a school auditorium.
74. Smash your head through a wooden door, making sure you get plenty of splinters.
75. Jump in the way of a moving subway train.
76. Drip hot wax all over your body, then light matches and light your feet on fire. The flames will rise and consume your entire body, but before you do that, make sure you drip hot wax in your eyes & let it harden.
77. Do back flips in a mosh pit.
78. Attempt to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
79. Jump out of a moving bus window and do shoulder-rolls across the highway until you get run over.
80. Always use the wrong tool for the job.
81. Float on your back in the Anaconda River and wait.
82. Get in a pool with piranhas and have them tear off your flesh bit by bit, eating you alive.
83. Wedge yourself in the doggy-entrance on the garage door and have a friend press the "garage open" button.
84. Use a chain saw to cut out pictures.
85. Shove a TV antenna in one ear & out the other.
86. Strangle yourself with your best necklace.
87. Bite your arm and suck & swallow the blood. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
88. Perform self-quadruple bypass surgery.
89. Take out your own spleen, cook it for 2 minutes in the microwave, and eat it.
90. Cut yourself up and feed as much of you as possible to the family dog.
91. Cut off your limbs and put them in the crock-pot for your family to find. If your crock-pot isn't large enough, put extra flesh in the freezer for later.
92. Swan dive into the 10-gallon fish tank.
93. Give yourself a buzz-cut with bush shears.
94. Gather up a group of friends to push all your pressure points at the same time.
95. Make believe you're in a psychiatric facility with padded walls when you're really in a steel cage.
96. Straddle a neon sign. Don't let go, no matter what people tell you.
97. Go swimming in an oil spill. Don't forget to open your eyes under water!
98. Smash your porcelain "Precious Moments" dolls in the middle of the street and consume the large pieces left over.
99. Roll around nude in the street at noon.
100. Drink paint. Eat the stick you stirred the paint with. Drink paint thinner to wash it down.
101. Take all the pills in your medicine cabinet, along with at least one shot of every alcoholic beverage known to man and take a little nap. Don't bother waking up.
id try a bunch of those if i didnt die... SO thats all in my life, tell me about yers
Friday, June 16, 2006
I'll give you a dollar if you..
so today i went to elitches, without my sister =D we abandoned her!...okay well not really, just snuck out of the house while she was sleeping, i was SUPPOSE to go with mitch, ellie, jared and jesus, BUT jared and ellie were sickly and didnt gooooo, which was sad, thought maybe with ellie there id be included more,ah well, i had fun though anyways, even through my zoning out and long periods of not talking
rides we didnt go on:
half pipe
hollywood and vine
tilt'a'hurl (which i really did want to go on)
batman ride
the spider
the thunderbolt
anything that costed money
and anything in the water park
rides we did go on:
tower of doom-went on twice, first time mitch counted and we concluded the magic number is 7!
ferris wheel-didnt really talk that whole time, lost count of rotations
sidewinder- went on it twice, first time i was next to mitch and we kept messing with the harnesses and getting yelled at, second time with jesus, awkward silence, how much i hate it, stupid stairs..
sea dragon- mitch jesus and i all sat by ourselves, and i yelled random things across to mitch and jesus
the rainbow- went on it once, i sat next to jesus and mitch made a friend, who he was scared of, more yelling, such as "OH MY GOD IM GONNA DIE!" and i think i screamed "fishsticks!" once too
shake rattle and roll- went on it with mitch because jesus didnt want to throw up, then the latch came down mitch exclaimed "my pelvis!" we also found monika, and it was happy and i got hugs
disaster canyon- went on that 3 times, the first two times were consecutive though
third time there was a line and there was this cute little boy named adam, we waited for along time because adams mother couldnt get the seatbelt to latch, jesus tried not to laugh
flying coaster-rode once, we made friends with some kid i didnt catch the name of but i made him laugh, after the ride we ran into porky pig in drag and jesus hugged... it, it was sad when he walked off and mitch asked why he didnt get her number, his responce he wasnt sure if there was really a girl inside the costume
ship wreak falls- went on it with jesus, we got soaked
mind eraser- went on with jesus, and i screamed in pain when my head hit the side and my second periceings were greatly hurt
boomerrang-went on it twice, i dont remember who i rode with the first time, but mitch started counting, second time i rode alone, only one kid waved back at me really, another kid gave me a head nod though
twister 2- rode twice both times i sat with jesus, second time my stomach hit the lapbar and i had already been having stomach pains, almost like i got stabbed in the ribs or something, almost cried, one of the people operating the ride liked invader zim too and JTHM
the air hockey-mitch and i played against jesus, we both lost to him, mostly because i had to switch arms and i couldnt stop laughing is why i lost
teh fooooood-while going to get food we passed a rooster, it gave jesus a highfive, mitch put up his hand for a highfive and it just walked past him, then hugged sylvester the cat, foods expencive e_e and i paid fer jesus, when mitch paid for his he only had 75 cents left, and i got reallllly cold though, it kept raining
tea cups-i went on that one with mitch, we spun really fast and i couldnt stop laughing even five minutes AFTER the ride
trikia- mitch rode that with me, we sat seprately and mitch no matter what kept staring at jesus
i think thats all the rides ._. i dont remember... AHWELL fun fun all around
got home after that day o fun i rand to take a shower, which was long and hot because i was so very cold e_e, ate dinner talked to jared on teh phone and now here i am!
rides we didnt go on:
half pipe
hollywood and vine
tilt'a'hurl (which i really did want to go on)
batman ride
the spider
the thunderbolt
anything that costed money
and anything in the water park
rides we did go on:
tower of doom-went on twice, first time mitch counted and we concluded the magic number is 7!
ferris wheel-didnt really talk that whole time, lost count of rotations
sidewinder- went on it twice, first time i was next to mitch and we kept messing with the harnesses and getting yelled at, second time with jesus, awkward silence, how much i hate it, stupid stairs..
sea dragon- mitch jesus and i all sat by ourselves, and i yelled random things across to mitch and jesus
the rainbow- went on it once, i sat next to jesus and mitch made a friend, who he was scared of, more yelling, such as "OH MY GOD IM GONNA DIE!" and i think i screamed "fishsticks!" once too
shake rattle and roll- went on it with mitch because jesus didnt want to throw up, then the latch came down mitch exclaimed "my pelvis!" we also found monika, and it was happy and i got hugs
disaster canyon- went on that 3 times, the first two times were consecutive though
third time there was a line and there was this cute little boy named adam, we waited for along time because adams mother couldnt get the seatbelt to latch, jesus tried not to laugh
flying coaster-rode once, we made friends with some kid i didnt catch the name of but i made him laugh, after the ride we ran into porky pig in drag and jesus hugged... it, it was sad when he walked off and mitch asked why he didnt get her number, his responce he wasnt sure if there was really a girl inside the costume
ship wreak falls- went on it with jesus, we got soaked
mind eraser- went on with jesus, and i screamed in pain when my head hit the side and my second periceings were greatly hurt
boomerrang-went on it twice, i dont remember who i rode with the first time, but mitch started counting, second time i rode alone, only one kid waved back at me really, another kid gave me a head nod though
twister 2- rode twice both times i sat with jesus, second time my stomach hit the lapbar and i had already been having stomach pains, almost like i got stabbed in the ribs or something, almost cried, one of the people operating the ride liked invader zim too and JTHM
the air hockey-mitch and i played against jesus, we both lost to him, mostly because i had to switch arms and i couldnt stop laughing is why i lost
teh fooooood-while going to get food we passed a rooster, it gave jesus a highfive, mitch put up his hand for a highfive and it just walked past him, then hugged sylvester the cat, foods expencive e_e and i paid fer jesus, when mitch paid for his he only had 75 cents left, and i got reallllly cold though, it kept raining
tea cups-i went on that one with mitch, we spun really fast and i couldnt stop laughing even five minutes AFTER the ride
trikia- mitch rode that with me, we sat seprately and mitch no matter what kept staring at jesus
i think thats all the rides ._. i dont remember... AHWELL fun fun all around
got home after that day o fun i rand to take a shower, which was long and hot because i was so very cold e_e, ate dinner talked to jared on teh phone and now here i am!
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Fucking Dumbass
well... today was... an experience, fully of mood swings and fighting, sadly it was just arguing with my sister, so cassie promised to go to elitches today, so we could get our season passes finally, well we did, but it took us about an hour of getting lost in downtown denver to get there, mapquests easier... pfft we spent almost the entire time fighting "ANGIE WHERE THE FUCK DO I GO!?" "HOW THE HELL WOULD I KNOW! WERE ON WHAT!? BROADWAY! I DONT SEE IT ON THE MAP!" we missed one street. speer, and we were in a hell of alot of trouble after that, I HATE sitting shotgun when we go to elitches, no one in my family can get there successfully in one try, they always get lost and i always get yelled at for not knowing where we are, and there were many threats mad of leaving me on the side of the road because i didnt know where i was going, its not my fault cassie hasnt gotten new glasses and at the moment can see no more than 10 feet infront of her, when we finally got there cassie was in a pissy mood which she took out of me, we went to guest relations and information to see if they knew where shannon was, shannon is my brother for those of you who dont know, he works at elitches, hes 6'4 and pretty hard to miss, well that didnt go over well so we rode holly wood and vine and i started getting happier, cassie kept making fun of my laughing which only made me laugh harder, after that we saw the amazing acrobats of china, cassie and i got into a big arguement even before it started because she wanted a water and im stubborn and refuse to do things when she just orders it to me without a single please or thanks, she was stupid and gave all of her money for me to carry so i had all 45 bucks in my pocket, nice move cass, she decided we were going home after the show and shed never being me back to elitches again, we watched in silence, not even clapping, i got mad that every time i moved farther away from her she kept following, she was in my personal space and i didnt like it, after the show which was good by the way, cassie asked me if there was anything i wanted to go on and we MIGHT key word might do it, in cassie to english this means "im only asking so i can tell mom i asked but were doing whatever the hell i want anyways" i told her it didnt matter because she was going to make me do what she wanted anyways, she persisted to ask me again and again and i kept telling her the same thing, second to last time she asked me i muttered obsenities at her and almost got back handed, she asked me again as we were leaving the park, then yelled at me for giving attitude, after being asked the same question like 16 times, i think youd get alittle annoyed too, when we started heading home cassie made me drop the additude and said shed bring me back tomorrow, and i get to bring a friend, maybe itll be better if i have a friend there to help?
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
I underestimated peer-pressure
so, today i woke up around 1:00 pm after staying up till 4am around which time my dad got sick and i felt i needed sleep, which i was right, as soon as i turned off my laptop and layed down i feel asleep, i had a weird dream which i cant remember now because i didnt write it down, oh well, as soon as i got up this...afternoon i chased trashcans down the street because of the wind, which made my room hotter than normal, that and the fact it was in the hundreds today, surpassed the colorado previous heat record, yay? mom dragged me to the bank so she could make a deposit, then dragged me to a totally different bank to open a checking account for me, which instead of taking around five minutes like they told us it would, it took a half hour or more, nice estimation josh guy. they got stuck on not haveing my grandfathers signature whos check was in his name that he gave to me for my education, well, they told us "oh have him fax it in!" my grandfather. fax? HAHA! he comes to our house for all of his technology needs, infact he got a DVD and him non having in a DVD PLAYER says hell come to our house to watch it, mom said to give him a DVD player, chances are hed be calling us up anyways to find out how it works, in our waiting for him to varify with his boss and all we looked out in the waitting room and wondered if the guy there had a man purse or an invisible wife, odd part was he looked like my 7th grade geography teacher, also there were these something like "bellco's debit and creditcards are getting recharged!" then had one of the electric balls on top, very lane and fun to play with, also there was something on the stams that was like "rainbow values is here!" which made me giggle and i dont know why. after that we went to carls jr and mom tried to figure me out, i dont think that went well, all she ot to know was my knowlegde of french stuff, we then went to petsmart to sign up for dog lessons, i made her walk around with me to see all the animals, and i fell in love with one of the cats at the adoption shelter, ugh it loved me and i loved it and i just wanted to hug it, sadly all i got to do was pet her through a cage, although i did convince mom to maybe let me volenteer at a catshelter around town, we got toys and stuff for ducky, signed up fer training classes which start the 20th, every tuesday and such, whoooo... when i got home i started to drew sarah, coming out okay i guess, amber called and we spent two hours at the mall, one of those houses we spent in borders reading, she read "cut" and i read "go ask alice" i got to the part where she does LSD for the first time, then we walked around awhile and she talked about how she has to get me high and drunk sometime, and take me to a concert and get me to mosh, i want to do all those things yet i dont, i dont know, its a weird feeling, dont hate me if i break down
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Why is there bacon in the soap!?
so, today has been a bunch of nothingness wrapped in boredom with a side of heatstroke, not really heatstroke, but its getting pretty damn hot
today got up because mom and dad decided they wanted to go to the hardware store, which meant i got to watch the dog, i wasnt in the mood to go on the net so i stayed in my parents room with ducky and muffin, surprizingly they didnt fight, probably because i was smothering muffin with love, the dog slept until i decided i was hungry and got food, then he was awake enough to try to sneak the mc griddle off my plate, mom and dad came home and i went to my room to watch cartoons, later cassie came in my room stole my laptop to get directions to go to elitches, then her and i whines for over an hour in my room about how we were bored, at one point i was playing with my... pin... thingy impression thing, cassie wanted it...
cassie: angie canni see
me: no
cassie: annngggii-
me: no
cassie: but annn-
me: no, save it for someone who careeessss
me: no
cassie: angieeeee-
cassie: annngggii-
me:casssieee im boreeeddd
went on like that... only with much giggling, cassie and i sat out in the kitchen and played with the dog and annoyed mom making dinner, ate dinner, played outside with the dog... did dishes and now here i am =D tripped over the dog fence going to the kitchen though, ran into the island with the cappicino maker, dog came barking, and mom had me watch as they had ducky dig under a pillow for a treat
today got up because mom and dad decided they wanted to go to the hardware store, which meant i got to watch the dog, i wasnt in the mood to go on the net so i stayed in my parents room with ducky and muffin, surprizingly they didnt fight, probably because i was smothering muffin with love, the dog slept until i decided i was hungry and got food, then he was awake enough to try to sneak the mc griddle off my plate, mom and dad came home and i went to my room to watch cartoons, later cassie came in my room stole my laptop to get directions to go to elitches, then her and i whines for over an hour in my room about how we were bored, at one point i was playing with my... pin... thingy impression thing, cassie wanted it...
cassie: angie canni see
me: no
cassie: annngggii-
me: no
cassie: but annn-
me: no, save it for someone who careeessss
me: no
cassie: angieeeee-
cassie: annngggii-
me:casssieee im boreeeddd
went on like that... only with much giggling, cassie and i sat out in the kitchen and played with the dog and annoyed mom making dinner, ate dinner, played outside with the dog... did dishes and now here i am =D tripped over the dog fence going to the kitchen though, ran into the island with the cappicino maker, dog came barking, and mom had me watch as they had ducky dig under a pillow for a treat
Monday, June 12, 2006
If I was your mental stress I'd be catching up.
so it turns out i dont get to take photography this summer, i just got a call from ms sopcheck saying not enough people signed up, as in like... 3 or four including me, great e_e stupid non participaction, now ive got nothing to occupy my time, i was so looking forward to taking it over the summer too
you know all those commercials about peer pressure and all of that? so far in highschool i have experienced no peer presure, at all, the druggys dont really make you do anything, some, and very few may ask if you want alittle and when you say no its not like they ask again, they normally want it fer themself anyways
other news-- because of liz i have two new friends, named lane and lynn ^_^
i think my new earring holes are infected... i woke up with blood all over my pillow, crap
short post... so LYRICTIME
in order, for one to metamorphasize, from one's inner self being projected out into
the astral plane and to rematerialize into an inanamite object or another living
organism for that matter is entirely and absolutely impossible, however
if i was your tv i'd be like, look at me
if i was shooting star i be like shooooom (peace)
if i was a fat bitches thong i'd be like hell nah
if i was a hotties thong i'd be like ahh
if i was a cuss word i'd just be like, fuck
if i was a rock on the moon i'd be chillin like sup
if i was a butthole i'd just be an exit
if i was the DOC i'd be like "man this is bull shit"
if i was your tires on your car i'd be like (car noises)
if i was the bumper on your car i'd be like ahh fuck
if i was a balloon i'd be like (balloon losing air)
if i was Alyssia Milano i'd be fucking Joe Bruce
if i was a radio DJ i'd probably say, point 103
if i was a richie ass bitch i'd be like, um ok
if i was spin magazine i'd put a mirror on the cover and be like
fuck us and all our readers, even this mother fucker
if i was your mental stress i'd be catching up
if i was your headaches every now and then I'd be like thuuummmp
if i was your tounge i'd be hatin' your teeth i'd be like
ah why do you try to bite me every time we eat?
if i was a chair i'd be like sit here
and if i was kid rock i'd cut my feathered wolf hair
if i was your muffler i'd be like shhh quietly
if i was a price tag i'd be like you ain't buyin me
if i was a fresh DJ i'd be like (scratching record)
if i was jam master jay i'd be like(scratching record)
if i was a cheap clock radio i'd be like (radio static)
if i was barry white i'd be like what up ya'll
if i was a nipple in the cold i'd be like (spring noise)
if i was your dead uncle i'd be like
if i was a rain drop i'd just be like (rain drop)
and i had an axe and your neck i might say Chop
If i was if i was but i'll never be
(if i was if i was but i'll never be)
If i was if i was but i'll never be
(if i was if i was but i'll never be)
If i was if i was boy your killing me
(if i was if i was boy your killing me)
If i was if i was but i'll never be
(If i was if i was but i'll never be)
If i was a faygo at one of our shows
i'd fly through the air into an ocean of juggalo's
if i was Andre the giant this is how i would be manly
if i was father mc i'd be like yeah what happened
if i was a mirror i'd find another mirror
and look each other dead in the eye, crystal clear
if i was a slider i'd slid out your but, i'd be floating in the toilet
looking at you like what?
if i was a pilot i'd be like air traffic control
if i was john denver i'd be like ahhhh
if i was a switch i'd be like flip me yoohoo
if i was a london cop car i'd be like (siren)
if i was chewbacca i'd get me a fresh ass fade
if i was vanilla ice i'd be like fuck yall i'm still paid
if i was a stop sign i'd just be like stop
if i was your wooden leg i'd still be giving you the hip hop
[Chorus 2x]
you know all those commercials about peer pressure and all of that? so far in highschool i have experienced no peer presure, at all, the druggys dont really make you do anything, some, and very few may ask if you want alittle and when you say no its not like they ask again, they normally want it fer themself anyways
other news-- because of liz i have two new friends, named lane and lynn ^_^
i think my new earring holes are infected... i woke up with blood all over my pillow, crap
short post... so LYRICTIME
in order, for one to metamorphasize, from one's inner self being projected out into
the astral plane and to rematerialize into an inanamite object or another living
organism for that matter is entirely and absolutely impossible, however
if i was your tv i'd be like, look at me
if i was shooting star i be like shooooom (peace)
if i was a fat bitches thong i'd be like hell nah
if i was a hotties thong i'd be like ahh
if i was a cuss word i'd just be like, fuck
if i was a rock on the moon i'd be chillin like sup
if i was a butthole i'd just be an exit
if i was the DOC i'd be like "man this is bull shit"
if i was your tires on your car i'd be like (car noises)
if i was the bumper on your car i'd be like ahh fuck
if i was a balloon i'd be like (balloon losing air)
if i was Alyssia Milano i'd be fucking Joe Bruce
if i was a radio DJ i'd probably say, point 103
if i was a richie ass bitch i'd be like, um ok
if i was spin magazine i'd put a mirror on the cover and be like
fuck us and all our readers, even this mother fucker
if i was your mental stress i'd be catching up
if i was your headaches every now and then I'd be like thuuummmp
if i was your tounge i'd be hatin' your teeth i'd be like
ah why do you try to bite me every time we eat?
if i was a chair i'd be like sit here
and if i was kid rock i'd cut my feathered wolf hair
if i was your muffler i'd be like shhh quietly
if i was a price tag i'd be like you ain't buyin me
if i was a fresh DJ i'd be like (scratching record)
if i was jam master jay i'd be like(scratching record)
if i was a cheap clock radio i'd be like (radio static)
if i was barry white i'd be like what up ya'll
if i was a nipple in the cold i'd be like (spring noise)
if i was your dead uncle i'd be like
if i was a rain drop i'd just be like (rain drop)
and i had an axe and your neck i might say Chop
If i was if i was but i'll never be
(if i was if i was but i'll never be)
If i was if i was but i'll never be
(if i was if i was but i'll never be)
If i was if i was boy your killing me
(if i was if i was boy your killing me)
If i was if i was but i'll never be
(If i was if i was but i'll never be)
If i was a faygo at one of our shows
i'd fly through the air into an ocean of juggalo's
if i was Andre the giant this is how i would be manly
if i was father mc i'd be like yeah what happened
if i was a mirror i'd find another mirror
and look each other dead in the eye, crystal clear
if i was a slider i'd slid out your but, i'd be floating in the toilet
looking at you like what?
if i was a pilot i'd be like air traffic control
if i was john denver i'd be like ahhhh
if i was a switch i'd be like flip me yoohoo
if i was a london cop car i'd be like (siren)
if i was chewbacca i'd get me a fresh ass fade
if i was vanilla ice i'd be like fuck yall i'm still paid
if i was a stop sign i'd just be like stop
if i was your wooden leg i'd still be giving you the hip hop
[Chorus 2x]
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Bored bored bored bored...
day two of staying home, i probably wont be going anywhere anytime soon because dad has races and mom hasnt been feeling well, i dont know whats going on with photography this summer... which starts next week least ill have something to do, make some new friends cause i can almost garentee that no one i know well if going to be there... but thats even if it happens, i just hope tashi doesnt do it, i dont think i could stand to see her everyday fer a couple weeks in the summer time, i mean sure shes nice and all but almost all she talks about is smoking e_e
justin has cut the top of his jeep off, which means cassie has forbid me of ever being in his car
my arm is still brusied from kenton biting me
my tounge hurts from eatting so many pixiesticks and sugar, by the end of the summer i can almost garentee some cavities
i think i might even be starting to miss school
if i dont go to elitches sometime soon i think i may just scream, although i want to go with someone so i wont be alone with CASSIE just because i cant drive yet, someone else get a season pass and go with me fer a bunch of the summer? please?
last night i had a long conversation with mitch, that was nice, and quite amusing
miznatch101: Nice pictures. Ellie showed me. c(=p
Angie : X3 ive got so many more too, we all look so... young, well.. i dont i look about the same cept fer my hair
miznatch101: Words. I really changed.
miznatch101: Necklace...pfft
Angie : lol
Angie : yer like the one whos changed the most
miznatch101: I'd have to agree. Deffinatly mentaly
Angie : mentally... ive grown alot mentally =D
miznatch101: Yes, we're all very mentally tall. Yes.
Angie : does that mean i might be taller than someone mentally? =D
miznatch101: Yes.
Angie : like the only one im taller than physically is lana
miznatch101: Yeah, she's a dwarf.
miznatch101: They like being called dwarfs right?
Angie : nue o_o
miznatch101: I like being called a drawf.
miznatch101: Remember good ol' Tech Arts and Crafts?
Angie : ohyaw, ive got a picture of you and jared in tech arts on my wall
Angie : or i did
miznatch101: O_O_
miznatch101: _
Angie : i think i took it down when i got really upset
miznatch101: When you were mentally short?
Angie : XD no
miznatch101: Temporally
Angie : just emotionally
miznatch101: I remember when I was cutting some wood.
miznatch101: And I slipped and something went flieing across the room.
miznatch101: It was my foot. Inside my shoe.
Angie : i never had to use the saw or the drill
miznatch101: And somehow... the laces came undone.
miznatch101: Oh cool
miznatch101: I didnt like the taste of either
Angie : o_O the taste of what?
miznatch101: The drills/saws
Angie : tased them eh?
Angie : *tasted
miznatch101: To become one with the equip.
miznatch101: You must
Angie : XD
Angie : i just noticed
Angie : that jared and trevor had the same type of shoes in 8th grade
miznatch101: Yeah. They thouhgt they were all cool and stuff.
miznatch101: I like posting on other peoples blogs.
miznatch101: Even though there's a small chance people read the,.
miznatch101: I laugh
miznatch101: Wakka
miznatch101: Hey! Well done, you have the only blog that has the time correct!
miznatch101: Mabye an hour off but uhhh...
Angie : yae!
miznatch101: yaya!
Angie : i dont even pay attention to the time
miznatch101: Cool!
miznatch101: Haha. Post name = Sammitch
miznatch101: Sammich
Angie : youd like to see what though?
miznatch101: Yay! ....huh?
Angie : the comment lol
miznatch101: Oh Anthony crap his pants and suffer from a stroke because you scared him
Angie : lol
miznatch101: A non-fatal stroke.
miznatch101: of course.
Angie : of course
miznatch101: Those happen all the time.
Angie : lol
miznatch101: Crap it's late!
miznatch101: Uh.
miznatch101: Early?
miznatch101: Nah
Angie : only 1:16
miznatch101: Yes as a matter of fact.
miznatch101: Only
miznatch101: huh
miznatch101: Well.
miznatch101: I got 1:17
Angie : well... yer clock sucks
miznatch101: on 3 watches.
Angie : all of them suck
miznatch101: Yeah. Guess so.
miznatch101: I'll just bash in my computer with a bat because it sucks.
Angie : =D
miznatch101: Better break my wrist becasue my watch sucks
Angie : no
Angie : just the watch
miznatch101: I need to strap my clock to a Rocket to the moon ..because it sucks.
Angie : unless the watch is like drawn in with pen or something
miznatch101: No. It's ... real
miznatch101: see!
Angie : no!
Angie : im blind!
Angie : ohnoes!
miznatch101: late. I can't even come up with a funny word for real
Angie : lol
Angie : its okay..
Angie : i wont bask yer head in
Angie : *bash
Angie : i will make typos though =D
miznatch101: Sounds like a term often used in cooking.
Angie : bask?
miznatch101: Yes bask.
Angie : all i think of is "basking in the sun" or something
Angie : for like... sunscreen or something
miznatch101: Short for Basketball?
Angie : "lets go bask some ball!"
Angie : ._.
miznatch101: Hmm..
miznatch101: That needs some work.
miznatch101: We'll get bask to that leter.
miznatch101: Lorl
Angie : lol
miznatch101: Roffffffffffffphles
Angie : omfgbbqqtipslols
Angie : ._.
miznatch101: lmao
miznatch101: Good one
Angie : *bows*
miznatch101: *applause*
Angie : id like to thank... pixie sticks
Angie : *tears up*
miznatch101: *tissue*
Angie : i never thought id get this far *sniffle*
Angie : now i can die happy!
miznatch101: *applause simmers.
Angie : simmers
miznatch101: *standing ovation*
Angie : makes me think of cooking
miznatch101: I love cookin
Angie : i like it when it involves microwaves
miznatch101: I've only made mac an cheese but ya know.
miznatch101: Yeah!
miznatch101: mee too!
Angie : X3 *highfive*
miznatch101: I'm a pro in the toaster field.
Angie : me too!
miznatch101: Not anymore though.
Angie : especially with begals
miznatch101: We got new toaster.
Angie : ...bagles
Angie : XD
miznatch101: Alien toaster.
Angie : "lets shove a dog in the toaster!"
miznatch101: Those are like dogs AnG.
miznatch101: Yeah, youch.
Angie : poor dog
miznatch101: poor like** dog
Angie : although i guess we should say poor cow or something when we eat hamburgers
Angie : and poor misc animal when eatting at mc donalds
miznatch101: Nah, you can't really turn cow into a typo and I dont toast bovine patties.
miznatch101: Hahaha
Angie : theres um... cog
Angie : ._.
Angie : lets eat clocked =D
Angie : er
Angie : clocks*
Angie : like yer sucky clocks
miznatch101: mmmm. Not mine though, cuz they all suck.
Angie : just shove it in the alien toaster
miznatch101: errr...
miznatch101: Right along side the like dog
Angie : least they can make one last friend before being burnt to a crisp
Angie : or enemy
miznatch101: Yeah.
miznatch101: Two roads.
Angie : ...a fork in the road, a branch in the river
Angie : louis and clark, CLARK AND LOUIS! =D
miznatch101: ...a call to the cops... you uys gotta help us!
miznatch101: guys**
Angie : i hated those programs
miznatch101: Haha, louis and clark.
Angie : someone should have shot ms lepki-sims
miznatch101: I was the breaer
miznatch101: Breaker
miznatch101: Ya.
miznatch101: Pow.
miznatch101: Dead
Angie : i still remember some of the dinosaur songs from first grade
miznatch101: I dont remember all of em
Angie : mostly the stegasaurous song
miznatch101: or all of 1.
Angie : which part of one do you remember?
miznatch101: Faintly the t-Rex song
miznatch101: Tyranisourus Rex....Rawr!
miznatch101: Was a nasty dinosaur
miznatch101: j0o see my dream comment in the blog?
Angie : and... tara tara dacyl
Angie : er
miznatch101: Yeah, that too
Angie : ...yup!
miznatch101: Where are you...Where are you?
Angie : and the whole flying thing... were we swayed
miznatch101: Yeah, thats what you get for letting Ali (?) Bowen do the corieographing
Angie : she made up the moves?
miznatch101: I dunno, Rikki and her were pretty much suck-ups and did everything for her.
Angie : im left handed
miznatch101: It's a gift, have you found your talent yet?
Angie : pfft i have no talents man
Angie : unless you count breathing
miznatch101: You can take pictures better than me.
Angie : XD that just cause my dad was a photographer
miznatch101: You cant breete with your left hand... but if you could, that would be one hell of a talent
Angie : XD
Angie : hand puppets!
miznatch101: No, I'm thinkin like Navy sneak in and blow darts to the neck.
miznatch101: through water
miznatch101: raining
miznatch101: in a jungle
Angie : in the middle of the ocean?
miznatch101: Odd that you get the ocean setting.
miznatch101: So did I.
miznatch101: Effective commercial.
Angie : have you ever seen the commercial... with the pickles?
Angie : its an annoying commercial
miznatch101: Sounds like it.
Angie : theres this girl and a boy and the boy is asking if the pickle is juicy and crunchy and the girl says no to both questions then the boy asks what it is and she says its both
miznatch101: GOD I HATE THAT!
Angie : its annoying XD it doesnt make sense
miznatch101: none at all.
Angie : french commercials are worse
miznatch101: O_0
Angie : there was this one for coke and it was just a guy singing in the shower
miznatch101: Oh. My. Fkin'. God.
miznatch101: What in the world were they thinking?
miznatch101: I'd like to find whoever made that, and stab then in the underarm area.
Angie : lol
miznatch101: God that would hurt.
miznatch101: Like... Ya. There's a major artery like right there. so, they'd prolly Die.
Angie : or you could just slit their wrists
Angie : or run them over with a steam roller
YAY for making this an unbelievably long post!
justin has cut the top of his jeep off, which means cassie has forbid me of ever being in his car
my arm is still brusied from kenton biting me
my tounge hurts from eatting so many pixiesticks and sugar, by the end of the summer i can almost garentee some cavities
i think i might even be starting to miss school
if i dont go to elitches sometime soon i think i may just scream, although i want to go with someone so i wont be alone with CASSIE just because i cant drive yet, someone else get a season pass and go with me fer a bunch of the summer? please?
last night i had a long conversation with mitch, that was nice, and quite amusing
miznatch101: Nice pictures. Ellie showed me. c(=p
Angie : X3 ive got so many more too, we all look so... young, well.. i dont i look about the same cept fer my hair
miznatch101: Words. I really changed.
miznatch101: Necklace...pfft
Angie : lol
Angie : yer like the one whos changed the most
miznatch101: I'd have to agree. Deffinatly mentaly
Angie : mentally... ive grown alot mentally =D
miznatch101: Yes, we're all very mentally tall. Yes.
Angie : does that mean i might be taller than someone mentally? =D
miznatch101: Yes.
Angie : like the only one im taller than physically is lana
miznatch101: Yeah, she's a dwarf.
miznatch101: They like being called dwarfs right?
Angie : nue o_o
miznatch101: I like being called a drawf.
miznatch101: Remember good ol' Tech Arts and Crafts?
Angie : ohyaw, ive got a picture of you and jared in tech arts on my wall
Angie : or i did
miznatch101: O_O_
miznatch101: _
Angie : i think i took it down when i got really upset
miznatch101: When you were mentally short?
Angie : XD no
miznatch101: Temporally
Angie : just emotionally
miznatch101: I remember when I was cutting some wood.
miznatch101: And I slipped and something went flieing across the room.
miznatch101: It was my foot. Inside my shoe.
Angie : i never had to use the saw or the drill
miznatch101: And somehow... the laces came undone.
miznatch101: Oh cool
miznatch101: I didnt like the taste of either
Angie : o_O the taste of what?
miznatch101: The drills/saws
Angie : tased them eh?
Angie : *tasted
miznatch101: To become one with the equip.
miznatch101: You must
Angie : XD
Angie : i just noticed
Angie : that jared and trevor had the same type of shoes in 8th grade
miznatch101: Yeah. They thouhgt they were all cool and stuff.
miznatch101: I like posting on other peoples blogs.
miznatch101: Even though there's a small chance people read the,.
miznatch101: I laugh
miznatch101: Wakka
miznatch101: Hey! Well done, you have the only blog that has the time correct!
miznatch101: Mabye an hour off but uhhh...
Angie : yae!
miznatch101: yaya!
Angie : i dont even pay attention to the time
miznatch101: Cool!
miznatch101: Haha. Post name = Sammitch
miznatch101: Sammich
Angie : youd like to see what though?
miznatch101: Yay! ....huh?
Angie : the comment lol
miznatch101: Oh Anthony crap his pants and suffer from a stroke because you scared him
Angie : lol
miznatch101: A non-fatal stroke.
miznatch101: of course.
Angie : of course
miznatch101: Those happen all the time.
Angie : lol
miznatch101: Crap it's late!
miznatch101: Uh.
miznatch101: Early?
miznatch101: Nah
Angie : only 1:16
miznatch101: Yes as a matter of fact.
miznatch101: Only
miznatch101: huh
miznatch101: Well.
miznatch101: I got 1:17
Angie : well... yer clock sucks
miznatch101: on 3 watches.
Angie : all of them suck
miznatch101: Yeah. Guess so.
miznatch101: I'll just bash in my computer with a bat because it sucks.
Angie : =D
miznatch101: Better break my wrist becasue my watch sucks
Angie : no
Angie : just the watch
miznatch101: I need to strap my clock to a Rocket to the moon ..because it sucks.
Angie : unless the watch is like drawn in with pen or something
miznatch101: No. It's ... real
miznatch101: see!
Angie : no!
Angie : im blind!
Angie : ohnoes!
miznatch101: late. I can't even come up with a funny word for real
Angie : lol
Angie : its okay..
Angie : i wont bask yer head in
Angie : *bash
Angie : i will make typos though =D
miznatch101: Sounds like a term often used in cooking.
Angie : bask?
miznatch101: Yes bask.
Angie : all i think of is "basking in the sun" or something
Angie : for like... sunscreen or something
miznatch101: Short for Basketball?
Angie : "lets go bask some ball!"
Angie : ._.
miznatch101: Hmm..
miznatch101: That needs some work.
miznatch101: We'll get bask to that leter.
miznatch101: Lorl
Angie : lol
miznatch101: Roffffffffffffphles
Angie : omfgbbqqtipslols
Angie : ._.
miznatch101: lmao
miznatch101: Good one
Angie : *bows*
miznatch101: *applause*
Angie : id like to thank... pixie sticks
Angie : *tears up*
miznatch101: *tissue*
Angie : i never thought id get this far *sniffle*
Angie : now i can die happy!
miznatch101: *applause simmers.
Angie : simmers
miznatch101: *standing ovation*
Angie : makes me think of cooking
miznatch101: I love cookin
Angie : i like it when it involves microwaves
miznatch101: I've only made mac an cheese but ya know.
miznatch101: Yeah!
miznatch101: mee too!
Angie : X3 *highfive*
miznatch101: I'm a pro in the toaster field.
Angie : me too!
miznatch101: Not anymore though.
Angie : especially with begals
miznatch101: We got new toaster.
Angie : ...bagles
Angie : XD
miznatch101: Alien toaster.
Angie : "lets shove a dog in the toaster!"
miznatch101: Those are like dogs AnG.
miznatch101: Yeah, youch.
Angie : poor dog
miznatch101: poor like** dog
Angie : although i guess we should say poor cow or something when we eat hamburgers
Angie : and poor misc animal when eatting at mc donalds
miznatch101: Nah, you can't really turn cow into a typo and I dont toast bovine patties.
miznatch101: Hahaha
Angie : theres um... cog
Angie : ._.
Angie : lets eat clocked =D
Angie : er
Angie : clocks*
Angie : like yer sucky clocks
miznatch101: mmmm. Not mine though, cuz they all suck.
Angie : just shove it in the alien toaster
miznatch101: errr...
miznatch101: Right along side the like dog
Angie : least they can make one last friend before being burnt to a crisp
Angie : or enemy
miznatch101: Yeah.
miznatch101: Two roads.
Angie : ...a fork in the road, a branch in the river
Angie : louis and clark, CLARK AND LOUIS! =D
miznatch101: ...a call to the cops... you uys gotta help us!
miznatch101: guys**
Angie : i hated those programs
miznatch101: Haha, louis and clark.
Angie : someone should have shot ms lepki-sims
miznatch101: I was the breaer
miznatch101: Breaker
miznatch101: Ya.
miznatch101: Pow.
miznatch101: Dead
Angie : i still remember some of the dinosaur songs from first grade
miznatch101: I dont remember all of em
Angie : mostly the stegasaurous song
miznatch101: or all of 1.
Angie : which part of one do you remember?
miznatch101: Faintly the t-Rex song
miznatch101: Tyranisourus Rex....Rawr!
miznatch101: Was a nasty dinosaur
miznatch101: j0o see my dream comment in the blog?
Angie : and... tara tara dacyl
Angie : er
miznatch101: Yeah, that too
Angie : ...yup!
miznatch101: Where are you...Where are you?
Angie : and the whole flying thing... were we swayed
miznatch101: Yeah, thats what you get for letting Ali (?) Bowen do the corieographing
Angie : she made up the moves?
miznatch101: I dunno, Rikki and her were pretty much suck-ups and did everything for her.
Angie : im left handed
miznatch101: It's a gift, have you found your talent yet?
Angie : pfft i have no talents man
Angie : unless you count breathing
miznatch101: You can take pictures better than me.
Angie : XD that just cause my dad was a photographer
miznatch101: You cant breete with your left hand... but if you could, that would be one hell of a talent
Angie : XD
Angie : hand puppets!
miznatch101: No, I'm thinkin like Navy sneak in and blow darts to the neck.
miznatch101: through water
miznatch101: raining
miznatch101: in a jungle
Angie : in the middle of the ocean?
miznatch101: Odd that you get the ocean setting.
miznatch101: So did I.
miznatch101: Effective commercial.
Angie : have you ever seen the commercial... with the pickles?
Angie : its an annoying commercial
miznatch101: Sounds like it.
Angie : theres this girl and a boy and the boy is asking if the pickle is juicy and crunchy and the girl says no to both questions then the boy asks what it is and she says its both
miznatch101: GOD I HATE THAT!
Angie : its annoying XD it doesnt make sense
miznatch101: none at all.
Angie : french commercials are worse
miznatch101: O_0
Angie : there was this one for coke and it was just a guy singing in the shower
miznatch101: Oh. My. Fkin'. God.
miznatch101: What in the world were they thinking?
miznatch101: I'd like to find whoever made that, and stab then in the underarm area.
Angie : lol
miznatch101: God that would hurt.
miznatch101: Like... Ya. There's a major artery like right there. so, they'd prolly Die.
Angie : or you could just slit their wrists
Angie : or run them over with a steam roller
YAY for making this an unbelievably long post!
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Walk down memory lane.
just because i want to put these pictures somewhere...

lana, in my hoodie, slightly concerned fer her horse

elitches, mitch, carasel, you do the math
picture of teh group, well about half of it anyways

this is the picture of the group when jared jumped out in front

jared vampire face, i wonder if he can still do it

this is connor, conner sat next to me in art, conner always moved my left arm to get my attention, i always punched him for screwing up my drawing when he did that

bunny james, fun in art class

the beauty of doing science projects the day before theyre due after having 3 monthes to do it. CODE RED CRICKET DEATH: the crickets exploded after a certain height...

jen love and tech arts boredom

valentines day love

no wonder i was made fun of... e_e

eerybody loves lana

[/end walk down memory lane]
lana, in my hoodie, slightly concerned fer her horse
elitches, mitch, carasel, you do the math
picture of teh group, well about half of it anyways
this is the picture of the group when jared jumped out in front
jared vampire face, i wonder if he can still do it
this is connor, conner sat next to me in art, conner always moved my left arm to get my attention, i always punched him for screwing up my drawing when he did that
bunny james, fun in art class
the beauty of doing science projects the day before theyre due after having 3 monthes to do it. CODE RED CRICKET DEATH: the crickets exploded after a certain height...
jen love and tech arts boredom
valentines day love
no wonder i was made fun of... e_e
eerybody loves lana
[/end walk down memory lane]
Sometimes I just hate myself
everyone has regrets right? forget about them? well... i guess i cant, i have lots of guilt. i feel horrible just thinking about them, how horrible i act towards some people before i know them, makes me no better than the ones i hate (such as jessica, ellie knows why) take...jared for example, the first year he moved to colorado he went to hutchinson, i had nothing against him personally, but for some reason my friends hated him, i sided with them so i wouldnt be exiled, i feel horrible for not just reaching out and making friends with him, i found out last year when i got to be friends wih him that that year was horrible for him, and i feel terrible for not helping when i know i could have.
i regret not talking to jesus more when he sat infront of me in science, i remember him trying to start some conversations but i didnt say much
i regret ever telling my sister about fuji
i regret not trying harder to be more outgoing and making more friends in middle school along with this year
i regret not staying in touch with my friends
i regret not doing my homework
i regret kicking joe til he bled
i regret alot more things... but right now i think ill just try to forget about like for just alittle while
-|- about 11 hours later -|-
so... i had a weird dream, yet again, if they were normal i think id go insane, not that im not already... anyways, so the dream: i was at school, in science class, we had a sub and we were doing madlibs, trevor who had been in the previous class period refused to leave when the sub asked, i ended up standing because he was in my seat, kelly started a madlib and made me write in the words anyways, when trevor started putting in words we got lost because he did it all at once and we couldnt write that fast, the sub finally told us to just play outside, i walked behind the class, and when we got outside i found laura and dan, they told me they were entering a kissing contest in the auditorium, for some reason we all had glasses and took them off and set them down right there, because i had no one to enter the kissing contest with i went to put back on my glasses but they were gone, there was this kid by the ramp we had been sitting on and i saw my and lauras glasses in his hands, along with some playing cards, i took them out of his hands and said they were mine, he said he was sorry but he thought they were lost and needed to be returned, i gave him an odd look and ran off to catch up with laura and dan, we walked to the auditorim together, some guy gave them a scantron sheet, and freaked out when he saw me, i sit in the auditorium with them, and started wondering why i was there if i had no one to kiss, laura suggested to just find some random person and enter with them, because who knows they could be my perfect match, i thought that was just stupid and started to get up when some guy in the row infront of me pounced on me and kissed me, i pushed him off and asked what the hell he was doing then i woke up to the phone ringing
the other night i had another dream about school: i was at home, getting ready for school, i didnt have enough time and just slipped on some clothes, when i got to school i couldnt open my locker because they make every locker have three sets of combinations, after awhile i decided to go to class without my books
i think... today im going to spend at home.. or something... maybe ill do something with amber.. but i feel like ive been annoying the friends ive been calling just about everyday so see if they want to hang out..
i regret not talking to jesus more when he sat infront of me in science, i remember him trying to start some conversations but i didnt say much
i regret ever telling my sister about fuji
i regret not trying harder to be more outgoing and making more friends in middle school along with this year
i regret not staying in touch with my friends
i regret not doing my homework
i regret kicking joe til he bled
i regret alot more things... but right now i think ill just try to forget about like for just alittle while
-|- about 11 hours later -|-
so... i had a weird dream, yet again, if they were normal i think id go insane, not that im not already... anyways, so the dream: i was at school, in science class, we had a sub and we were doing madlibs, trevor who had been in the previous class period refused to leave when the sub asked, i ended up standing because he was in my seat, kelly started a madlib and made me write in the words anyways, when trevor started putting in words we got lost because he did it all at once and we couldnt write that fast, the sub finally told us to just play outside, i walked behind the class, and when we got outside i found laura and dan, they told me they were entering a kissing contest in the auditorium, for some reason we all had glasses and took them off and set them down right there, because i had no one to enter the kissing contest with i went to put back on my glasses but they were gone, there was this kid by the ramp we had been sitting on and i saw my and lauras glasses in his hands, along with some playing cards, i took them out of his hands and said they were mine, he said he was sorry but he thought they were lost and needed to be returned, i gave him an odd look and ran off to catch up with laura and dan, we walked to the auditorim together, some guy gave them a scantron sheet, and freaked out when he saw me, i sit in the auditorium with them, and started wondering why i was there if i had no one to kiss, laura suggested to just find some random person and enter with them, because who knows they could be my perfect match, i thought that was just stupid and started to get up when some guy in the row infront of me pounced on me and kissed me, i pushed him off and asked what the hell he was doing then i woke up to the phone ringing
the other night i had another dream about school: i was at home, getting ready for school, i didnt have enough time and just slipped on some clothes, when i got to school i couldnt open my locker because they make every locker have three sets of combinations, after awhile i decided to go to class without my books
i think... today im going to spend at home.. or something... maybe ill do something with amber.. but i feel like ive been annoying the friends ive been calling just about everyday so see if they want to hang out..
Friday, June 09, 2006
Nothing lasts forever
so, about an hour ago i wrote this very depressing post because of my mood, i put myself out there for the first time without anyones help and i fell, i talked to ellie though and she made me feel better, but just being friends with jesus is fine too, least he knows where i stand and all, and hes serious about being friends, the whole still being friends with trevor seems oh so insignificant now, plus i got a hug from him today which i have one thing to say, FINALLY X3 nah just kidding, it was a nice hug though, one of two times someone has asked my permission fer a hug, first of which being laurel but thats because i scare her anyways, i can be very mean when i want to, that and i used to hate getting hugs from people, so when i finally just randomly hugged her it freaked her out alittle, i dont think i scare jesus though, least i hope not
i dont know why its so hard for me to just have a conversation with him when im actually with him, i mean sure i can think up tons of things online, but i dont know, thoughts just escape me, stupid brain
and now, i eat breakfast, well dinner technically, i made it thanks to the microwave, but its still technically "breaking my fast" havent eatten since yesterday, forgot to eat today until now "buring, the new trend of teenagers self harm methods" pfft thats nothing new, teenagers have been burning themselves for quite some time now
anyways, in other news, my fish died last night, that was depressing, i cried over that too, doesnt it just suck being so sensitive?
i dont know why its so hard for me to just have a conversation with him when im actually with him, i mean sure i can think up tons of things online, but i dont know, thoughts just escape me, stupid brain
and now, i eat breakfast, well dinner technically, i made it thanks to the microwave, but its still technically "breaking my fast" havent eatten since yesterday, forgot to eat today until now "buring, the new trend of teenagers self harm methods" pfft thats nothing new, teenagers have been burning themselves for quite some time now
anyways, in other news, my fish died last night, that was depressing, i cried over that too, doesnt it just suck being so sensitive?
Thursday, June 08, 2006
When I fall, I hit the ground hard.
i dont know about you all, but summer is going really slow for me, almost too slow, it feels like its been a month and its only been about a week... and you know what? the cocoa puff bird needs theropy... so goes the cookie monster, the trix rabbit, and the cookiecrisps dog. does anyone remember the old cookie crisps commercials? the dog wasnt despretly trying to get the cereal, he was handing it out, and the dog was shorter and cuter.. i wonder why they changed it, now its just a knock off of the trix rabbit...yea um... anyways
sudoku... SEEING IT EVERYWHERE, i dont know what people are obsessing about, when i think of fun, i dont think of numbers and math, on the second to last day fo school i saw czach playing it on an electronic thing... which happened to be laurels which she played during english class after she gave her book to kristen to play, she asked if i wanted to play, i gave her a weird look and asked her what the hell she was thinking, a couple days ago cassie and i went to the mall and found a poster of it. the. hell. cassie doesnt like it much either, gives her a headache
since the summer started, i think ive been eatting less, i have more to distract me from my search for food, such as this lovely laptop, and the friends who spek to me on it, already today ive gone to the kitchen like six times only to come back empty handed, what do you want to bet by the end of the summer im going to have lost like 20 pounds or something, well anyways i actually still want some food...YAYFOOD
so anyways, the sheer lack of people being able to do things has finally discouraged me from asking if people want to hang out, i figured itd happen anyways, but now im depressed that i have nothing to do
ive concluded that i dont have telepathy, shucks, it would be cool to shoot thoughts at people to get them to go online or something, and last night i made ben invent a teleporter, but he says it needs all the power in china to work, dang, i guess ill never successfully sneak out now
THIS IS ANOTHER COMMERCIAL THAT TICKS ME OFF--"is it juicy?" "no" "is it crunchy?" "no" "then what is it?" "its both!its a volosic pickle!" ...the hell, she just said it wasnt either of them, stupid not making sense commercials
i want to go to the park or something... anywhere but home, its feels so awkward with mom not being in her room all day
ben made me realize i really want an eyepatch and a cool pirate hat, birthdays over though
but cassie gave me a stop sign this morning for my birthday, i never realized they were so big, but i really want to write "hammertime" on it but my writting, none so cool as to be hammertime'd, i asked her if she stole it, she said no but someone did, and it costed alot because it was stolen, i walked out into the front room and found 3 other street signs, the stop sign had to be one of the best gifts i got though, next to the gir shirt i got from ellie
cassie left about an hour ago to go get her driving license renewed, mom just called her and shes number 871, and theyre now on 802, and mom just left to the irvings, so... she wont be back for atleast an hour and a half...boreddd...
...anyone wanna hang out?
...ah the rain... i just started raining, i ran outside and danced, then... it stopped
SO! i called ellie, she couldnt do anything, i called jesus and he was at a friends house, so i called lana, and she invited me to go to the park, which was fun i guess, i got hurt alot, anyways when i got there kelly and kenton went fer burgers, i talked to lana and zach fell asleep on lanas lap, when kelly and kenton got back they had forgotten zachs slushie and they ate lanas fries, so kenton and lana went to get those after they kenton had to pull kelly out of the car, as they were driving away lana told me to take car of zach, kelly and i started talking and zach fell asleep or he was meditating, either way he didnt notice kelly and i put a bunch of grass all over him

he woke up and freaked out, then kenton shoved the grass in kellys pant legs, kelly attacked him with grass when he went too far up the pant leg, then they gathered up all the grass and put it in a tree, which is where is still is even though it was a bit windy, then we all sat in a circle, kelly wanted to go down the slide, no one paid attention to her wants so she said "hey, hey! pay attention to me! im the center of attention" and crawled to the center of the circle, kenton shifted so she was just a side of the circle again, then she crawled off and layed in the grass and kenton tried despretely to bring her back to the cirlce, didnt work, she fell asleep, i patted her head and kenton stole my cellphone, he tossed it to zach who was laying on the grass with lanas head on his stomach, he put it down the back of his shirt, i fished it out and zach got it back from me then threw it to kenton, which kenton then put in his pants, i stared at him and pouted, then after awhile i grabbed his red hankerchif, which him and i fought over till i spotted my cell phone fall out of his pantleg, i grabbed it and moved it behind me with one hand then still held on with the other hand, there was much wresling, kenton got my cellphone back and put it in his pocket, more wrestleing, kelly joined, and after awhile kenton won because my fingers hurt too much, he laughed and ran off after i tried reaching in his pockets, did some sumbersalts and things to get away, i found a sharpie on the ground and in my attempt to get my cellphone back, i got into the wrong pocket and left the sharpie, i chased him, he did rolls while running and still got ahead of me, im so slow...i almost got it back then he bit me i bit him back, finally let go when my arm started getting really numb, he shoved both his and my phone down his pants, by this time kenton was laying down with his head on kellys stomach, kelly s head was on lanas stomach, lanas head was on zachs stomach, and zachs head was on kentons stomnach, anyways, they were in alittle square, and i layed a couple feet away from them by myself, lana got concerned, they started to think i was crying, so kenton threw the phone back to me, almost kicked me trying to push it closer because he thought i didnt see it because i didnt move, a couple more minutes and they asked why i was by myself, i asked where i was suppose to be, then lana told me to lay on kenton, so i did, hes too skinney and kept moving around which eventally hurt my head enough so i sat up, around the time i flipped out because my phone was vibrating, it was jesus <3 sadly rocketship park has AWFUL service and i couldnt hear half of what he was saying, then kelly left with kenton, then kenton got back i made him kiss my arm to make it feel better, the bites started to look like a heart, after a bit zach and kenton left and a bit after that cassie came and took lana and me home, i wasnt home fer long, cassie fell asleep at the foot of my bed, then we went to dinner, during dinner mom decided that i needed more chores D= ...and her chore? oh simply put, cut the bush of the neighbors that has grown into our yard. easier. said. than. done. i worked for a couple hours, at first it was okay, i had moms ipod and i was singing to my hearts content in the backyard, til about half way through, when the tree started to get angry i was cutting off its limbs (not to mention i probably pissed off some spider who made its home between some branches i caught and the fence) and it evolved, grew thorns, attacked me, AND after awhile the branches got toucher and somehow when i cut it, it was still attached, AFTER 6 CUTS IT WAS STILL ATTACHED, it stabbed me through gloved hands, i scratched my wrists, hands, arms, legs and even some of my face, it hurt me alot less while shoving it in the trashcan, when i finally get it all done and inside, i found all the scratchs and pain, so i try to light my candle, when i finally get the match to catch fire, which was like the 16th try, i drop it and i burn my leg and part of my mattress, and now im all upset and crying, what a great fucking day
sudoku... SEEING IT EVERYWHERE, i dont know what people are obsessing about, when i think of fun, i dont think of numbers and math, on the second to last day fo school i saw czach playing it on an electronic thing... which happened to be laurels which she played during english class after she gave her book to kristen to play, she asked if i wanted to play, i gave her a weird look and asked her what the hell she was thinking, a couple days ago cassie and i went to the mall and found a poster of it. the. hell. cassie doesnt like it much either, gives her a headache
since the summer started, i think ive been eatting less, i have more to distract me from my search for food, such as this lovely laptop, and the friends who spek to me on it, already today ive gone to the kitchen like six times only to come back empty handed, what do you want to bet by the end of the summer im going to have lost like 20 pounds or something, well anyways i actually still want some food...YAYFOOD
so anyways, the sheer lack of people being able to do things has finally discouraged me from asking if people want to hang out, i figured itd happen anyways, but now im depressed that i have nothing to do
ive concluded that i dont have telepathy, shucks, it would be cool to shoot thoughts at people to get them to go online or something, and last night i made ben invent a teleporter, but he says it needs all the power in china to work, dang, i guess ill never successfully sneak out now
THIS IS ANOTHER COMMERCIAL THAT TICKS ME OFF--"is it juicy?" "no" "is it crunchy?" "no" "then what is it?" "its both!its a volosic pickle!" ...the hell, she just said it wasnt either of them, stupid not making sense commercials
i want to go to the park or something... anywhere but home, its feels so awkward with mom not being in her room all day
ben made me realize i really want an eyepatch and a cool pirate hat, birthdays over though
but cassie gave me a stop sign this morning for my birthday, i never realized they were so big, but i really want to write "hammertime" on it but my writting, none so cool as to be hammertime'd, i asked her if she stole it, she said no but someone did, and it costed alot because it was stolen, i walked out into the front room and found 3 other street signs, the stop sign had to be one of the best gifts i got though, next to the gir shirt i got from ellie
cassie left about an hour ago to go get her driving license renewed, mom just called her and shes number 871, and theyre now on 802, and mom just left to the irvings, so... she wont be back for atleast an hour and a half...boreddd...
...anyone wanna hang out?
...ah the rain... i just started raining, i ran outside and danced, then... it stopped
SO! i called ellie, she couldnt do anything, i called jesus and he was at a friends house, so i called lana, and she invited me to go to the park, which was fun i guess, i got hurt alot, anyways when i got there kelly and kenton went fer burgers, i talked to lana and zach fell asleep on lanas lap, when kelly and kenton got back they had forgotten zachs slushie and they ate lanas fries, so kenton and lana went to get those after they kenton had to pull kelly out of the car, as they were driving away lana told me to take car of zach, kelly and i started talking and zach fell asleep or he was meditating, either way he didnt notice kelly and i put a bunch of grass all over him

he woke up and freaked out, then kenton shoved the grass in kellys pant legs, kelly attacked him with grass when he went too far up the pant leg, then they gathered up all the grass and put it in a tree, which is where is still is even though it was a bit windy, then we all sat in a circle, kelly wanted to go down the slide, no one paid attention to her wants so she said "hey, hey! pay attention to me! im the center of attention" and crawled to the center of the circle, kenton shifted so she was just a side of the circle again, then she crawled off and layed in the grass and kenton tried despretely to bring her back to the cirlce, didnt work, she fell asleep, i patted her head and kenton stole my cellphone, he tossed it to zach who was laying on the grass with lanas head on his stomach, he put it down the back of his shirt, i fished it out and zach got it back from me then threw it to kenton, which kenton then put in his pants, i stared at him and pouted, then after awhile i grabbed his red hankerchif, which him and i fought over till i spotted my cell phone fall out of his pantleg, i grabbed it and moved it behind me with one hand then still held on with the other hand, there was much wresling, kenton got my cellphone back and put it in his pocket, more wrestleing, kelly joined, and after awhile kenton won because my fingers hurt too much, he laughed and ran off after i tried reaching in his pockets, did some sumbersalts and things to get away, i found a sharpie on the ground and in my attempt to get my cellphone back, i got into the wrong pocket and left the sharpie, i chased him, he did rolls while running and still got ahead of me, im so slow...i almost got it back then he bit me i bit him back, finally let go when my arm started getting really numb, he shoved both his and my phone down his pants, by this time kenton was laying down with his head on kellys stomach, kelly s head was on lanas stomach, lanas head was on zachs stomach, and zachs head was on kentons stomnach, anyways, they were in alittle square, and i layed a couple feet away from them by myself, lana got concerned, they started to think i was crying, so kenton threw the phone back to me, almost kicked me trying to push it closer because he thought i didnt see it because i didnt move, a couple more minutes and they asked why i was by myself, i asked where i was suppose to be, then lana told me to lay on kenton, so i did, hes too skinney and kept moving around which eventally hurt my head enough so i sat up, around the time i flipped out because my phone was vibrating, it was jesus <3 sadly rocketship park has AWFUL service and i couldnt hear half of what he was saying, then kelly left with kenton, then kenton got back i made him kiss my arm to make it feel better, the bites started to look like a heart, after a bit zach and kenton left and a bit after that cassie came and took lana and me home, i wasnt home fer long, cassie fell asleep at the foot of my bed, then we went to dinner, during dinner mom decided that i needed more chores D= ...and her chore? oh simply put, cut the bush of the neighbors that has grown into our yard. easier. said. than. done. i worked for a couple hours, at first it was okay, i had moms ipod and i was singing to my hearts content in the backyard, til about half way through, when the tree started to get angry i was cutting off its limbs (not to mention i probably pissed off some spider who made its home between some branches i caught and the fence) and it evolved, grew thorns, attacked me, AND after awhile the branches got toucher and somehow when i cut it, it was still attached, AFTER 6 CUTS IT WAS STILL ATTACHED, it stabbed me through gloved hands, i scratched my wrists, hands, arms, legs and even some of my face, it hurt me alot less while shoving it in the trashcan, when i finally get it all done and inside, i found all the scratchs and pain, so i try to light my candle, when i finally get the match to catch fire, which was like the 16th try, i drop it and i burn my leg and part of my mattress, and now im all upset and crying, what a great fucking day
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
sooo... i might get my phone taken away ._.' mom says if i go over in text messages this month like ive been doing shes gonna take my phone ._.' last month i was 52 dollars over... crap, i think im already over fer this month... maybe... i dont know when the month starts er ends fer our bill... T_T
other news... um... laura came over today, we made jack sparrow on sims..we watched pirates of the carribbean... kinda we mostly just ignored it and watched invader zim on teh computer, the unaired version watch it there, whooo...
ellie informed me i worry everyone with my lowself esteem and such... crap, i hate worrying people... anyways im not in the mood to do this, im kinda depressed right now too... so this is all you get
well... playing with my candle sure helped me feel better, along with talking to ben and ellie, sadly i almost set everything around me on fire like 5 times, found out tissues burn really fast and are kinda hard to put out without something to smother it, and i burned myself several times... but i feel better!
other news... um... laura came over today, we made jack sparrow on sims..we watched pirates of the carribbean... kinda we mostly just ignored it and watched invader zim on teh computer, the unaired version watch it there, whooo...
ellie informed me i worry everyone with my lowself esteem and such... crap, i hate worrying people... anyways im not in the mood to do this, im kinda depressed right now too... so this is all you get
well... playing with my candle sure helped me feel better, along with talking to ben and ellie, sadly i almost set everything around me on fire like 5 times, found out tissues burn really fast and are kinda hard to put out without something to smother it, and i burned myself several times... but i feel better!
Angie, you screamed.
so because of jesus' need of doing things i went to see the omen with my sister, our semi cousin danny and justin, aka brudder, so on the way there justin starts asking me questions about my new boyfriend and such "whats his name? whats he like? whered you meet him? is he skinny?" which all concluded to justin saying if jesus breaks my heart, justins gonna kick his ass, he still wants to beat up trevor, and so does my sister, anyways, as we were walking justin puts his arm around my shoulders and says "well for tonight angie, ill be your boyfriend" then puts his arm around cassie and me on his left and danny on his right "infact ill be all y'alls boyfriend" which made me say "well now yer pimpin' justin" consitering we were fairly early, we stopped and talked with dannys friends who i cant remember the names of, boyfriend and girlfriend, the guy was 16 he had odd hair and a major sunburn on his stomach legs and arms, the girl, she was quiet, but very pretty, and i noticed that on her left shoe she had a rainbow shoelace like i have on my left shoe, i found that cool, so after while we look over by the theatre and theres the security gaurd and he looks like hes busting some kids, well turns out one of them had dropped something down the drain, so we felt disappotioned and annoyed that we had moved from where we were, justin was alittle drunk at the time though and amused us by shouting random things and trying to talk to random people "i swear im not creepy! im just really friendly!" there was much smoking then finally our wait for... some guy named hal? or hank i cant remember, was over because he never showed up, danny was depressed and i felt like giving her a hug, but i never got to, anyways when we got into the theatre it was packed, we ended up sitting in the very first row, as if my neck didnt hurt enough for falling asleep around 5 in a very awkward position, anyways, some guy and his girlfriend ended up sitting to the right of me, and cassie danny and justin were to the left of me, the-guy-next-to-me's cell phone went off twice, which resulted in someone yelling "silence your cellphone jackass" one of the parts though, the kid is in the kitchen making food and its suppose to be all suspenceful, then the guy yelled out "hes only making a sandwich! hes got the munchies!" that made me giggle..and honestly, i liked the omen, it made me jump so much though, i didnt like how the kid next to me kept talking to his girlfriend, but everytime where there was suspence thered be bunch of gasps and "oh my god"s then laughing realizing how stupid we all were, at one point i screamed, i didnt even realize i screamed, after the movie after justin and danny darted for the door at a sprint, i followed cassie and she was like
"angie you so screamed"
"during the movie you jumped and screamed"
"i did?"
"nooo... i didnt"
"yea you did"
"the part with the dogs"
"i didnt scream...did i?"
so apparently i can scream and not realize it, when the guy got his head cut off i kept saying "oh my god" over and over with my hands covering my mouth though, same thing with the babysitter, i had my hands over my mouth for like half the movie, the first part of it was kinda slow though, i didnt like that much, but the middle and end, omg awsome, i almost cried on one part, buuutt... then i jumped and apparently screamed, one of the parts omg, headache to the extreme, my neck already hurt and being so close gave me a headache already, but they had to film while the camera guy ran!? my gosh, my head still hurts, and for those of you that know me, i dont get headaches, well very rarely anyways, ive had probably 2 so far in my life, and they werent even times when i had hit my head, like... when i cracked moms windshield with my head, my head didnt hurt, it went alittle numb but it didnt hurt, anyways after the movie we stood around and talked about it, and as i do after i watch any movie in a theatre i was shaking for about the whole ride home too, which i was a bit paranoid about because my seatbelt wouldnt latch and whenever i seem to be in the car with justin we get pulled over, the night was pretty though, bright moon which on union was being reflected off of some buildings, the sky was cloudy and the whole night out i only found one visible star. mostly on the way home i shut my eyes and just felt the wind in my face, that next to being out in the rain is my favorite feeling, especially on a warm night like this
6-6-06 offcially over an hour and 41 minutes ago, the world didnt end and im still alive, i finally asked out jesus, i saw the omen, and cassie was nice to me... that was a good day
"angie you so screamed"
"during the movie you jumped and screamed"
"i did?"
"nooo... i didnt"
"yea you did"
"the part with the dogs"
"i didnt scream...did i?"
so apparently i can scream and not realize it, when the guy got his head cut off i kept saying "oh my god" over and over with my hands covering my mouth though, same thing with the babysitter, i had my hands over my mouth for like half the movie, the first part of it was kinda slow though, i didnt like that much, but the middle and end, omg awsome, i almost cried on one part, buuutt... then i jumped and apparently screamed, one of the parts omg, headache to the extreme, my neck already hurt and being so close gave me a headache already, but they had to film while the camera guy ran!? my gosh, my head still hurts, and for those of you that know me, i dont get headaches, well very rarely anyways, ive had probably 2 so far in my life, and they werent even times when i had hit my head, like... when i cracked moms windshield with my head, my head didnt hurt, it went alittle numb but it didnt hurt, anyways after the movie we stood around and talked about it, and as i do after i watch any movie in a theatre i was shaking for about the whole ride home too, which i was a bit paranoid about because my seatbelt wouldnt latch and whenever i seem to be in the car with justin we get pulled over, the night was pretty though, bright moon which on union was being reflected off of some buildings, the sky was cloudy and the whole night out i only found one visible star. mostly on the way home i shut my eyes and just felt the wind in my face, that next to being out in the rain is my favorite feeling, especially on a warm night like this
6-6-06 offcially over an hour and 41 minutes ago, the world didnt end and im still alive, i finally asked out jesus, i saw the omen, and cassie was nice to me... that was a good day
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Naked, it's the new blog
So in the 4 and a half hours of sleep i got, whatre the chances i have a dream about jesus again? well apparently pretty good, anyways so this is how it goes!:
once upon a time... *cough* lol okay! so it was at school, and while i was in government class fer some odd reason jesus was in the class teaching the class about blogging XD i didnt pay attention, of course, it was class, you expect me to pay attention? in your dreams X3 anyways, so the bell rang and i went to photography (those classes were never together for me NEVER) anyways in photography class i was talking with tashi about my photography paper folder being totally torn up and soon it was gonna expose my stuff, so i went to the dark room to transfer the paper into one of the other folders (i have three) when i got into the dark room all the lights were on but people were developing like it was nothing, after awhile i asked thea to turn off the light because it was too bright fer my eyes, then i went back into the main room to grab some negitives, there was one i wanted to develope that was of amber and mandie, both wearing goggles and facing away from each other, it was a great picture... wish i actually had it... anyways, when i went to get the negitives fer some odd reason ellie and jesus were in my class, listening to levi talk about something, i dont know anyways i went back into the darkroom and thea ambushed me with a hug, then i woke up because the phone rang, i couldnt get back to sleep so finally i got up and took a shower, ugh up too early e_e
OTHERNEWS! im trying to convince my mom to let me go see the omen today (YAY 6-6-06!) she keeps saying itll give me nightmares, well the last time a movie gave me nightmares was alice 'n wonderland the jabberwhaky, and i was 7, since then ive watched tons of rated r movies and tons of horror movies and have yet to get any nightmares, probably because i have the odd gift of being able to make fun of just about anything, like saw, the first and second one, when laura came over we were laughing at the movie instead of being scared like horror movies are suppose to do, which reminds me, i still wanna watch hostle, cassie bought it a couple weeks ago and i never got around to watching it
along with this whole 6-6-06 thing and it being the "day of the devil" and such, cassie and i had a long conversation about religion, how wrong we think it is, and well me not understanding why we have it to begin with, i mean you cant really prove it, its just something you believe, which if you believe it enough can make you think that things happen because of it, the mind is a powerful thing, like... say karma, well if you believe that enough well then maybe the guilt of doing something bad can somehow make you subconsciously sabatage yourself, or just realize when something else wrong happens, and if the world ends today, which i severly doubt, well atleast i told jesus i liked him so if nothing happens today i guess i wont be severly dissappointed because atleast something happened, which really was pretty exciting, i found out he likes me back and well i got so giddy i almost screamed in joy, but it was midnight or so and that wouldnt be too happy with waking my parents, then i couldnt stop smiling for like 3 more hours XD ellie kept telling me to call him and stuff, tell him over the phone so i could hear his reaction, well i wasnt sure i wanted to hear the reaction especially if it wasnt a good reaction, so i was a total wuss and did it over text, but hey! least i did tell him, first time ive EVER told a guy i liked them while still liking them, so yay me! i dont know it was just really really happy moment which is still going on X3 well anyways, i still have more convincing of my parents to let me go see the omen, so il probably add more later ~<3
we decided that naked is the new blog, so we said that all bloggers should go naked, (for laura and me itll be partically naked cause were self conscience X3) this all arose when i said "naked! its the new black" and she missheard me, cause whenever id zone out shed say "angie do i have get nakeeeddd" or "dont mind me ill just get naked" so now all of you have to join our quest to go against societys standards! if you got it flaunt it!
once upon a time... *cough* lol okay! so it was at school, and while i was in government class fer some odd reason jesus was in the class teaching the class about blogging XD i didnt pay attention, of course, it was class, you expect me to pay attention? in your dreams X3 anyways, so the bell rang and i went to photography (those classes were never together for me NEVER) anyways in photography class i was talking with tashi about my photography paper folder being totally torn up and soon it was gonna expose my stuff, so i went to the dark room to transfer the paper into one of the other folders (i have three) when i got into the dark room all the lights were on but people were developing like it was nothing, after awhile i asked thea to turn off the light because it was too bright fer my eyes, then i went back into the main room to grab some negitives, there was one i wanted to develope that was of amber and mandie, both wearing goggles and facing away from each other, it was a great picture... wish i actually had it... anyways, when i went to get the negitives fer some odd reason ellie and jesus were in my class, listening to levi talk about something, i dont know anyways i went back into the darkroom and thea ambushed me with a hug, then i woke up because the phone rang, i couldnt get back to sleep so finally i got up and took a shower, ugh up too early e_e
OTHERNEWS! im trying to convince my mom to let me go see the omen today (YAY 6-6-06!) she keeps saying itll give me nightmares, well the last time a movie gave me nightmares was alice 'n wonderland the jabberwhaky, and i was 7, since then ive watched tons of rated r movies and tons of horror movies and have yet to get any nightmares, probably because i have the odd gift of being able to make fun of just about anything, like saw, the first and second one, when laura came over we were laughing at the movie instead of being scared like horror movies are suppose to do, which reminds me, i still wanna watch hostle, cassie bought it a couple weeks ago and i never got around to watching it
along with this whole 6-6-06 thing and it being the "day of the devil" and such, cassie and i had a long conversation about religion, how wrong we think it is, and well me not understanding why we have it to begin with, i mean you cant really prove it, its just something you believe, which if you believe it enough can make you think that things happen because of it, the mind is a powerful thing, like... say karma, well if you believe that enough well then maybe the guilt of doing something bad can somehow make you subconsciously sabatage yourself, or just realize when something else wrong happens, and if the world ends today, which i severly doubt, well atleast i told jesus i liked him so if nothing happens today i guess i wont be severly dissappointed because atleast something happened, which really was pretty exciting, i found out he likes me back and well i got so giddy i almost screamed in joy, but it was midnight or so and that wouldnt be too happy with waking my parents, then i couldnt stop smiling for like 3 more hours XD ellie kept telling me to call him and stuff, tell him over the phone so i could hear his reaction, well i wasnt sure i wanted to hear the reaction especially if it wasnt a good reaction, so i was a total wuss and did it over text, but hey! least i did tell him, first time ive EVER told a guy i liked them while still liking them, so yay me! i dont know it was just really really happy moment which is still going on X3 well anyways, i still have more convincing of my parents to let me go see the omen, so il probably add more later ~<3
we decided that naked is the new blog, so we said that all bloggers should go naked, (for laura and me itll be partically naked cause were self conscience X3) this all arose when i said "naked! its the new black" and she missheard me, cause whenever id zone out shed say "angie do i have get nakeeeddd" or "dont mind me ill just get naked" so now all of you have to join our quest to go against societys standards! if you got it flaunt it!
Monday, June 05, 2006
I'm down with the clown and I'm down for life, yo.
so last night i was up late spekin to joe, and that had to be the deepest conversation ive EVER had with him, which was kinda nice, anyways got up today and talked to joe again online, and called jesus, in my attempt to send a text i switched lines and suddenly was talking to ellie, well she invited me to go bowling, and within the half hour i rushed to get ready, when they got there they asked if i knew where jesus lives, so i went through the car looking for the directions, then we were on our way =D i saw a pink hummer on the way there, and then to the bowling ally we went, the first game jared and i tied, ellie won, and jesus got pwned, second game i dont remember what the order was but throughout most of the game i was winning, then at the end i totally sucked and lost, none of us got past like... 65, after that jared and jesus came over, we chilled, played DDR in my small room, watched GI joe stuff, then... jared got picked up and jesus and i talked then played speed, i beat him twice ^_^ *winner* after he left i went on the computer and made dinner, none too exciting, then cassie came home and was like "OMGANGIE! IM BORED AS FUCK LETS GO TO THE MALL!" so we did, and i pointed out stuff i liked since she still has yet to get me something for my birthday >.> *coughimnotselfishcough* and here i am =D
cassies been getting more and more obsessed with ICP, its rubbing off on me so heres some lyrics =D
"Boogie Woogie Wu"
"The beast lives out of the raging storm in the dead of night
The ravenous, blood-sick creatures searches for it's sacrifice
Through the hideous darkness, it lurches, driven by death itself
Only the satisfaction of slaughter will cause it to return to
The darkness from which it came"
Boogie woogie woogie woogie wu [2x]
[Violent J]
Boys and girls, it's nighty night time
Happy J the Clown has a nursery rhyme
It's about, The Boogie Woogie Man
Keep your light on as long as you can
Cuz when it cuts off, so does your head
Boogie Woogie Woogie waits under your bed
With a shank, splah!, up through the bottom
Little Jimmy Jimmy, uh, got em
"It's the one and only Boogie Man
He creeps, he hides, he sneaks, he slides
If your little feetsies are hanging off the edge of the bed
You're running on stumps motherfucker!!!"
[Violent J]
Well, moonlight fills the room that you sleep in
Things go bump in the night, me creeping
Ouch! Fuck! I stubbed my toe
If you'd just quit leaving your shit all over the fucking floor
Fuck it, you're dead anyway
And I'm gonna leave your head smack dead in the hallway
In the morning, when your daddy walks out
AAAAHHH!!! His foots in your mouth, thanks to the Boogie Man
[Chorus (1x)]
Boogie woogie woogie woogie wu (here comes the boogie man)
Boogie woogie woogie woogie wu (haha haha haha haha)
Boogie woogie woogie woogie wu (make way for the boogie man)
Boogie woogie woogie woogie wu (mom! dad! ah! no!)
[Violent J]
"Does the Boogie Man really exist?"
Well, is your mother a bald-headed freak bitch? yes
You fall asleep and you wake up dead
With a broken broom sticking out your forehead
I sing lullabies till you dose off
Tie you down and chew your fuckin toes off
And then spit em out back in your face
Splat! Fuck, wash your feet bitch!
"The world's famous Boogie Woogie Wu will come to you
Slumber parties, sleepovers, intimate nights
Whatever the occasion for the midnight hour
He will gladly come and fuck that shit up"
[Violent J]
I don't beat woman, fuck that, I'm above it (no no)
But I'll cut her fucking neck and think nothing of it
"I bet you didn't know the Boogie Man was a clown
But when you see the juggla, your holding your jugular"
With a swing, chop, stab, swing, chop
You're holding your neck together, but your nuts drop
And the cops do the best they can
They pull the axe out your face and say
"Was it the Boogie Man? What was he wearing?"
[Chorus (1x)]
"Please don't let me fall asleep
Cuz the Boogie Man will creep
Through my window in my room
Stab me with a broken broom
Please don't let me fall sleep
Cuz the Boogie Man will creep
Through my window in my room
Stahhh... Boogie Woogie Woogie!"
"It's the incredible, undeadable Boogie Man
Go ahead, pull the covers over your head
Hide under them, he don't give a fuck
It'll just make it that much more easier
For him to suffocate your face!"
[Violent J]
There's three ways to stop me from doing what I do
What? you think I'm a tell you
"Mom, can you leave the door open a bit?"
Thanks, an easy way in, you fucking idiot
Now I stretch your neck out and play in like a banjo
Boomchicka boomchicka like that shit, yo?
Then I stretch it out more and fling your head through the wall
It's the Boogie Man y'all
[Chorus (1x)]
cassies been getting more and more obsessed with ICP, its rubbing off on me so heres some lyrics =D
"Boogie Woogie Wu"
"The beast lives out of the raging storm in the dead of night
The ravenous, blood-sick creatures searches for it's sacrifice
Through the hideous darkness, it lurches, driven by death itself
Only the satisfaction of slaughter will cause it to return to
The darkness from which it came"
Boogie woogie woogie woogie wu [2x]
[Violent J]
Boys and girls, it's nighty night time
Happy J the Clown has a nursery rhyme
It's about, The Boogie Woogie Man
Keep your light on as long as you can
Cuz when it cuts off, so does your head
Boogie Woogie Woogie waits under your bed
With a shank, splah!, up through the bottom
Little Jimmy Jimmy, uh, got em
"It's the one and only Boogie Man
He creeps, he hides, he sneaks, he slides
If your little feetsies are hanging off the edge of the bed
You're running on stumps motherfucker!!!"
[Violent J]
Well, moonlight fills the room that you sleep in
Things go bump in the night, me creeping
Ouch! Fuck! I stubbed my toe
If you'd just quit leaving your shit all over the fucking floor
Fuck it, you're dead anyway
And I'm gonna leave your head smack dead in the hallway
In the morning, when your daddy walks out
AAAAHHH!!! His foots in your mouth, thanks to the Boogie Man
[Chorus (1x)]
Boogie woogie woogie woogie wu (here comes the boogie man)
Boogie woogie woogie woogie wu (haha haha haha haha)
Boogie woogie woogie woogie wu (make way for the boogie man)
Boogie woogie woogie woogie wu (mom! dad! ah! no!)
[Violent J]
"Does the Boogie Man really exist?"
Well, is your mother a bald-headed freak bitch? yes
You fall asleep and you wake up dead
With a broken broom sticking out your forehead
I sing lullabies till you dose off
Tie you down and chew your fuckin toes off
And then spit em out back in your face
Splat! Fuck, wash your feet bitch!
"The world's famous Boogie Woogie Wu will come to you
Slumber parties, sleepovers, intimate nights
Whatever the occasion for the midnight hour
He will gladly come and fuck that shit up"
[Violent J]
I don't beat woman, fuck that, I'm above it (no no)
But I'll cut her fucking neck and think nothing of it
"I bet you didn't know the Boogie Man was a clown
But when you see the juggla, your holding your jugular"
With a swing, chop, stab, swing, chop
You're holding your neck together, but your nuts drop
And the cops do the best they can
They pull the axe out your face and say
"Was it the Boogie Man? What was he wearing?"
[Chorus (1x)]
"Please don't let me fall asleep
Cuz the Boogie Man will creep
Through my window in my room
Stab me with a broken broom
Please don't let me fall sleep
Cuz the Boogie Man will creep
Through my window in my room
Stahhh... Boogie Woogie Woogie!"
"It's the incredible, undeadable Boogie Man
Go ahead, pull the covers over your head
Hide under them, he don't give a fuck
It'll just make it that much more easier
For him to suffocate your face!"
[Violent J]
There's three ways to stop me from doing what I do
What? you think I'm a tell you
"Mom, can you leave the door open a bit?"
Thanks, an easy way in, you fucking idiot
Now I stretch your neck out and play in like a banjo
Boomchicka boomchicka like that shit, yo?
Then I stretch it out more and fling your head through the wall
It's the Boogie Man y'all
[Chorus (1x)]
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